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  • loganbyers07
    Feb 23, 04:04 PM
    i will trade you my 16 gb ipod touch for it. :)Is it unlocked?

    Please let me know. I also have the wall charger for it. I would love to get a :apple: iphone

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  • MBP13
    May 4, 12:53 AM
    ^Thanks for the advice, I'll go ahead and remove the link to the auction so that no one else takes what I want. :D

    Though, I will re-upload the photos.

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  • romad7
    Apr 26, 04:44 PM
    I use it for scanning documents.

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    Apr 10, 12:28 PM
    Nice reel! I like how the way you linked up different works at a quick yet bearable pace. Keep it up!


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  • herdnerfer
    Mar 28, 10:07 AM
    You can use a tethered JB on 4.3.1 on iPad, that's what I have and it works great with all my fav tweaks.... here is a link http://www.redmondpie.com/jailbreak-4.3.1-on-windows-iphone-4-3gs-ipad-1g-ipod-touch-using-sn0wbreeze-2.4-how-to-guide/

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  • CarlsonCustoms
    Dec 8, 10:00 AM

    Did you change the machine id on the other installations? Are they all in seperate folders so the data files dont overlap?

    I've never seen that error from the log..



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  • JoshBoy
    Jun 30, 06:33 PM
    I agree with what some people have said however with the delay of 4.0 for the ipad I would not be surprised if they end up having this feature within its native photos apps.

    For someone like Steve who is so over everything it would just surprise me why they would have delays with no reason, there must be an end game reason as to why or else people have to start loosing their jobs.

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  • ykarmi
    Jan 20, 05:20 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Mmmmm. Full details **is** available?


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  • rdowns
    Dec 16, 07:20 AM
    Mine survived the abuse and 18" drop by airport security the other day.

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  • -Ken-
    Apr 27, 11:43 PM
    Strange. SL works on all my stuff without ever crashing, including my Hackintosh.

    Have you ever tried a clean reinstall?


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  • Rihanna short curls

  • aleni
    May 6, 09:06 AM
    one thing in lion that will not get used for me is the launchpad. damn on my 27" ACD it's so big. i remember all of my installed apps and prefer to use spotlight for easy way to launch them.

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  • rockinmorockin
    Apr 23, 03:43 AM
    I'm an Android guy but I bought an iPad 2. Since I didn't know much of the app store, I bought an app for $9.99 with my mom's credit card (it's on her account). but i wanted to use my 25 dollar gift card, i didn't know you were supposed to redeem it first -___-.

    i sent an email reporting it saying it was a mistake. do you think they will revert it or does apple have a no return policy?


    rihanna short curls. Best Rihanna Short Curly 2010.
  • Best Rihanna Short Curly 2010.

  • dornoforpyros
    Oct 11, 09:06 AM
    Well, I'm sure if these guys did it... I should be able to figure it out as well.

    Thanks for your help.

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  • cr2sh
    Sep 25, 09:24 PM
    Originally posted by Mac2006
    Is the price difference between the dual 1ghz and the 1.25ghz worth $500, why or why not?

    I couldn't justify spending nearly $3grand on a new powermac and NOT dropping an additional $500 for the fastest on the market... if you're going to go that far, why not all the way?


    rihanna short curls. Rihanna short curly hairstyle
  • Rihanna short curly hairstyle

  • jupiteroot
    Apr 20, 10:11 AM
    this one is listed as being specifically for the samsung HS12UHE


    after many fruitless ebay searches i located this by searching "SATA LIF"

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  • wdlove
    Oct 26, 12:53 PM
    If by the the time a 30" is introduced LCD prices are down r/t increased production I would make a purchase! :)


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  • Galley
    Oct 1, 08:08 PM
    The Swell Season :)

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  • RusselP
    Oct 13, 03:36 PM
    That's too funny, so it is basically saying, "if apple just ceases all operations, research and development and everyone continues, they will fail." I think they are a bit smarter then that, they might as well of said, "If you stop selling your products, you wont make money."

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Sep 7, 11:18 AM
    From what I read the L'Equipe evidence was inconclusive - no definitive proof.

    I hope Lance is telling the truth, I certainly want to believe him.

    It's also important to remember that EPO or other red-blood cell boosting drugs are used to treat cancer - perhaps in 199 his system was still out of balance as a result of his cancer treatment. Just speculation though.

    Mattie Num Nums
    Sep 21, 01:43 PM
    Didn't know you get credit in the Support Notes for reporting a bug :D time to start bug hunting...

    Well probably for this one. This is a huge security breach for people who run corporate networks.

    Mar 18, 09:34 PM
    It's funny how incorrect that is.:rolleyes:

    Correct info, please?

    Jun 19, 11:13 AM
    I understand where you're coming from, but at the same time I went in and am giving them $200, and have spent over $5000 with apple in the past year.
    Idk, I guess ur right, but I do just wish they would have handled it better.:apple:

    Dec 1, 03:29 AM
    Had it since the day it came out via dodgy methods.

    Like people have said, no reason to limit it to NA up to now ...

    Dodgy methods? Couldnt you have just signed up for a US iTunes account and downloaded it, then switched back to your normal one? That's how most non-US people got it easly.


    May 3, 12:30 AM
    It is the unibody MacBook. Will it hurt anything to try installing it?

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