rickie fowler arnold palmer invitational

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  • imahawki
    May 2, 09:54 AM
    it will most likely be tomorrow if as has been pointed out tonight is visual night, the online store will update sometime around 1pm UK time I imagine but the store should be down before then.

    Of course if tonight is really visual night and u live close enough to an apple store make sure pop in at 9:30am your time and tell us all if anything has changed :)

    What time do they usually do things? The Apple store is on my way to work. Will they do it tonight or like 4am tomorrow?

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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 13, 03:22 PM
    The iPad has already blown away the "Apple makes overpriced stuff myth" out of the water. If you are still clinging on to this, let it go and find another useful argument.

    Most of the products in Apple's line up are competitively priced or more affordable than its competitors...and don't compare iMac's to desktop boxes it's an all-in-one a different form factor.

    Apple makes insane profits because their products sell...in extraordinary numbers not because they are overpriced. Fact is if Apple only makes income because of the premium, people will not continue to buy them if they don't work well.

    If you want to dispute what I said, try making your own product, design a pretty logo for it and sell it at a premium. See how that works out for you.

    Well said, but even if this iVisual was to come out, Apple is not going to bring out just a TV its going to be much more and I can't imagine what that could be. Most people even today just don't have the internet needed to really push something Apple would want to get into when it comes to the TV that is why the Apple TV is still a hobby for Apple.

    That said maybe they are looking to see what Google does with their Gigabyte fiber deployment. If we started to see real speeds something like a 4k apple tv could become a reality. Give me that and retianal display and drop all the 3d gimmick, I just don't really care for it.

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  • sikkinixx
    Jul 11, 03:16 PM
    if MS makes it cheaper than an iPod then Apple might have some trouble. Parents/grandparents who are technologically ignorant will generally buy whatever Bestbuy salesman pimps to them for their kid. So if it is cheaper than an iPod with similar functions then a lot will be bought.

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  • Yamcha
    Apr 13, 01:54 PM
    I don't mind as long as the pricing is competitive, if its over-priced no way I'll be getting one..


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  • InuNacho
    Apr 13, 10:52 PM
    While I would never buy an "iTV" it does sound somewhat interesting sorta like how the Apple TV sounded interesting at first.

    I could see an iTV that essentially is a big giant wireless monitor for Macs/iDevices. It could have cameras on it so that you could use Facetime or whatever it's called with others. Maybe cheaper TV shows and stuff off the iTunes store.

    While we may all doubt it at first like so many did when the iPad first came out, I wouldn't be surprised if something like this becomes a monster hit.

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  • iStefmac
    Jan 30, 09:10 AM
    I'm betting the tax rebate checks will bump Apple sales...

    People with extra cash + unusually low priced popular stock. I believe your betting correctly ;)

    I say, buy now. Because by April, Apple will have rolled out several new products and generated lots of buzz once again. This low price will waiver a bit and won't last through February.


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  • Mystikal
    Mar 16, 08:59 AM
    I know what your avatar is, and I saw them last year in concert they were ****in amazingggg

    Ahahaha yes! I am overly obsessed. I wont even get into it. Someone in line asked me yesterday at FI :D.

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  • n00bst3r
    Oct 18, 05:00 PM
    Maybe if they weren't making a grand on each MBP..


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  • Arnopoulos
    Apr 14, 07:28 AM
    My app isn't a universal binary and it still has that place holder.

    Bubble Poppers (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bubble-poppers/id430732045?mt=8&ls=1)

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  • trekkie604
    Sep 12, 07:25 PM
    Following the trend and tradition of our favorite series of threads...the "post your last purchase" threads, welcome to edition XIV!

    Starting this off right! Links for Mods and other interested parties!

    Post your last purchase (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=406860)
    Post your last purchase II (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=450221)
    Post your last purchase III (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=494787)
    Post your last purchase IV (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=547632)
    Post your last purchase V (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=591242)
    Post your last purchase VI (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=631447)
    Post your last purchase VII (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=672226)
    Post your last purchase VIII (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=672226)
    Post your last purchase IX (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=765588)
    Post your last purchase X (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=805111)
    Post your last purchase XI (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=842754)
    Post your last purchase XII (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=884344&highlight=post+your+last+purchase+xii)
    Post your last purchase XIII (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=944269&highlight=post+your+last+purchase+xii)

    Go ahead and post your last purchase, and apparently original pictures are encouraged so we can see what you got!

    And here my last purchase: Shaken green tea lemonade - I quit buying coffee from starbucks to reduce my sugar intake but I needed something to get from the coffee shop!

    That thing has more sugar than a mocha FYI...


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  • DannyBres
    Oct 27, 11:40 AM


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  • dXTC
    Dec 30, 12:02 AM
    Once people, meaning women, are big enough that I figure they can't reach around behind them well enough to wipe their own butts, I get grossed out.

    There is a Website called AmpleStuff that has living accessories geared toward larger people in general. This includes the Ample-Sponge, for cleaning those hard-to-reach sensitive areas. I'm not making this up. Laugh if you want, but products like this do allow big people a bit of dignity.


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  • cal6n
    Apr 25, 06:49 AM
    Sorry to burst everyone's bubble... but I don't believe this is a US phone. My iPhone 3gs has been on t-mobile for almost 2 years now... ...because that's the standard carrier in the Netherlands...

    The +1 before the phone number definitely lends to the probability that it's intended for foreign use.

    I can send a screenshot of both my and my gf's phones that clearly say: T-Mobile 3G on them... :D

    And the N94 part number denoting an entirely separate model?


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  • Kilamite
    Oct 3, 09:43 AM
    This is exactly why I turn 3G off on my iPhone. The reception in Edinburgh is appalling - I walk around the city and my phone is constantly skipping between GPRS and 3G. And sometimes it'll just say "No Service" until I turn 3G off and it forces GPRS connection.

    I think the iPhone has really outlined the flaws and poor reception that carriers have in some major areas.


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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 08:52 PM
    You have to think that the thunderbolt has a slight negative thing about it that is hindering its sells. The battery life.
    Indeed, there have been reports saying that the return rate of the Thunderbolt is quite high due to this very issue.

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  • mc68k
    Oct 29, 12:40 PM
    for now, we'll see what happens in the long term.


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  • TheOnlyJon
    Sep 16, 12:49 PM
    Bought a new shirt :rolleyes:

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  • Phil A.
    Aug 15, 04:11 PM
    A lot of the features look great but the Spotlight screenshot has me worried. It looks like very little has changed with the results. The biggest failure of Spotlight for me has been the lack of the ability to sort your results by modification date. I used to use the find file to look for items on our server all the time, now it is totally useless because they show up alphabetically. I would have hoped that Apple would have gotten wise about that with Leopard. Apparently they havent listened to all the Mac users who think that Spotlight in Tiger is trash.

    You can sort by date now in spotlight (at least the main spotlight search from the menu bar) - just click "show all" at the top of your spotlight results list and you get a new window that will allow you to sort and group the results to your heart's content. As spotlight will be extended to cover data on servers in Leopard I guess that functionality will be available across network files

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 13, 07:54 PM
    Actually, I'd call this bad news. It pretty much confirms that iP5 isn't coming any time soon.

    I think the lack of a March/April iOS 5 preview pretty much confirmed that. No new OS, no new iPhone. If we get the preview in June at WWDC, that means we get new hardware in September, which is likely to be the launch date of iOS 5.

    This again is based off of Apple always shipping a new OS with a new iPhone.

    Apr 21, 11:36 PM
    I really have no idea why apple opened this can of worms.

    Apr 22, 11:12 AM
    Yeah - I know if will never happen because SJ is compulsive obsessive with never making things bigger.
    Where are the commenters who claim that the iPad is just a big iPod touch?


    Apr 29, 03:50 PM
    Me too. Given the theme i was already picturing myself as the marquee artist of the production ;)

    anyway, the situation right now is:
    eldiablo: 4 (dontpanic, chrmjenkins, aggie, ucfgrad)
    chrmjenkins: 1 (jav)

    not voted yet: Lbro, eldiablo

    not much room to maneouvre for eldiablo, except in deciding who to infect (if he hasn't done it already).

    so tomorrow should be 4 vs 1 (or 5 vs 1 if the hunter is successful). with everyone with equal chances of being wolfized.
    it's like starting a new game, a tricky one with two shots at finding the wolf

    jav is making a good case for it being him already if his vote doesn't change and eldiablojoe does turn out to be a ww.

    Ultimate con would be if aggie was/is infected and joe is a ww.

    Jan 26, 10:59 AM

    Adidas Addict
    Apr 15, 03:09 AM
    I've been happily using my old iPhone 3G until a few weeks ago when my partner got herself an iPhone 4. I can't get over how fast it compared to my old chugger! So have had a bout of upgrade-itis since then. The white 4 looks amazing, just hope it gets released in the UK soon.

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