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  • mayhemt
    02-10 10:28 AM
    Can anyone suggest hotels and/or if already booked can you post those hotel name & locations?

    Also, just a suggestion, this thread is getting complicated as far as matching donors with travelers is concerned... May be create a Google spreadsheet with all the donors (miles, accommodations) and match them with travelers from just one central location?

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  • we_can
    01-03 11:06 PM
    Posted on

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  • BlueSunD
    03-11 12:23 AM
    I�m really sorry. I uploaded the wrong image, now fixed. Tahnks for the remark soulty.

    Guess I better catch some sleep....:tired:

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  • rockstart
    07-16 08:46 AM
    I hope some lawyer on this forum or on their respective websites can answer this question I think most folks have given their FP's only once some where from Oct - Dec 2007 time frame and USCIS said they do not need more FP's for most cases since they now have the ability to reuse the FP's. My guess is unless you have a criminal record of some kind or perhaps your name appears in the POI list they do not call you for FP again perhaps some random cases as part of Quality checks might be included but thats it.

    Does any one remember any statements made by the Ombudsman about preadjudication?


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  • techskill
    09-18 12:28 PM
    Then we shud ask him what are the fundametals of the economy.Because once he said he doesnt know anything abt economy.

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  • baleraosreedhar
    08-11 01:32 PM
    Please count me also for contribution for making EB3 life easy and to reassure a HOPE of reaching end of tunnel


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  • nozerd
    12-27 06:46 PM
    That is what they are afraid off. They want you to go to your home country and not sneak into their country.
    Many ppl go through European airports during transit and then ask for Political asyslum. Many Tamil Tigers did that so did sardars during khalistan times.

    if i'm travelling TO India and transiting through paris/london
    and I have an Indian passport, WHY should I need to show a US Visa to avoid a transit visa? Does this make any sense? I'm not going to the US?????

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  • deepakjain
    06-08 06:33 PM
    My labour cleared in 2009, i guess i need to wait for 10 yrs more !!!, not good , not good at all :eek:

    You might get your GC while you are at the retirement home....


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  • sheela
    10-16 10:14 AM

    Someone left a red dot on post with message: " tells of your lack of ideas".

    I never said that this is the only option left and we have to do this. This was one of the proposal / suggestion. We welcomed other suggestions too! What I wanted and I still want is to do something, I wanted to have a brain storming so that we can come up with some better positive idea. This is not new. We had similar hurdles when tried to request people to promote HR 5882 and other events.

    Above note is a sign of complete loser. This type of people don't have guts to come up in front and express their views because they really don't have guts to do anything. I am not ashamed that I proposed flower campaignwhere there are other possibly better options available.

    I still strongly believe that doing something is always better than cursing something who is trying to do something or doing nothing.

    Seriously, its not illegal lobbies that we are more threatened by. Its our own people.

    I agree we need to do something big to end never-ending regression.

    Let us organise:
    "WORK-ROUND-THE-CLOCK non-stop for 24 hours"

    This will generate lot of interest in media for the hard-working immigrant community

    It will get us support from our Employers/Managers & hurt none

    It is easy to organise at institution level- be it University, Hospitals/Corporate sector or R&D. I believe participation & effect will be much more than we expect. With little publicity -It may become a news of the day

    I tell you what= during our doctoral studies at a prestigious institute in india. we did this and it really worked

    WE can do some polling here and select a date for this event. I may say: Let us start this non-stop event a day-before THANKSGIVING DAY and end on the morning of thanksgiving day.

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  • tikka
    07-05 11:10 AM
    Hope this helps...

    for your contribution!! :)


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  • a_yaja
    04-06 09:32 PM
    well if the employer is not supporting you ..then maybe the IO does have the authority to refuse ?? (well assuming that these cases are correct ..then I guess we can assume that IO has recd instructions from his superiors) it is good to hear from Pappu that IV is ready to take up this issue ...but till someone comes foward ..can IV focus on other issues like recapture, removal of country limits etc (there is no shortage of issues where focus is needed)

    To be denied entry, the visitor has to go through secondary inspection. That is the process. The CBP officer at the primary inspection does not have the authority to send some one home. Look at this link from Syracuse University that details this process:

    Quotes from this page:
    In a procedure known as Primary Inspections, the officers interview people appearing before them and check their documents. In addition, the documents are scanned into a computer to detect past immigration violations, criminal problems, and national security concerns. The entire process is very brief, averaging less than one minute per person to keep up with the crush of arriving travelers.

    In Secondary, a new set of Inspectors have additional time and latitude to investigate whether a person's papers � and their reasons for coming to the U.S. � are legitimate and legal.

    So whoever said that the CBP officer at the primary inspection called up employer and asked the employer if they cannot find US citizens is not telling the truth. Probably the guy started the rumor :D.

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  • senthil1
    12-26 07:21 PM
    If old employer revokes I140 then the result will be unpredictable. But it is upto INS to decide. Only those who had similar experience can tell clearly about this. Or a Lawyer can give better idea

    Thanks for the reply, if old employer revokes I-140 while the other employer is still working on LC+I-140, Will this creates any problem for me?



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  • manderson
    12-11 02:42 PM
    reply from a previous thread: (

    The core team has alrady addressed this issue before : try doing a search. The summary goes something like this - First, EAD cards cannot be given out arbitrarily. Apparently, the law mandates very specific circumstances for which an work authorization (EAD) can be given out : for example, a student on OPT. We wouldn't meet this criteria before a visa number is available for adjustment of status to permanent resident - not unless the law is changed by congress. Secondly, EAD, as it stands now, is meant to be a strictly interim permit. The USCIS ombudsman's report has already objected strongly to the phenomenon of people who are ultimately found ineligible for permanent residence enjoying the benefits of an EAD for extended periods due to processing delays. In such circumstances, it is not realistic to expect that USCIS, on its own accord, will start doling out EADs like seasons' greetings cards.

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  • gc_lover
    07-18 09:54 AM
    I checked with somebody who has hired Rajiv Khanna as his lawyer. He said that those who had filed in July are fine and there is no need to re-file it.

    I am still waiting to hear from my lawyer though.


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  • GooblyWoobly
    03-20 02:09 PM
    I have no idea why u guys get riled up about EB3->EB2 conversion? It's Not your Ration line FIFO. Are you trying to say someone who has 10 years of experience (5 years in the last company, so EB3) stands to get GC AFTER someone with no experience but a MS? There are many other loopholes through which EB3's can fall through. Just because you are frustrated with the wait, don't take it out on someone who is also on the same boat.

    Also your assumption of "Reputed companies don't do EB3->EB2" is outright wrong. I work for one of the most reputed companies in the valley, and they do it on a selective basis (read, if you're good enough, they'll do it for you).

    Remember this, someone can move to EB2 only if he qualifies to. It's not that you can just jump boat with no qualification. And if someone qualifies, I don't see why he/she should stay back!!

    I'm a original EB2 filer (no EB3->EB2 conversion) and not a LC transfer. EB3->EB2 increases timeline for getting my GC. But I do not believe that's wrong.

    Each one to his own!! My 2c.

    Hi Coopheal:

    With Due respects to your Seniority and Agony/ Frustration being retrogessed.

    Standard Companies donot opt for having two I140s approved for a particular employees which is a "Logical Fallacy" of EB concept. Leave alone Rat Desi Companies.. They can do anything and turn the boards off..

    If your arguement is right: first you have to stop L1s getting Gcs in less than 10 months.. (on an average). Porting EB3 to Eb2 is a big junk and disrepct to the EB2 Qualifier. Now, Qualifying Eb2, if you feel, is not a big deal, why the companies did not preferred it out for Eb3s in first place because lack of Job Requirements. (infact, this portings have to be highlighted to USCIS as Junk technique and illegal).

    So the whole arguement doesnot workout. Soon, wait and see Portings would bestopped, with Desi companies messing itaround like Approved labors (infact, it isa refined version of approved labor scams).

    Please donot jump on me.. its a waste of time.. But the logic holds good EB2 Vs. EB3. If allowed, People may even qualify for EB1, (People would work it out also sooner or later) Let's respect each other profiles.. and its a matter of time we are all there.

    This is my Honest Advice.. Trust me. I am a 2003 eb3 victim.. No way to jump lines.. its inhuman.


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  • paskal
    03-16 11:19 AM
    to see you get defensive and try to make a case amuses me........thats why i am doing it!!! :)

    Dear friend,

    We are not here to denigrate others. Neither are we interested in the kind of stereotyping that Lou Dobbs engages in.
    I see you have not even bothered to complete your profile. So much for your bravery, railing at people anonymously.

    Real good company and really god job huh?

    I work for a REAL good company too, and I'm willing to bet my GC I make more money than you. Get it?
    I have been here 12 years, I have education from the best schools in India and in the US (yes #1 ranked schools). The system still sticks me in EB2 with morons like YOU. So stop whining. The system is broken and we are trying to get it reformed. Isn't that the whole point? Hopefully you are lifting your little finger to help occasionally.

    Consider this a warning. This needs to stop.


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  • bomber
    06-30 07:30 PM
    Way to Go !

    Let's get united (for the first time) and fight it tooth and nail.

    We should not let them get away with something like this so easily.

    To be honest with you all, last week when these rumors started, I thought once my case is filed, I don't care if they revise the bulletin or whatever. But after going through all this since yesterday, I don't want something like this to happen even to my enemies.

    Even if my case is accepted(current in June, hopefully lawyer mailed it Friday for monday delivery) I'll support you guys in this fight!

    So that it boosts up peoples who are similarly disappointed as i was last evening from 6 thru 9 PM ...

    July bulletin is still C and no one can stop us from Mailing/ Posting !!

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  • delax
    07-20 10:03 AM
    Also conversations will affect this because people converting from EB3 to EB2 will make sure that they port their priority dates and hence if say all the EB3 people from 2003 convert to EB2 and successfully port their dates it will definitely push the dates south of 2003. Did I make sense???

    You are correct. EB3 to EB2 conversions can impact the movement of dates - but there are a few factors working against that. Refiling labor and I-140 is an expensive affair and not everyone may be ready to shell out nearly $10k. Besides the time taken nowadays for labor and I-140 approval means that the conversion can happen only in about 12 to 18 months or so. The third variable is also the close scrutniy (read audit) that DOL is doing of EB2 labor applications. If people started conversions last year they should be good. But if someone plans to start it now, then I think it is a shot in the dark - however from an EB3 perspective, a shot in the dark may be better than no shot at all.

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  • dontcareaboutGC
    04-13 11:37 AM
    Nope. This can be spillovers. Besides there was a recapture drive before which the Competetive Act of the 21st Century enacted by Congress. I wonder if those numbers are considered in the stats shown..

    10-10 05:45 PM
    If verified, you would end up in eating ham burger.

    Allow me :

    "We get caught laundering money, we're not going to white color resort prison. No, no, no. We're going to Federal pound me in the a** prison" -- Office Space

    12-20 08:50 PM
    Phew! I didn't know that I was out of status for an year. As I dig deep, I came to know how much trouble I am in now. If hope and pray that I wouldn't receive any RFE at the time when IO review my application. I didn't had any problem till now.

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