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  • gc_maine2
    09-01 08:39 AM
    I am also interested in online MBA, please share if you get any more information on Aspen.

    anyone who has done MBA from USD, please provide your inputs.


    I just found that Aspen University is offering online MBA at $3600 (end to end) + books.
    The univ is accredited by DTE but not sure about its market value.

    I am thinking about low cost MBA and the options (apart from newly discovered super low cost Aspen) are --
    University of South Dakota (USD) (18 K)
    University of Massachusetts (UMass) (30 K)

    Does any one know if USD has a decent market value ?

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  • desi3933
    01-30 03:04 PM
    So, basically anyone laid off on I485 pending without a job is accumulating "out of status" days.That's your opinion?

    No. This is NOT what I said.

    Filing for I-485 covers out of status covers in most cases and it does not cover out of status from last admission to the date of I-485 filing.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • masouds
    02-15 04:56 PM

    Can you let me know, why US is applying this logic to 15% of EB immigrants only, while leaving it open with out any limits for FBs and Others which constitues to the major part of immigration?

    If, say, my dad was an American, I'd be an american too.
    If my dad was a green card holder and I was born outside USA, I could apply for the same thing as well. Why should I be limited to the per country quota?
    That was the logical answer. The Real answer is, because they have better lobbists :-)

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  • $eeGrEeN
    06-22 12:58 PM
    When you get 485 approval you will not need EAD or AP :D
    It's OK to file for EAD and AP yourself, I did it 4 times but you need I-485 receipt notice and I-140 receipt and then approval notice to do that. So if you are wiling to wait till your lawyer get notices (it could be months for those who are filing in July) and your employer and lawyer will provide you a copy of all notices - it's fine to file yourself.

    correct me if i'm wrong , but you can get 140 approval notice requesting thru' FOI Act don't u ...

    so after 6 months of filing 485 ( given that u have the receipt notice ) u r pretty much free to take your process with u.


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  • inskrish
    04-10 09:36 AM
    Buying a hose is not substantial investment. It may cost $20 to $50 based on the length you need


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  • payur
    01-16 09:12 PM
    Contributing $20/month

    Scheduled $20
    Good luck and best wishes.



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  • ZigZag
    07-12 05:51 PM
    Sorry to say this but 1st March is not considered. Hopefully your PD will be current in next Sep 2010 bulletin. Good Luck!

    That may not be true. I had read somewhere (in this forum) that DOS sets up cut-off dates as 01, 08, 14, and 22, and 01 includes from 1st to 7th, 08 includes 8th to 13th, and so on and so forth.
    Come August 1st, who knows, (strange are the ways USCIS works) his file may be the first one to be picked up and approved before those of March 05 guys, some of whom are still waiting, like Pitha etal.

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  • voldemar
    06-22 03:11 PM
    Can you please provide the link ?
    I refered to USCIS website but did not find a mention of copies of DL.
    There is no link - it's people experience. There are a lot of guys who got RFE for color copy. Search forums if you want proof.


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  • luvschocolates
    08-20 09:59 PM
    I received my RFE today and I am totally shocked and in a state of panic because they are asking for a lot of things to be submitted in 30 days and there is absolutely no way at this point that I can get $1000 together for the I-485 Supplement A form, PLUS the money to see a civil surgeon for a medical exam. Those are the two most important forms they are requesting but there are still 3 more forms aside from that. I am also required to show evidence of valid entry which I don't understand. When I came here, I was engaged to be married. I had only my birth certificate and driver's license when I went through customs in 2003. I was not required to have a passport so I have nothing at this point to show them. How do I deal with this to show I did not enter the country illegally? I did not marry my fiance in the end, but I did acquire employment with his relatives and I am still with them. I take care of a disabled person in the home and there is no way they will accept another person at this time. Not after 6 years. This is like family to me now and I can't just expect someone to take my place and do what I do. It doesn't work that way. We already went through the process of offering this position to someone else who was born and raised here and nobody wanted the job. We had one phone call over a 3 week period and nothing came of it. I do not receive monetary wages, I get room and board, therefore I do not have the money I need to submit this supplement A form and the people I live with are not able to just toss out that kind of money either. They also want me to submit evidence that I have maintained non-immigrant status - what the heck is that? I have filed every application that they have requested until now - nothing was ever said about this non-immigrant status stuff. I am confused and totally at a loss.
    I am outraged that after not hearing ONE thing from them in over 2 years, that all of a sudden I am supposed to come up with all this stuff, hand over money I don't have and still not be assured my green card.

    I was never aware that I had to submit an I-485 Supplement A form - why? Why has no one told me about this before now? I never saw one thing on the I-485 form that I filled out that a supplement was needed. I was not told I had to see a civil surgeon to submit a medical exam and any CS available is 4 hours away in any direction after checking out the list on the USCIS website. The household I live in is not able to just up and go whenever USCIS demands it and they are making our lives very difficult right now.
    How do I handle this?
    They say I have 33 days to get this cleared up and without employment for wages, this is impossible. Any previous forms I submitted were ones I was prepared for and I had help from a friend at the time, but that was over 2 years ago and I cannot expect other people to just hand over money now, especially $1000.
    I am not leaving this household - there is no way I can abandon the person I live with and entrust them to someone else and there is no way this person would ever stand for that.

    Is there anything that can be done to either get an extension or get around the I-485 supplement A? I am not as concerned about the civil surgeon exam, but I don't have a clue how much that will cost and again, I don't know how I will get the money to do that either.
    I am really ticked with USCIS and their utter lack of correspondence and then expecting me to bleed money from a stone for them. They are not in any hurry to process my application so why do I need to be? I've been here this long, what's another few years?
    Has anyone else dealt with this or can you direct me to someone who knows what needs to be done and how?

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  • pcs
    01-16 12:47 PM

    Thanks for listening to the request of lazy guys like me ( who cooled off after making intial contributions )

    I will shoot some more on happy occasions like my Kid's birth day etc...


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  • logiclife
    02-17 04:47 PM
    Immigration Voice is a volunteer organization. It has been assured several times here on this thread that it is a part of "transparency" issue on IV goals as mentioned in the Brochure. Transparency includes everything. Including name-check process.

    Its a sub-item and not a main item because it is ONE OF THE SEVERAL administrative issues facing us.

    However, if people feel that this issue is not receiving enough attention, then there are few things to do besides posting here in this thread (posting is welcome):

    1. Call the phone number and speak to a volunteer. You will be connected to someone who is admin/founder of this organization. The phone number is under "Contact Us" menu.

    2. Go to resources menu and find out how to contact your lawmaker. See if you can find an appointment and apprise them of the issue. Although there is no legislative solution to this problem and it remains an enforcement/administrative issue, the basic feature of the government includes the congressional oversight on the executive(DOS, FBI, USCIS etc in this case).

    3. Ask your lawyer to file a lawsuit against the FBI for causing you irreparable damage due to mental agony, loss of pay due to missed promotions, job opportunities etc.

    4. Call your local media or national media and tell them the our dear FBI takes 36 months to check if a permenant residency applicant is a terrorist/criminal/shop-lifter/DUI/DWI etc or not while that applicant is free to work on provisional work-permit called EAD issued by USCIS. Two things: if there is nothing wrong with the guy, he suffers long wait for his greencard. If he is a criminal, he works and enjoys the American dream on his EAD instead of being deported.

    5. Send letters to Department of Justice (top levels) since FBI I think falls under Department of Justice.


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  • Administrator2
    04-20 07:38 PM
    Thank you for offering to volunteer for calling members in CA. Now we need 2 more volunteers to give 30-45 minutes to make the phone calls. This is a very important initiative. Kindly send me a private message if you would like to volunteer.


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  • nojoke
    10-20 06:34 PM
    I missed on some of the conversation here
    - '92-'00 was a good economic time because of the dot com boom.

    It happened because of Al Gore and policies of Clinton

    - the repubs were in charge of the house and senate, and they helped in part to frame/pass the policies during that time.

    I thought they are in charge till 2006? So what got changed from 1992-2000 and from 2000-2006?
    - the housing sector debacle started in the clinton era, when the dems pushed the fannie may & freddie mac to lower the lending standards to give loans to the people who couldn't afford it. though it sounded like a good objective they all knew that at one point it would boomerang.

    This credit problem was caused by not only Fannie/Freddie but due to deregulation of banking and finance sector that started from Regan era. Republicans are so proud of deregulation.

    - the dems did that for their own purposes:
    1. to gain the support of the lower income/middle income population which they did.

    And for Bush to be proud of the ownership society that he bragged about in 2004.

    2. to fatten their own wallets-they changed the compensation rules so that the more they loan out the more their compensation. the dem guy in charge of the loaning agencies earned 90 mil in 6 years.


    3. the top two beneficiaries of contribution from fm/fm were guess who chris dodd & barck obama (barack got 130K in just 3 years). not to mention the favorable interest rates on their mortgage loans.

    Not True. The employees of the firm gave to obama campaign. Companies are prohibited by law from giving donations. On the otherhand
    The New York Times has published a separate list looking at contributions from "directors, officers, and lobbyists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" for the 2008 campaign cycle. That list � using figures from the Federal Election Commission � shows McCain receiving $169,000, while Obama received only $16,000.

    - the US has prospered so far because of its capitalistic philosophy. it has advanced innovation, and entrepreneurship, because innovators know they'll be compensated for their hardwork. barack recently claimed he want's to spread the wealth around which is a socialist've seen that in the communist countries (no growth, poverty, and low standards).

    FOX news talking point. He meant tax the rich to give tax break for the middle class. If you are super rich then I understand your anger.
    Unregulated capitalism will cause serious trouble. We just found that out.

    - barack has had no accomplishment at executive decision made, no major legislation (bills) introduced or passed (let alone through bipartisan efforts). so all of a sudden to assume he's going to bring change is ridiculous. hillary would have made a better president of course the press decides/controls everything now.

    It is leadership skills. Not the most experienced skill that is needed. He obviously has the skills since he defeated the great clintons.

    - look at the huge spending plan he has (free giveaways to everybody) fund that he'll tax you and I (take away whatever money we've saved).

    FOX news talking points. He said he will give tax cut for middle class. Moreover McCain's spending plan is will have a deficit of 1trillion compared to 750billion from obama's plan. Google.

    - he's ambiguous on everything...he changed his initial position on almost everything, and not just once (again according to the audience)

    FOX news talking point again. No proof. McCain said economy fundamentally good then bad, he has a long list. I don't have time

    I don't think we need to go thru all this again. all i care now is my gc, and I don't think obama is for it. even if he says he's for it, you can't trust him. he'll change his position when it becomes unpopular.

    again be rational in your thinking.

    p.s with the limited time I had I wrote all don't pounce on any gramatical errors (of course the dems like to do that).

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  • desierto
    08-07 08:03 PM
    Dear All,
    My whole family is applying for I-485 and advance parole based on my I-140. Who has to sign my children I-131 (part 8-9).
    Thank you in advance,


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  • StarSun
    02-22 09:13 AM
    We need your time, your enthusiasm on the advocacy days. IV is a grass roots organization. You are the grass roots.

    We face problems of backlogs, and career uncertainty. IV is offering a solution, if implemented, it will bring relief to all. IV needs your help to deliver what you and I "NEED" AND "WANT".


    We need heavy participation on the lobby days, I need volunteers from different states to ask me "How can I help?" instead, I am trying to find volunteers! I have been able to persuade members who have received GCs to help out, but getting members who are still in the mess are either unaware of the advocacy days (in spite of the thread running on the home page for the past month) or are not ready to talk to the employers to take the two days off. Capitol Hill runs on weekdays and therefore it is necessary for you to take the time off.

    Come on guys, you can do better than this. Donors, members, guests - we are all in this together!

    VA/MD/DC members, please come forward to host members from out of town. Help them to reduce costs!

    Members who have accumulated airmiles, please come forward to donate them.

    Members living in neighboring states to DC (or at least at a driving distance) find friends/members to car pool with you to the event.

    Members who have unavoidable situations at work or home and cannot participate, help fellow members to bear the costs, please donate to their trip. They are willing to take the time off, and will be representing you and your state. Why not help them?

    If you decide that you will support this effort, you will find a way to help. Anything else is just an excuse! Sorry, to say this, but that is just a fact!

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  • grinch
    02-17 01:39 PM
    for free applications, I like gmax.


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  • anurakt
    01-17 02:08 PM
    Well Said Pappu, if you ask for people to ask IV for updates 20 times a day, we will get thousands of contributions ...but when it comes to money to support the cause .....all these beggers (yes beggers ! ) don't show the faces. These people call themselves high skilled , I call them high skilled beggers ...they want everything without contributing a cent .... shame on you beggers ... Please go back to your country , you won't get GC.....:mad: :mad:

    Shameless creatures, not even a single guy came and blasted me out for such comments ..! This means that I am telling the truth. You guys don't even have any self dignity left to come and face off with me.
    :mad: :mad:

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  • himu73
    07-02 07:34 AM
    Hope you understand this is not the only issue we are concerned. If you feel this organization is not for you , why are you browsing here. Keep away. This is not the time we need negative energy like you.

    i can say only one thing..IV willl not be able to do anythingin this regard.USCIS can do anything whatever the way hat want to do.

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  • Indirant
    03-07 08:45 PM
    I have not heard any reply. waiting for repsonse to Ajay's request.

    03-19 12:07 AM
    Nixstor did explained his actions and I concur... Controversial handles should be banned... Handle "TALIBAN" was banned and same member opened new handle "TAWLIBANN" saying his name is Tawlibann Foggs...

    Anyway we should close this issue.. I do find tawlibann's posts decent and non-offensive.. Only thing is we need to practice some respect to the communitity when chosing a handle... Its just not this.. there could be potentially other offensive handles.. So I'd say there should be a step/check in registration process to monitor/regulate handles... You won't like any handle offending your religious beliefs, dis-respecting your nation or humanity itself...

    Just my 2 cents... We should stop this discussion and focus on immigration issues...
    Trying to understand why Mr. Foggs was singled out...

    May be obscene name: Humm ..much better than existing F---GC,fuckadothead, chumki, chumma, xxxx, coolhokie, ussexy, saksibaby, funkycatspangky, faaltoo and plenty ..check the member list.
    May be obscene posts: No...his posts were very decent. He pleaded his case very politely. Never lost his cool even after being banned without being told.
    May be meaning of Taliban is wrong: No, It means..someone who is seeking religious knowledge. Nothing wrong in it.
    May be bad relation with US: Humm, US may not have good relations now, that was not the case earlier in late eighties and early nineties...not too far back..;)
    May be having political cause: What about existing handles like FREE_KASHMIR, us-alien...etc
    May be reference to terrorism: Having a same name "AbstractVision" as a terrorist organization somewhere in remote part of the world doesnot make me a terrorist.
    May be religious name: Humm...not like existing jaihanuman, saibaba,saint.. .etc
    May be country specific: Hum...Jai_Hind, JisDeshMeinGangaBehthiHai etc.. more than 500 handles have meaning related to India and in Hindi, Tamil etc
    May be phone call was not received by proper person: Humm..did someone tell him to expect a call..;) Being a member doesnot to be glued to phone 24 hrs waiting for someone to call. A private message with time would have been the right way.
    May be phone no. was fake: I had my previous cell number in my profile that I used 2 years back. I corrected this evening after this interesting post. I wasn't red flagged.
    May be handle name was a distraction: If handle names are distractions, I wonder how far can we offense. We have got bigger problems to deal with.
    May be incorrect details: Why would I put my correct details on the internet. Didn't someone educate me about Identity theft..;)
    May be user was unaware of unpublished nomenclature: That sounds like the case. May be admins would like to publish the pool of words they are comfortable with and that may not be distraction.

    No offense, but without letting the guy know beforehand is definitely not up to the mark. Give this guy a break.... . Lets not apply any rules retroactively....more than 80% of the handle names are ridiculous and does not seem to be coming from intelligent folks and people with exceptional abilities.

    I agree we should respect other members and names should be decent..but I do not agree that names can be regulated by forum administrators with no set rules of engagement many languages in the decent meaning in one country/language can be offensive somewhere else.

    What wonders me is that SO MANY easily understood obscene words in memberlist as handle were allowed by admin (F---GC,fuckadothead,xxxx,ussexy etc ) and 'Taliban' got hit by a 800 pound gurilla..;) banned....

    I am looking forward to a REAL issue discussion and get over this handle issue. Lets move on...

    09-10 02:04 PM
    They can make a category current when Demand < Supply. So once all I-485s prior to 2007 are approved the monthly demand data they publish will show demand Prior to CY2011 = 200.

    Yes True. This can happen only in the last quarter. I guess in August or Sept 2011 bulliten. Probably USCIS would love to put C instead of moving it a year by year as they love the flood of applications and backlogs.

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