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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Aug 29, 09:02 AM
    Mac mini not getting Meroms might also mean MB wont get Meroms any time soon too. Hopefully Apple will put Meroms in MBP only. So that I can sell my MB without much loss and buy a merom MBP:D

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  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 02:52 PM
    Here is what makes me think it's not generic and apple would/should win.

    There have been other online stores that sell computer programs/applications before apple created the "app store" None of them used the word App in their store name.



    Apple launches a store just like these but better and called the store "App Store"

    July 10, 2009 Apple's "App Store launches". Pre this no online stores used the term "app"

    Post apples launch other phone makers/OS systems start to scramble.

    App Catalog = Palm
    App World = RIM
    Amazon AppStore = Amazon

    Stores that didn't ride apples coattails

    Android Market = Android
    Ovi Store = Nokia
    Windows Phone Marketplace = Microsoft.

    If "app store" was so obvioius and generic why did no one call their store "App store" until apple did? This is like everyone that argues that the iphone is so generic with it's icons and screen. I mean so obvious. No it's not obvioius.

    If it was obvious Netjar, Mobilerated, Steam etc.. would just say "App Store" instead of some other random word.

    Even the unauthorized iphone Store Cydia doesn't use the word app in their store name. "Unauthorized App Store" "Rogue App Store"

    App Store is apple.

    Even Wikipedia's serach term "app store" goes to the apple "app store" page. if want other onlilne phone stores you need to go to the disambiguation section.

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  • Bengt77
    Aug 25, 04:22 PM
    Conroe iMac would be an imediate purchase from me.
    Bingo! Bring on the iMac Ultra with Conroe, 23" display and a powerful GPU. Now that would be an immediate purchase for me.

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  • NameUndecided
    Apr 2, 04:18 PM
    Is anyone else losing their toolbar buttons and address bars in the toolbar when they enter Safari into fullscreen mode? I'm getting just a solid graphite bar at the top of the screen when I go into fullscreen. Tabs aren't showing in fullscreen either. This wasn't happening in DP 1.

    I've been using a keyboard shortcut to remove the toolbar altogether when I don't need it, but that doesn't affect the solid graphite bar. Right now I need to exit fullscreen if I need to use the toolbar at all, and either way I still have the hardly-useful block of graphite at the top taking up some of the screen.

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  • camelsnot
    Apr 2, 08:20 PM
    have one but that commercial makes me want to puke. Once you use one and realize it's limitations, it's not so magical. It's a fun consumption device which you can get some work done on, but without real multitasking, it's lack of real technology actually hinders and isn't so magical.

    With apple it was never about the hardware technology. They have at least that right in the commercial (the only thing right).

    Job$, instead of waxing philosophical with your over-inflated ego in embarrassingly inaccurate commercials, how about trying to innovate. iOS should've had REAL multitasking years ago. Quit pandering cheap to make speed bumps at the same prices, as something magical. DO something magical. You built iOS off a phone, morphed into an ipod touch and now an ipad (yes.. a larger version of the touch, but in a better form factor). That was just smart business. ALWAYS repurpose what you can. BUS101. Now do something magical with the OS.

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  • spyd4r
    Oct 23, 09:19 PM
    I have been patiently waiting for the new macbook pro just as long as the rest of you, but i have had it, they are like 1.5 - 2 months behind their competitors now.. I am just about ready to drop the money and upgrade my PC desktop instead...they betttter hurrry! ;)

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  • Porchland
    Aug 16, 08:19 AM
    I thought Zune was not ( going to support wireless music downloads? So many rumors.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 12, 04:41 PM
    Does not aerodynamics dictate form, to a large extent?

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  • Bodypainter
    May 3, 04:30 AM
    I have a question. If u delete an App that way does it mean its completely gone, i mean under windows if you delete something you still find lots of folders related to the deleted program somewhere in the WINDOWS folder. I am not a Mac specialist so I am wondering, and is this the same when moving an app to the trash ...

    first of all: this way of deleting programs will only work with programs you bought at the app store.

    second: a program file is often a folder that has lots of other files inside. but it is locked and hidden in front of the user. so when you delete a program file in most cases you delete a lot more files. You can check this yourself by going into the program folder, right click and select "show package content".

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  • Tomorrow
    Mar 1, 02:36 PM
    I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    Diesel is no less refined than gasoline - it's a product of the exact same refinement process.

    Different carbon chains are gently boiled off by gradually raising the temperature of the crude. The smaller molecules are the first to burn off. Typically carbon chains 5-8 (pentane through octane) are sold as "gasoline." The next four or so are sold as "kerosene," or jet fuel. After that comes what we call "diesel." Each is as pure as the others, but diesel is made of larger, more complex carbon chains.

    I can see both sides of the diesel engine argument. It's hard to deny that diesel engines are, other things being equal, more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines. The higher compression ratio equals greater power output per gallon and greater torque. In the larger sizes that we usually see in trucks, they seem to last longer than gasoline engines, too. But the damn things are noisy, and the exhaust smells really bad.

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  • quadgirl
    Sep 1, 02:04 PM
    Merom is 64 bit enabled, IIRC

    So is Conroe

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  • X-Z
    Feb 22, 05:33 AM

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  • bigmc6000
    Jul 19, 06:14 PM
    Good Lord, 9.5 Billion in the Bank!

    Dear Apple,

    This just makes .Mac sucking that much more incredible.

    Please hire some .Mac engineers.


    Every Apple User in the World

    I've been holding off on .Mac for quite some time. I'd love to use my iWeb as I've got quite a few picture pages I'd like to make but combining the .mac experience with the horrendous price tag I'm stuck uploading to yahoo for free for eternity. PLEASE - no more than $49 for a year, even that is too much IMO but I'll take it...

    Side note: AAPL stock up 8.43% in afterhours - within 1 billion of Dell now. *Play Jaws theme song here* :-D (figuring in both stocks after market #'s...)

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 26, 04:34 PM
    What Microsoft sells is an Operating System, not a GUI element. Apple is welcome to rename their OS to "Buttons" or "Menus" and trademark that for their OS name if they choose.

    Microsoft has a trademarked OS name that is a common GUI element. They also trademarked the word "Word" for a word processing application. Where's the outrage?

    Amazon could have very easily chosen a suitable name that did not exactly mirror what Apple had already chosen. Apple's other competitors have managed to do so. What would be wrong with "Amazon Apps?" Amazon picked Amazon Appstore looking for a fight.

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  • milo
    Sep 7, 08:01 AM
    Personally, I wouldn't want to DL a large movie file without the option of being able to burn it to DVD so I can have that tangible hard copy that makes me feel safe and warm. Then I wouldn't have a problem deleting it off of my hard drive.

    I don't think there's any question about's just that you'd burn it to a data DVD and play it in computers with the DRM enabled, not on a DVD player. Backing up drm media isn't limited, just playing it back.

    Hopefully someday we'll see real DVD burns allowed, but the way the studios are going I don't know how likey that is.

    Unlike music, you rarely watch a movie twice.

    I think you meant to say "*I* rarely watch a movie twice". You may not, but many people do, especially kids, who will be well covered by disney releases. It really just depends on the consumer and the movie, there's no question that millions of DVDs are sold.

    There are a few issues with rentals. Besides DRM, they'd have to compete with netflix and similar companies, which would mean the price would have to be incredibly cheap, probably far less than the studios would be willing to go (don't forget, really the studios are setting prices, not apple). There's simply no way they could compete with netflix without losing money (assuming the studios even allowed it, which would never happen).

    And for all the people who will be disappointed if apple can't compete with their piracy scheme? Give me a freaking break. :rolleyes:

    The best option (besides a rental model, which we know is not going to happen) would be to release a media center (iTheatre, iHome, etc.) that has a 250GB or 500GB hard-drive. All the movies could be downloaded through the GUI on the TV!

    But apple has an even better idea, just have an airport on your tv and stream the video from ANY computer in your house. WAY cheaper, and you're not wasting an expensive computer by having it sitting by the TV all day instead of using it for computer stuff.

    But yes... paying for something that it can be accidentally DELETED from your harddrive is NOT cool...

    So back it up, why would it be any different than the video and audio content apple already sells? Their current DRM hasn't been hacked yet, has it?

    still think the prices are a little steep for things that can be watched on an ipod.

    You won't just watch these on an ipod, apple will release a streaming solution for TVs along with the movie store.

    Apple keeps track of all the songs you buy anyway, so it's my opinion that you should be able to just "get another copy" if you have already purchased a song.

    But sending you files over and over costs apple money. Why don't you just back your files up?

    HD or whatever you fancy, it's cool with me, but talking about quality, why are the iTunes songs still at that lousy 128 bitrate. I mean if they can do movies, nice quality (at least 256) songs are not that diffucult?

    Because 128 is "good enough" for most listeners. The "good enough" point for movies is probably 480(i or p).

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  • zin
    Mar 24, 02:38 PM
    Please don't put an AMD 5XXX series into the new iMacs! :(

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  • imac_japan
    May 3, 10:18 AM
    As for me, I think Apple could make some changes but that it is in much better shape than it was, say, eight years ago.

    I agree !! but they need to do more than provide quick cool products...The ipod and the itunes music store isn't going to last because there are going to be others. They need to push a product (ie: cheap mac) into the home ! People will buy it

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  • Danksi
    Dec 31, 10:59 PM
    I guess the problem with a subscription model is, for now, the cost of bandwidth to Apple. A bittorrent-like sharing system might solve that.

    .. they could just use a similar setup as their Podcast listings... Apple lists em, for free so far, but the podcasters host the files.

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  • swingerofbirch
    Jul 14, 01:54 AM
    I don't understand why anyone would complain about Apple not waiting and including as a BTO option. If that's the case it wouldn't affect the price of any machine you want with a standard DVD burner.

    To say not to include it because of price would mean we would wait forever for new techology! You could say that Sony shouldn't produce set-top Blu-ray players now because they're too expensive!

    We have early adopters to thank for the prices eventually going down! The more are sold, the farther the prices will be able to drop.

    The turning point may come even faster with PS3.

    I think this transition will happen even faster than with VHS to DVD. The US is full of millionaires and people with enough credit card debt to act like they are. They have plasma HDTVs and are going to want Blu-ray when they hear it's the only way to see 1080p full length movies on those fancy screens.

    Sep 14, 12:08 PM
    Toyota fixes all vehicles because they all have the potential to have dangerous problems.

    Most iPhone owners have no problem whatsoever, and there's no danger at all to anyone.

    So Toyota HAS to fix them all. It would be pointless for Apple to fix all iPhones in the field when most of them never have an issue needing a fix. But if you do have a problem, let them know and they will fix it for you for free. That's hardly a burden for such a non-dangerous situation.

    We live in this ridiculous era of expectations. Apple comes out with a reasonable solution to a problem that affects a tiny percentage of users, and they get slammed for it. Hypocrisy.

    Not to mention, there have been three or fewer known stuck accelerators in Toyotas out of millions of cars. I cannot imagine that there are at least that many for every manufacturer. This was a media fail for both Apple and Toyota, not a product fail.

    Jan 18, 01:41 PM

    New 2011 Ford Fusion SE which is replacing my 2007 Ford Fusion SE which was the victim of an unfortunate accident.

    Edit: I need to pick up a sunshade before Summer rolls around.

    Apr 2, 08:06 AM
    [QUOTE=Doraemon]What are you talking about? iTMS not generating profit? Geez, check your facts!

    Actually, while I couldn't disagree with iMac-Japan more, I have heard the itms doesn't actually make a profit on it's own... It's real purpose is to sell iPods, & break even on the sales of songs, or so I'm told...

    Jul 19, 03:47 PM
    Other than recently, how often have Mac sales been in the million+ a quarter? Didn't 2002 or something only see that many shipped the entire year?

    Apr 20, 12:07 AM
    The GPU alone in this revision will determine whether I'm buying an iMac or building a PC. If the GPU is even close to competitive in the gaming dept. for a little while, then I'm in.

    +1 with the exception of waiting (yet longer) for a mac pro instead of a PC. I'm not a gamer but I would like a decent graphics card for 3D apps.

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