david garrett encore

david garrett encore. David Garrett - Encore
  • David Garrett - Encore

  • sdrblr
    09-21 10:41 AM
    Quick question... Do you know why your H1 extension was rejected(denied). If the reason is client letter, why and how do you think it will be approved with a new company when they will have to get the same letter from the same client. How different will be your situation.

    If the reason is not for client letter, then ignore the above question.


    I am in a situation and hope someone here would be able to provide me with some advice. I was employed by Company A since 2006 and I was working at a Client location for the last 3 years. There is company B who is the primary vendor for the Client. Recently my H1 extension was denied and so I went out of status. I reached out to my end client for help. Since they are happy with my work, they said that they can talk to another vendor (company C) to sponsor a new H1 for me. Company C is now ready to file my H1 but the problem is that Company A somehow got to know about this and is enforcing a non compete agreement on me.

    I wanted to know if they can do this even though the H1 was denied and they are unable to provide me with any job. Can they stop me from earning my livelihood. I did not go out and breached any contract, I am trying to move only because my H1 with company A has been denied. The only thing is that the end client is the same.


    david garrett encore. Encore Tour, Kempten (Germany)
  • Encore Tour, Kempten (Germany)

  • senthil1
    09-19 06:45 PM
    Yes any bill which has H1b increase will have slim chance of passing. Also whenever Cornyn introduces bill Durbin introduces his bill(SA2238)
    and pro-mmigrants/Corporations will not accept Durbin bill so both will fail. This was a drama for some time in past. This may be another drama in this year. If it needs to be passed then both the bills need to be diluted to get support of some key neutral congressmen.

    Before this discussion thread grows bigger and hopes get inflated, I thought I should quote logiclife's post on "Order to Lie on the Table", that was discussed sometime ago for a different amendment. Enjoy the logic and humor.

    david garrett encore. [Klassik] quot;David Garrett
  • [Klassik] quot;David Garrett

  • lecter
    February 2nd, 2004, 11:49 PM
    I have no direct knowledge, but I amsure there are those that do. I'd be surprised if it doesn't work, but I know in Canons case there are certainlenses that need some sort of "re-chipping". Before you buy I'd certainly take it into the shop and try it out and check the EXIF info that it produces (most likely place it will fail, or omit data)
    Dunno if that helps.


    I am looking forward to this camera hitting the streets, another excellent sub $1,000 camera is sure to put the competition on notice. I love competition (unless I am bidding.. hehe)


    david garrett encore. David Garrett - Encore
  • David Garrett - Encore

  • GCwaitforever
    02-13 01:44 PM
    Stuck in Immigration backlog? Join IV for a furlong.


    david garrett encore. David Garrett
  • David Garrett

  • gconmymind
    03-25 03:18 PM
    Is this true?


    That seems to be correct. STRIVE had similar provisions when it was introduced last time. HOWEVER, is STRIVE being discussed currently by Congress? Do you have a link to that?

    david garrett encore. 데이빗 가렛(David Garrett)의
  • 데이빗 가렛(David Garrett)의

  • jsb
    05-10 10:25 PM
    we received a soft LUD on 04-30 we are july 2007 filers..not sure what it means..
    It only means that for whatever reason your electronic case was accessed, which might even mean that someone was training a new employee on how to open a case. Not much significance should be attached to it, however.


    david garrett encore. DAVID GARRETT Live -

  • eastindia
    02-01 01:15 PM
    Donate to the Haiti earthquake fund. They need your help.

    david garrett encore. David Garrett: Encore
  • David Garrett: Encore

  • i4u
    07-28 08:57 AM
    Thanks for your response. I have not tried the infopass yet. But my PD is not current and will that be an issue for scheduling an Infopass apointment.

    Also, is Infopass same as Service Request (SR).

    Service Request is for those who are waiting for more than 90 days for check clearance or to report a problem. Also check IV wikki (http://immigrationvoice.org/wiki/index.php/Technical_Terms_on_US_Immigration)


    david garrett encore. Garrett and David Guetta
  • Garrett and David Guetta

  • JunRN
    12-17 03:49 PM
    New job must match the LC...that's the trick. If it doesn't, it will get rejected and potentially, GC denied.

    Career progression from Junior Programmer to Senior Programmer is possible. But to manager with less technical stuff and more management stuff, then it might get rejected because of huge difference from LC.

    Always remember, get a job that is according to your LC because that is the one certified.

    david garrett encore. David Garrett - Encore 2008
  • David Garrett - Encore 2008

  • atlgc
    11-09 09:32 AM
    the attroney preparing with masters plus 7 years experience

    he says not every application get audited but there are chances

    per him its not post masters years ,its over all experience


    david garrett encore. David garrett
  • David garrett

  • andy garcia
    09-19 06:35 PM
    How come a bill which talks about " ....authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for military activities of the Department of Defense......" can link an amendment which talks about different thing i.e. "..Recapture of Unused Employment-Based Immigrant Visas..."

    This is how(pay attention to the bold text):

    SA 2143. Mr. CORNYN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 1585, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

    david garrett encore. of Encore - David Garrett
  • of Encore - David Garrett

  • fromnaija
    04-20 05:28 PM
    IF you move to a different city that is not within the same Metroplolitan Area, yes you will have to restart your GC process. The good news however is that you can retain the priority date if your old I-140 is approved.


    david garrett encore. David Garrett / Virtuoso
  • David Garrett / Virtuoso

  • kaisersose
    04-16 02:29 PM
    Hi Gurus,

    I am on 9th year H1B extension.I filed I140/485 concurrently in June 2007 and on April 11th I got the denial email for I140.
    No RFE/NOID received.

    Here is my case.

    PD May 2003, EB2, own labor. During Dec 06, the labor was converted from NON RIR to RIR and amended to accept BS+5 OR MS+3 to reflect the current state.

    I-140/485/EAD/AP applied in June 2007, NSC and received EAD/AP and used AP recently. My H1B valid till Feb 2009.

    After 5 stressful days finally today, we got the denial notice and it looks like USCIS assumed my Labor under EB3 classification and rejected my I140 where as the labor certificate is approved under EB2 classification. our attorney believes that its the result of an overlook by IO at the amedments made to the original labor.

    Please let me know what options I have.


    If your attorney is right, then you have nothing to worry about. An MTR will fix the problem.

    david garrett encore. David Garrett - David Garrett
  • David Garrett - David Garrett

  • small2006
    07-21 10:21 AM
    I don't know if this is old news but thought of sharing it anyway.

    I was in the same boat as many others here i.e, no FP notice even 1yr after filing for 485. With my PD becoming current in Aug 2008, I called my attorney to see if he can do anything to help me out. He told me that due to several complaints from people like us and a law suit threat (or an actual lawsuit, not sure) from AILA, the Texas center has sent has set up an exclusive fax line for such requests. This system came into existence only about 2-3 weeks ago.

    He sent a fax on my behalf to that number last Tuesday 7/15/08. My wife and I both received FP notices on Sat 7/19/08! So looks like for a change, something that’s set up for our own good is actually working. Frankly, I hadn’t pinned any hopes on the fax having a positive impact but I was pleasantly surprised. Our appointments are for next week.

    Hope this little tip will help others in the same boat if their attorneys are either not aware and/or haven’t told their clients about it.

    The fax number is not made available to the general public. Only attorneys have access to it.

    BTW: As a result of all this, I haven't seen any LUD changes (soft or hard) on my case status online....I thought that was strange.


    david garrett encore. David Garrett gt; Encore
  • David Garrett gt; Encore

  • nkavjs
    11-15 09:47 AM
    Tri State Folks,
    You just saw priority dates in Dec visa bulletin. What do you plan to do now?
    I have some answers for you but would like to hear from you first..

    Hello IV members : I am mad about discrimination agst Indian and China born applicants for GC processing times. I have read many posts in here and it states to join tri-state chapters .. What does it mean? How can we be part of this.. Pls. elaborate.

    david garrett encore. David Garrett - Vier Jahres
  • David Garrett - Vier Jahres

  • ramaa
    06-21 11:00 PM
    Thank you for reply.

    Can I request to port 2003 PD at the time of filing 2nd I-140


    Should I first get 2nd I-140 approved with new 2007 PD and then try to port old 2003 PD while filing for I-485.

    Job description, salary does not matter in porting PD. Is there any possible reason CIS may not port the PD though old I-140 is not revoked by employer.

    I appreciate your input.



    david garrett encore. Peace - David Garrett - Encore.flv
  • Peace - David Garrett - Encore.flv

  • stueym
    07-09 03:48 PM
    Thank you for all your support. Quick update. Our video now has 1439 viewings, 132 ratings and 38 comments (as at 4:15pm EDT 7/9). This has resulted in us having the #32 top rated video of the week in News and Politics. Your support has been wonderful and thank you for your positive comments.

    We have looked at a large number of the other videos in the competition and we certainly have a much higher rating and viewings than any of the videos other than the ones posted in the first week of the competition. Sadly we dont want to monitor them as every time we check their score it rates as another viewing for them :p

    We remain hopeful that our moderate position on a difficult topic may give us an edge but who knows. My son is dying to pose a supplementary to the video question about the byzantine process we all have to endure.

    Will keep you updated.

    david garrett encore. DEAG Music David Garrett
  • DEAG Music David Garrett

  • jai_immigration
    04-30 03:51 PM
    I have done interfiling myself with PD of March 2000, no luck yet. Interfile is a matter of luck, there is no guarantee that the letter you send will reach your file. Also USCIS does not give any confirmation that received your interfile and will transfer the PD. All depends on when they process your case and see your interfile, they may take action.

    I had sent my interfile January sent by Fax and also by Fedex, followed up with a phone call numerous times. Not discouraging, but wanted to share my experience.

    david garrett encore. November erscheint David
  • November erscheint David

  • ilwaiting
    06-15 02:52 PM
    I see your PD is 2004? there are thousands of people whose PD is probably before you waiting to file 485. I guess they would get there GC's first. I don't think there is a way to speed up the process. It should be FIFO.


    Like me, many of you have filed I-485 before Sept 2005 and got stuck due to priority dates getting retrogressed. Now that that the PD is current what action should we take to get the cases approved and not get stuck again.

    PLEASE POOL IN YOUR INPUTS so that a collective thought will put us in the right direction to get the GC approved before the PD move back.


    Please see my Signature below for info regarding me.
    PD July 2004
    140/EAD/AP/485 file RD:11/05/2004 ND:11/09/2004
    EAD1 Approved:11/22/2004
    AP1 Approved:11/23/2005
    140 Approved:2/1/2005
    EAD2 RD: 10/06/05 AD: 10/25/05
    AP2 RD: 10/06/05 AD:10/31/05
    EAD3 RD 7/7/2006 AD: 7/27/06
    FP1 - 03/10/05
    FP2 4/25/07
    SELF Name Check Cleared!!!: Dec. 2004 & Jan 2006.
    SPOUSE Name Check Cleared!!!: Mar. 2006

    07-28 12:18 PM
    My prediction for this year..

    EB1 = Current
    EB2 = Jan 2003 (Because of BEC cases coming out, chance for them to file I-485 in October)
    EB3 = U

    03-18 10:18 AM
    You & your wife should talk to a good attorney about the possibility of using "interfiling" in case of a divorce. I was in the same situation as you couple of years ago & Shiela Murthy's office recommended "interfiling". If you need more information send me a PM
    Need your opinion on this.. filed for I-485 on EB2 in July 07. I am the primary applicant. I have been married since May '04. Need to apply for a divorce. My wife, a derivative in my application, is holding up the process as it may affect her chances of getting a GC without any sweat. She has an parallel GC process running solely in her name, which I believe hasnt cleared PERM yet (some sort of audit). She is on H1B, extendable for another 3 years, and has EAD from my GC application. Will there be any implications on her application if the divorce goes through? And also, can I out of spite do anything to get her derivative application out of the queue :rolleyes: ?

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