bo laksa king

bo laksa king. laksa perak
  • laksa perak

  • str1f3
    Dec 28, 05:53 PM
    Nor does it stop people from letting their fingers fly on the keyboard before they know all the facts. :rolleyes:

    LOL, yeah facts�Like you saying The Consumerist was lying for web hits even though AT&T brought out the girl to recant her statement. Or you coming up figures that say 1.2% of all NYers are subject to credit theft and assuming half were so thieves could buy iPhones. Or summizing that this was the real problem only for AT&T to change their policy a day later. LOL, yeah facts�

    bo laksa king. Gyoza King
  • Gyoza King

  • gatearray
    Apr 5, 10:25 AM
    First off, leave my post alone.
    Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.

    Wow, you're some kind of business GENIUS! :)

    Seriously, though, hell will freeze over before iPad 3 is released in September, or any time whatsoever in 2011. Just let it go, man...

    bo laksa king. made laksa boy found out
  • made laksa boy found out

  • Doctor Q
    Sep 24, 12:29 PM
    Originally posted by shadowfax0
    You sure it was 5H and 52M? My friend's single 867 get like 6-7 hours...but any details on how you ran it would be nice too :) But still, I'm liking that time, about ( about people, about, I swear if I hear about this someone's gonna die...) 5 workunits a day, not bad, not bad at all...

    Yup, 5:52:11.2 per unit. I ran it in screensaver mode, watching the display for the first 1/2 hour (I couldn't help it - the flashing lights hypnotized me!) and then letting it turn off the display after that. I have yet to try command-line mode (no GUI), which would presumably tweak the speed still further.

    bo laksa king. resepi laksa penang sedap.
  • resepi laksa penang sedap.

  • nickisgame69
    Mar 24, 12:03 PM
    ATV quality is in Apple's control but T quality is not. If they do decide to license the software technology then every tv manufacturer will implement with their own hardware. Its possible that Airplay will work better on one device versus another. I believe that will taint the Apple brand. Apple should stick with its guns. ATV works well because it fits in Apple's model. Licensing software that is so hardware dependent is just a bad idea.


    bo laksa king. resepi laksa penang sedap.
  • resepi laksa penang sedap.

  • mrspoons
    Mar 14, 09:50 AM
    Will try and sort out a standard cable then, cheers for the help

    bo laksa king. Assam Laksa
  • Assam Laksa

  • iPhelim
    Oct 25, 10:47 AM
    im definitely gonna be there tomorrow and was thinking of broadcasting it on JTV (i live only 35 minutes from waterloo, so then its just a quick tube ride:cool:). i thought i'd turn up at like 5.30 but from reading all the above im thinking i should get there earlier....
    if i do get there really early and theres no queue i think i'll just spend a few hours in the caffe nero thats practically next door, they should so do a Caffe:apple: even if its just for one day:D


    bo laksa king. laksa penang resepi. resepi
  • laksa penang resepi. resepi

  • TheKrillr
    Sep 1, 01:44 AM
    Who wants to take bets on when the update will be released on torrent sites and FTP servers just like the dev beta? :D

    It won't need to be, those who have 10.5 installed already simply need to run the builtin update software... just like every other system update for every other OS X version.

    bo laksa king. laksa penang resepi. resepi
  • laksa penang resepi. resepi

  • peharri
    Sep 26, 03:10 PM
    I wish people would actually read the letter before jumping on Apple's back! It clearly states: "While Apple, of course, has no general objection to proper use of the descriptive term podcast as part of a trademark for goods and services in the podcast field...."

    That's how I read it too. The poll needs to be changed, right now it's like one of those Fox news polls:

    Q: Are you in favour of the War in Iraq?

    1. Yes, I support our troops and America! I think Bush should be President for years!
    2. No, I'm a coward and I also support Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.


    bo laksa king. laksa kuala kedah. laksa johor
  • laksa kuala kedah. laksa johor

  • Polo5
    Oct 6, 10:00 AM
    Really? that would be interesting

    bo laksa king. Katong Laksa (Singapore
  • Katong Laksa (Singapore

  • MacCoaster
    Sep 24, 02:40 PM
    Originally posted by {1984}
    i guess everyone knows about the whole "MHz myth" thing...
    Reason for G4 processors killing the Pentium 4 is cuz of the pipeline and i'm not gonna bother cuz everyone probably knows...
    Funny that Motorola had to add a few more pipelines just to have the G4 catch up to the Pentium 4. Sorry bud, in pure performance, the Pentium 4 2.8GHz and Athlon XP 2.13GHz 2600+ has got it beat. *IF* the G4 was at ~2.x GHz, sure it'd beat the Pentium 4, but the fastest one is 1.25GHz. Dual 1.25 GHz != 2.5GHz in real world so, as pointed by the "benchmarks," Approximately 2.25 GHz G4 (1.25x2) performs just as good as a single Pentium 4 2.8GHz. There are also *A LOT* other things that contribute to performance other than just the stupid pipelines. Memory controller, bus, pretty much anything.

    Right now, the G4 simply sucks. We need the G5 or the new IBM PowerPC. G4 isn't living up to its expectations unless Motorola has performed some miracle to boost the G4 to 3GHz overnight. That ain't happening, either. The best G4 Motorola has ever done was the 7410. Those Dual 533MHzs kicked other arses!

    On the other hand, for productivity, the Macintosh experience is the simply best and fastest, but as a research computer, I'll take a quad Xeon running FreeBSD 5.0 for the price of a high end Power Mac G4, thank you. Otherwise, if I want to get my **** done, I'll simply buy an iMac 800MHz with the best desktop OS.


    bo laksa king. Restaurant: Gyoza King
  • Restaurant: Gyoza King

  • Abraxsis
    Mar 31, 06:01 PM
    Just a point to remember in this thread. While fuel prices are much more expensive in Europe, their wages are more significant than ours in the US as well. Minimum wage in the US is currently at 7.25/hour, or roughly 1160/month based on 4 weeks of 40 hours per. This alone can explain some of the gas prices being so high outside of the US.

    The minimum wage in the UK is a little over 9.50/hour USD making a monthly, min. wage of approx. 1615.00/month. In the Netherlands it is 11.54/hour USD at 1846/month. 11.92/hour USD (1907/month) in Germany, and 15.50/hour USD (2480/month) in Australia. And in France it is 12.58/hour USD or 2012/month.

    You can also factor in holiday time (vacation time to us yanks) and way more paid holidays (as in actual Holidays to us yanks) with the salary as benefits.

    Oh, I filled up at 3.42/gallon today.

    bo laksa king. to “Cat Mountain King”.
  • to “Cat Mountain King”.

  • babyj
    Oct 9, 06:49 PM
    Target, Wal Mart and everyone else will continue to sell dvds and cds as long as they are making money from them. When they don't make any money from them they'll stop selling them and not before.

    At the moment they are moaning about online distribution to get better prices from their suppliers, so they can lower their prices and / or make more profit from them. They'll also have their own download services as well when and where they can, provided they make money from them as well.

    I can't believe either of them have or would threaten movie companies, especially as it won't get them anywhere - there is no way a movie company would say no to online distribution just because they told them to.

    The cd / dvd market is no different to anything else that Target and Wal Mart sell, they will be using similar arguments with all of their suppliers all of the time. The only difference is that it ain't a story when its about vacuum cleaners, dairy products or kitchen cleaning products.


    bo laksa king. resepi laksa penang sedap
  • resepi laksa penang sedap

  • velocityg4
    Mar 21, 09:03 AM
    I usually get the battery life as advertised by Apple. Though I turn the screen down to two or three bars (usually three since it often flickers at two). The Macbook is also mostly used for light computing such as web browsing with Flash disabled via the Flashblock add-on for Firefox, viewing documents in MS Word or Adobe Reader and rarely watching a DVD ripped to the hard drive (only when flying).

    I could see people easily getting less battery life by leaving the brightness up, playing games or leaving Flash enabled when web browsing.

    bo laksa king. laksa perak
  • laksa perak

  • davelanger
    Jan 3, 11:43 AM
    My towns on the list. North Jersey (in Bergen County) town. Awesome.

    How does Apple let AT&T get away with this.

    Its simple, if Apple wants out of their contact with ATT, then let them do things like this, where Apple can say ATT is breaching their contract and making apple lose sales. So because of this apple is going to break their contract legally.


    bo laksa king. laksa perak
  • laksa perak

  • wizard
    Oct 6, 01:32 PM
    No way in hell. They've already asked their developers to change app resolutions once. 3 screen sizes will never fly with developers.

    99.999% likelihood of this being total nonsense.

    More importantly if developers where paying attention they would have heard Apples very strong suggestion to avoid dependecies on screen size and resolution. Something Apple has been suggesting for years now.

    bo laksa king. laksa johor
  • laksa johor

  • VulchR
    Mar 24, 06:11 AM
    I do wish people in this forum stop referring to 'the military' as though they were some sort of alien life-forms. 'The military' are people, and even if you happen to be in the oh-so-unique moral high ground of opposing war and violence from your comfortable desk, soldiers deserve the best kit we can afford to give them. Ditto for the returning veterans. And their families.


    bo laksa king. laksa johor
  • laksa johor

  • anti-microsoft
    Feb 19, 02:00 AM
    What country are you from exactly? Zuckerberg (26) is well above the legal drinking age in the US...

    There is just a slight chance he was being sarcastic.


    bo laksa king. martin luther king jr
  • martin luther king jr

  • TheSideshow
    May 5, 01:53 PM
    Eh. They dont do a good job of comparing TBH.

    Should've had the Samsung Series 9 against the MBAs. Envy's against the MBP's as well as the DV's and some Sony's. The Envy would still prove a good point seeing as a comparably equipped MBP 15 would've cost me 2600 versus 1100 I paid after my 30% Bing cash back for my Envy 14. (160GB SSD, 6GB RAM, 1600x900 Radiance screen, Core i5-450M)

    Overall PC manufacturers need to step up their game, not Microsoft. I like my Envy 14 a lot, but I would have paid a bit more for a better trackpad which is my biggest gripe against it.

    bo laksa king. martin luther king jr
  • martin luther king jr

  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 25, 11:35 AM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    Or they're making more :rolleyes:

    Can't wait to see Aperture running on a Macbook. Though I'll definitely go into the Regent St Apple Store to see it running before buying it just incase Apple is being a bit optimistic when it says it 'runs' on a Macbook. It barely run on the Mac Pro I was playing around with at the Store today.

    Anyone know when the stores update their software? Is it done straight away?

    Apr 5, 10:53 AM
    I don't think apple would go 128gb now.. There launching cloud soon, which is the future.

    How is "cloud" the future if bandwidth is still limited and not available everywhere? Cloud = server, This rebranding needs to stop.

    Apr 13, 12:16 AM
    What about denying somebody a job because of their, say, intelligence? Charisma? Any number of things that are largely predetermined?

    Ethnicity doesn't say anything other than the color of the persons skin. However, intelligence and stuff are things that actually can affect wether you are qualified or not. Two quite different things, if you ask me.

    Mar 24, 04:29 PM
    Grrrrr, I can't decide. Looks like I'll probably get the 32GB.. 399 + $45 taxes. Anyone think $444 worth it for the older 32 or do better deals exist? I'm somewhat convinced since it is new.

    I'm debating this as well. I think I'm just going to end up buying the Ipad 2 16gb for $100 more. I don't need 32gb.

    Sep 1, 05:00 PM
    I'm hoping one of the super secret features is a completely reworked Finder.

    I agree Finder is slower than a snail. Many Mac fans live in denial about the s-l--o--w f----i-----n-------d--------e----r but it is a joke compared to XP. I love OS X and it would be easy to impress others with it's elegance if it weren't for the S-L--O---W F----I-----N------D-------E--------R.

    Great! The pop-up menu on my documents folder in the dock just opened. Bye Bye.

    Apr 20, 07:28 AM
    Where have you installed OpenCV and wxWidgets? Are they frameworks or dylib libraries? Have you added the framework or dylib to the Link Binary with Libraries build phase of your target? If they're dylibs, have you additionally added the path(s) to the header files to the Header Search Paths build setting of your target?

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