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  • mrpither
    Mar 25, 11:05 AM
    Missed their chance when Apple didn't approve the improved Google maps app the first time it was available. Now it has improved even more while has done nothing, and I'm sure Google has withdrawn the app now that they are doing their own phone OS.

    Come on Apple - give us a nice surprise.

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  • mikeschmeee
    Apr 14, 04:33 PM (

    I'm a bit disappointed in this photo. I could have done a better edit but out of 5 different ones this is the best I could get with my skills. I'm going to take a photoshop class in the summer. I need to step my game up a lot!

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  • .Andy
    May 4, 05:16 PM
    So, what do you call, and how do we handle the individual(s)who planned, and helped to plan the death of 3,000 + individuals on 9/11, the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, the Bali nightclub bombings, and who knows how many more acts of terrorism?
    Terrorism doesn't require torture to combat it one iota. Just las with any form justice. You are completely off track.

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  • zMacintoshz
    Mar 21, 06:18 PM
    what did you ( you probably answered this 100000000 times):apple:


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  • Nicolasdec
    Mar 24, 12:42 PM
    is there any way i can sync my music, videos and photos with my ps3?

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  • Cassie
    Nov 14, 06:42 PM
    Probably not a whole lot, they're not exactly collectors items. Together, honestly you might be looking at $10 or 15 on eBay.


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  • AmigoMac
    Nov 4, 03:13 AM
    Doesn't run on 10.3

    I have 10.3.5 and runs just fine, perfect should I say...

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  • twoodcc
    Dec 31, 09:12 AM
    man these 2684's are killing me. i didn't make the deadline for the last one b/c of 2 power outages


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  • Macky-Mac
    May 4, 12:17 PM
    I saw a guest, Matthew Alexander, on the Ed [Schultz] Show talk about the ineffectiveness of enhanced interrogation (torture).

    Here's a link to the video. Skip ahead to 7:15 minutes in to see the interview.

    Please take a few minutes to view it and let me know what you think.

    interesting, he notes that the department of defense compiled stats that show that mistreatment of muslim prisoners was the #1 most effective recruiting tool for al Qaeda

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  • tbobmccoy
    May 2, 04:31 PM
    I don't think the person you are responding to was equating homosexuality with anything. If you've ever given blood, which I have many times, you would know that you have to fill out a form every time which asks you questions based on high-risk behaviors, including sex-for-money, intravenous drug use, and male-to-male sex. They are in no way equated.

    Except that the question "male to male sex" is discriminatory. It doesn't ask you "received anal sex", it asks you about your sexual orientation. Plain and simple, discriminatory and non-scientific because male-to-female sex has the exact same risks.


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  • Keniff
    Mar 23, 05:50 AM
    Using Apogee Duet and would like to record Safari 10.0.4.
    Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated in advance...

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  • windowsblowsass
    Aug 19, 06:28 PM
    my first try it suckstoo much to come ne where near to winning but so what only 90 some to go anyways


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  • Gasu E.
    Apr 7, 09:17 PM
    Yes, we all have doubts. I, for one, think it is a scam. Verizon et al will charge you to get your "own" data once you exceed your "cap". And one well placed terrorist act will erase any data center anywhere. Back up and hold your data. Do not rely on the cloud.

    One fire will wipe out your house, your computer, your backup drive and your backup DVDs.

    If a a data center is well run, they will be replicating everything offsite, possibly even in more than one location.

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  • ToxicDrew
    May 4, 09:44 PM
    I was wondering if one would be able to get a FaceTime HD camera and install it on a 2010 iMac? Could it possibly be as simple as just taking the iSight cam out and plugging the FaceTime HD in? I would really like the 720P capability of the new cam.


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  • superbovine
    Dec 16, 01:23 AM
    I suck at photoshop, but here goes nothing. I guess, if it was a little bigger it look decent.

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  • gspannu
    Mar 30, 05:59 PM
    Breaking news: Apple have just released Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2.

    Downloading as I write...

    Read more here (


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  • corywoolf
    Nov 1, 12:05 AM
    do you work in an Apple store?

    No comment. :D

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  • 100Years
    May 3, 10:11 AM
    It was my bad --- apparently there was a newer driver on the CalDigit website. Works fine now.

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  • macdon401
    Dec 14, 04:49 PM
    Hi again...I am getting no audio on any websites or Windows Media Player!
    Sound on iTunes is fine, have downloaded some Quicktime movie trailers and they seem fine?? Please help....!!
    Thank you

    iMac 20 " G5 1.8 768 Ram

    May 1, 01:28 AM
    A new name is not going to make your mediocre .mac/.mobileme/.newname#1,000,000 service any better Apple.

    Feb 19, 04:41 PM


    Mar 21, 12:35 PM
    I would agree that you should start raising your rates to attract a higher calibre of clientele. If you have existing clients that you enjoy working with that you don't want to annoy by suddenly raising your prices on them, you can always offer them a "preferred client" rate or some such.

    As for the annoying micromanaging client, perhaps that's when you set up something like WordPress and pass it along for them to update themselves?

    I'm also curious as to the rule against working for religious organizations. (I'm not a designer for hire, but I do a lot of design and web work for a charity I volunteer with, which is indeed a religious organization). Is it because they're always on the cheap? Are they more demanding than your usual clients? Help us avoid making the classic mistakes :)

    Mar 7, 07:58 AM

    Oct 12, 01:41 PM
    He did things the Apple way and put design before function.

    Tweetie 2 is beautiful, but not having push notifications is pathetic. Whats even more pathetic is his excuse that "its borderline impossible to do it reliably". Thats funny, because I have SimplyTweet & Echofon Pro and they both push great!

    Personally don't get the desire to have push for Tweets. Atleast in my case my world won't come to a screaching halt if I don't get my tweets right away. I have a job and such so I can't afford the time to look at tweets every thirty seconds...cuz...well....I have a job and such. I check them when there is a lul on the action or when I get home.

    Then again, I don't have push turned on for my work or personal e-mail accounts either. I want to be in control of my e-mail....not it in control of me.


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