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  • Kahnyl
    Apr 15, 05:02 PM
    Ugh. lol. Sorry.

    Apple has sent out an email alerting all Mac OS X developers about the release

    I never get these!

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 1, 05:20 AM
    I kinda feel like we should at least have the option to not have every element of our gui bogged down with image files.

    I was thinking that it would be cool if more of the UI was plain openGL and less image based. how cool (although impracticle) would it be if the entire gui was 5 channels. R, G, B, alpha, displace. Then the os could load ONE metal image, and all the sliders, buttons,wells could be smokey glass(slightly transparent, dark grey, and displaced the image behind it like a glass of water.) that would be more open gl work but less loading of images.

    that would reflect the realitive increase in graphics processors comprared to regular ones.

    sometimes I just wonder how quick an update to the classic interface would fly on a modern machine

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  • cleanup
    Apr 15, 07:09 AM
    Working at Microsoft is not a detriment to his career. It's a boon. I think you'd be hard pressed to find people who would refuse to work at the most successful software company in the world, except the most zealot-minded Apple fanboys, such as we have here. I understand why people downvote the story, but for goodness' sake, I'm fairly sure Apple's HR people know better than us. Give him a freaking break. He's going go to do a job 8000 times better than any random schmuck off the streets (or on these forums for that matter), and that's why he got it.

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  • dwright1974
    Apr 12, 02:06 PM
    aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I want to buy this!!!! But alas I cannot afford it at present, well it depends on if I get a 3DS next weekend or not. But having used the demo of Outlook I love it, much better then Mail IMO.

    If anyone knows of a cheaper price then around �160 in the UK let me know cause that's the best I've found.

    Are you in education? Or do you have children in education?

    If so, then you can buy it for just under �39 from RM (

    Full disclosure: I work for RM.




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  • grooveattack
    Feb 23, 03:41 PM
    oooo high as pos please. was thinking dvd screen shot but it looks pants.

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  • Guitar Wallpapers For Mobile.

  • Dooger
    Mar 24, 01:33 PM
    Steve doesn't own the company,the stock holders do.

    Those"shock and awe merchants"are people who volunteered to risk their lives to defend their country.

    You're right, it's the stock holders calling the shots.

    And sorry to sound churlish, but how exactly is invading a country thousands of miles from your own an act of defence?


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  • the world map wallpaper.

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 13, 02:44 AM
    The 3G graph just shows how ignorant people are when choosing between ATT and Verizon.

    ATT has the fastest 3G network
    ATT has GSM, the standard chipset around the globe

    Dropped calls and data plan are not the same thing

    All this equals that people are ignorant

    Maybe more people live in areas where Verizon has better coverage. There's a map for that, you know.

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  • Tom And Jerry Wallpapers.

  • ddtlm
    Oct 2, 08:16 PM

    While both Solaris and OSX are Unix OS's, that does not mean that OSX can scale as well as Solaris any more than it means that Solaris can run the OSX interface (which it obviously cannot).

    The fact that OSX is some sort of Unix means a lot less than you seem to think. It is good because it means it adheres to certain standards, but it says little or nothing about the machinery that makes it go.


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  • Tom And Jerry Wallpapers.

  • iGary
    Apr 2, 06:19 PM
    You don't like to be told how do do things the wrong way but you like Word?

    I like it for TYPING. :rolleyes:

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  • Mr. Retrofire
    Feb 19, 09:23 AM
    Isnt Jobs a vegan? Cancer or not, not eating any animal products whatsoever is going to make you quite thin. If for no other reason than most things have animal products thus there just isnt a lot to eat.

    Most things which can (!) make you fat, are natural products which "we" extract from fruits (starch, sugar, and so on), and which "we" use daily in "our" kitchen. It has nothing to do with "animal products".


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  • amols
    Sep 27, 11:02 AM
    My EOS 400D works fine (in tethered mode as well as just transfering from the memory card)?

    When did it come out? I was looking for it on Google but couldn't find aything but early reviews. Any links/directions ??

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  • windows 7 moving background.

  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 9, 10:40 AM
    You cannot simply go "oh we are spending more money than we have, lets just go get more money" or "what do we want to do? let's get the money to do it" and expect to keep a balanced budget. Because the next time you have the problem, you'll do the same thing. This obviously is not repeatable indefinitely.And nobody said it was, or that you should repeat it indefinitely. But you can't expect people to get on board with severe cuts -- especially the ones they're now talking about to Medicare, Medicaid and SS -- if you're still overspending on defense, tax cuts for the rich, and corporate loopholes.

    The way to keep a balanced budget does not change when you are the government as compared with individual. It's about not spending more than you have and then finding ways to get more money. It's about spending money on things which are necessary, not merely wanted.The government funds plenty of things, like libraries and parks, that aren't "necessary" but wanted. In the end it's all about how much we're willing to pay for. What's odd is that you see the middle class wanting to keep many of those services; it's the rich and the corporations that are screaming bloody murder about them.


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  • The Beatles
    Apr 14, 03:10 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    You can take they guy out of microsoft.
    Lets just hope they can take microsoft out of the guy. ;)


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  • Michaelgtrusa
    Mar 28, 08:15 AM
    Good news!


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  • nagromme
    Mar 13, 12:16 PM
    My AT&T 4G (not yet running 4.3—I like to be a late adopter of big updates from any company) changed times automatically in the night, and my alarm went off as it should.

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  • Infinity
    Sep 25, 10:52 AM

    "....Aperture 1.5 update available this week, free to existing customers
    That�s it folks."

    The event is over.
    No MBP to be seen :(


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  • dazzer21
    Mar 18, 07:34 AM
    Was 129.9 at Sainsburys, Hempstead (Kent, UK) until Thursday, went up to 130.9. Cobham Esso (on the M2 motorway) always used to be 1p cheaper but has now gone up to 133.9 (141.9 for diesel - ouch!) BUT:

    Farthing Corner Services (BP) just after j4 on the M2, Kent - 138.9 for petrol, 145.9 for diesel!

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  • rasmasyean
    Apr 30, 05:31 PM
    Sadly, these "findings" really only say (or rather confirms the status quo) one thing to me.
    Mac users are...PRETENTIOUS!

    Lets see:
    computer loyalty...zealot
    All other snob crap...flamboyantly rich and or wannabe rich

    My favorite is:
    computer-savvy and "early adopters"...LOL, clueless overbearing confidence based on ignorance.

    Not only is the "genius bar" full of retards who help more retarded retards, but omg...if "computer savvy" means knowing how to use web applications that don't require install of real programs, then I'll grant "mac-users" that one.
    Considering that nearly all "Pro IT" overwhelmingly used Windows not to mention that "gamers" are one of the most comptuer-savvy consumers, where the heck do computer-savvy Mac users come from? Those who can use FB, Twitter, Tumblr and other "early adopter software" vs. the old school, MS Office, ultra graphics games, Product Lifecyle Management Systems, and other real software? Yeah, I guess "young 20-somethings" will find out how using your Facebook / Web 2.0 computer skills in the real world will get your fired!

    crossfire wallpaper spop. GRUNGE BACKGROUND WALLPAPER

  • Snowcat001
    Feb 18, 11:20 AM
    I wonder wether there was a certain order at the table. Jobs and Zuckerberg flanking the president seems to be more than an accident.

    Good to see Steve in a picture like this, hope he gets better soon!

    Apr 10, 11:53 PM
    On the one hand he is right.
    I work in IT, and the iPad to me is just a novelty toy.
    I have one an use it for just 2 things(reading the newspaper and watching movies on the train to my work). And for just those 2 things it is rather expensive.
    On the other hand the thing I liked the most about OS X, is that is able to be used hardcore-IT people(thanks to being a UNIX) and complete noobs. And this is something I miss in the iPad(for the iPhone I don't care, i have an SSH-app in case of emergency when I'm not near a computer and that's it.
    Making couchbrowsers(cause thats what iPads are mostly used for) for non-tech people is good.
    But I just hope they still care about tech-savy people in OS X.

    Apr 13, 10:31 AM
    No matter how much you polish a turd, it's still a turd.

    People like you make me laugh. Office 2011 is great, anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

    Sure, there are alternatives to Office which people may prefer, but Office 2011 is great. Complete and utter fact.

    Oct 11, 07:22 PM
    i dont know if it was posted yet but god please put out an iphone with a physical keyboard.

    i miss my tilt and the ability to see everything i type in text.

    AT&T Tilt was amazing, I loved the phone and best keyboard ever.

    I so hope they bring out an iPhone like!!!

    Oct 6, 01:44 PM
    Yeah I don't think Apple needs to bend over backwards for developers on keeping the screen at 3.5". Developers that want to make money will naturally make apps to adjust, say if Apple sells 3 million 4" screen device in 3 months.

    I welcome the bigger screen if Apple can maintain the same retina display quality and just as thin as the iPhone 4. I would easily pay another $100 - 200 for the additional screen real estate. The HTC and Samsung phones are way too thick for my taste. And I also think that a redesign of the iPhone front screen is way over due. It's been the same in 4 generations.

    Oct 6, 10:32 AM
    No, I'm not talking about MP3 players I'm talking about phones. Nokia and Sony Ericsson, for example, is losing market share while Apple is gaining it from them.

    Yes, but your point was that Apple will fail like other manufactures if they introduce different form factors. That isn't the case with the iPod selection.

    Your point doesn't really hold much ground.

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