really ugly baby pictures

really ugly baby pictures. and that is one ugly baby!
  • and that is one ugly baby!

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:21 PM
    Would love a larger screen if they can maintain the same body size. I have no interest in something like the giant PDA-sized Android phones.

    Maybe the phone is smaller and it makes it look like the screen is bigger, food for thought!

    really ugly baby pictures. really ugly baby pictures. School ugly baby meme lama; School ugly baby meme lama. Schnebar. Jan 17, 08:38 AM. My friend is going up to SF this afternoon
  • really ugly baby pictures. School ugly baby meme lama; School ugly baby meme lama. Schnebar. Jan 17, 08:38 AM. My friend is going up to SF this afternoon

  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 16, 03:20 AM
    Let us not compare Apples to turds.

    Black berries now touch screen phones are really good. I loved my black berry... Hell i miss it. RIM makes a great smart phone, they are still holding strong to the one thing google and apple want most: Enterprise. ( I think if it ever leaves RIM it will go to Windows Phone.

    really ugly baby pictures. really ugly baby pictures.
  • really ugly baby pictures.

  • noservice2001
    Nov 23, 04:40 PM
    i was just wondering if this would update...

    really ugly baby pictures. Ugly Baby
  • Ugly Baby

  • ChazUK
    Apr 22, 04:23 AM
    I like this change. Hopefully it'll put an end to replies that consist of nothing but "+1".

    Awaits someone to quote my post with the reply "+1". :D


    really ugly baby pictures. really ugly baby pictures. And then he#39;s a ugly baby. And then he#39;s a ugly baby. Hildron101010. Mar 30, 10:41 PM. Application Launcher - Useful for
  • really ugly baby pictures. And then he#39;s a ugly baby. And then he#39;s a ugly baby. Hildron101010. Mar 30, 10:41 PM. Application Launcher - Useful for

  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 06:06 PM
    Yea, Rust was just as bad, same with Shipment in COD4. Those types of small maps are fun, like once every 50 games or so, just to break the flow a little, and run and gun. And I don't really have a problem with Nuketown itself, per se, but when you have totally abysmal spawns, it just sucks. If the spawns were better, my view of many maps would be much more favorable. I'm looking at you Array and Summit :mad:

    I liked Rust because it was a small open map. When they made Rust be a rare map, it made it really enjoyable. It also exposed the hardcore noobs because if you camped on Rust, you are by far the biggest noob of them all( especially on the top of the tower thingy). :D

    In MW2, I got into knifing( commando pro+marathon+ light weight+ light weaponry+tactical knife). Terminal and Rust were my favorite maps to go knife on. I hated Afgan and Estate( I would snipe on those maps).

    really ugly baby pictures. really ugly baby pictures. Credit: Some Ugly Baby; Credit: Some Ugly Baby. KingYaba. Sep 16, 06:00 PM. It#39;s always the next quot;eventquot; apple holds.
  • really ugly baby pictures. Credit: Some Ugly Baby; Credit: Some Ugly Baby. KingYaba. Sep 16, 06:00 PM. It#39;s always the next quot;eventquot; apple holds.

  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 04:40 PM

    Someone needs to ask Steve (the nouveau movie and entertainment mogul) the same thing he once asked John Sculley:

    "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling cartoons or do you want to change the world?"

    That's great!


    really ugly baby pictures. An ugly baby
  • An ugly baby

  • SevenInchScrew
    Apr 9, 01:22 PM
    As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.
    HA, very true.

    really ugly baby pictures. seen an UGLY baby they
  • seen an UGLY baby they

    Apr 7, 04:06 PM
    Another 'proper' video game.

    Full of 2D goodness.


    really ugly baby pictures. Really-Ugly-People; Ugly Baby
  • Really-Ugly-People; Ugly Baby

  • kresh
    Oct 31, 02:52 PM
    What on Earth are you talking about? What are people stealing in the Arn's summary? The modified code isn't capable of running OS X, and until they closed the source, Darwin worked on most generic x86 platforms anyway.

    Someone fixes a lack of functionality that existed in previous public versions and you call it "stealing"? WTF?

    Because they fixed it with the intent to use it with Aqua. They will be stealing Aqua. I sincerely doubt anyone will go through the trouble just for command line only.

    Even the blogger that was mentioned has a screen shot of Aqua running. There's the theft for ya :)

    really ugly baby pictures. Really-Ugly-People; Ugly Baby
  • Really-Ugly-People; Ugly Baby

  • shartypants
    Apr 25, 06:00 PM
    Looks nice, I'd buy one :)


    really ugly baby pictures. ugly babies pictures.
  • ugly babies pictures.

  • R.Perez
    Mar 16, 04:02 AM
    The entire industry is one big Apple "fanboi", bud. What Apple does, everyone else moves to copy or get it on. My "bubble" is the entire tech industry where it concerns the average user.

    What's "silly" is the Apple fansite bubble. Apple fansites on the ass-end of the net with their loveable little geek contingent perpetually out of touch with the actual market.

    Step into 2011. It's all about Apple and where they're taking the industry.

    It's already been proven that outside of a couple of examples, that just isn't true. You would of noticed that, but every single post that countered your fanboish assumptions, you brushed off with more rhetoric that sounded like it came from a marketing exec at Apple. What I am telling you is this, you have blinders on that completely alter your thinking on this issue. You are incapable of seeing the tech industry without apple painted glasses on.

    really ugly baby pictures. really ugly baby pictures.
  • really ugly baby pictures.

  • ImNoSuperMan
    Sep 12, 07:26 AM
    God. I m finding it harder and harder to concentrate on work. I wish I didnt have this MB sitting in my office:eek: :eek: :o


    really ugly baby pictures. fat ugly baby pictures.
  • fat ugly baby pictures.

  • yg17
    Mar 7, 10:15 AM
    You really think that many people are that stupid and brainwashed? :eek:

    Yes, and you don't have to look too far to find examples of that ;)

    really ugly baby pictures. really ugly baby pictures. Ugly Baby Dolls.
  • really ugly baby pictures. Ugly Baby Dolls.

  • JAT
    Apr 16, 09:07 AM
    When Apple releases their new HD TV the networks will have complete control on pricing with Apple getting it's cut. Apple will provide a complete hardware delivery system for them that operates seamlessly with a click, and has a magical (could not resist) effect on the end user.

    No needing to try all this crap streaming through Amazon and such BS. Could even give Netflix a run.

    Tivo already did this, over a decade ago. And look at the mess that has existed for them. First with DirecTV, and now Comcast. Uh, and now with DirecTV again.


    really ugly baby pictures. stupid and ugly and this
  • stupid and ugly and this

  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:16 PM
    thanks arn, very thoughtful!

    [...bookmarks ( and sets that as his homepage instead...]


    really ugly baby pictures. I think, if you took a really
  • I think, if you took a really

  • Millah
    Mar 25, 12:02 AM
    Man, can't believe it's been ten years. As a longtime Mac user, since OS8, I've grown up on OSX. I still remember getting OSX the very first day it launched, and just being BLOWN AWAY with the user interface. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before, especially coming from the old platinum interface of OS9. Even comparing it to Windows 2000, it was just a giant leap. The Aqua bubbles, the high resolution icons, and the sophisticated animations really blew me away. I never went back to OS9, despite the occasional issues with cheetah.

    Using the iPhone for the first time is probably the only thing that has compared to seeing OSX for the first time. And I really don't think anything in the future will ever compare again. They were so influential. Especially the aqua bubble design, which has found it's way into just about every other tech companies designs. Almost everything has aqua bubbles now. Adobes logo, Aero in Windows, android, Blackberry, PS3 UI, etc...all these things have representations of aqua.


    really ugly baby pictures. really ugly baby. KingYaba
  • really ugly baby. KingYaba

  • DoFoT9
    May 15, 05:47 PM
    thanks. are you sure it will work from the login screen?

    oh you have a login screen. only will work with that. the others will being on logon.

    maybe implement a two-tier system? :D

    really ugly baby pictures. No really ugly hor?
  • No really ugly hor?

  • ZipZap
    May 4, 04:50 AM
    I don't give a damn. If I pay for a chunk of data, it isn't up to the provider to dictate how I use my data. If I want to syphon fuel out of my vehicle for use in another, that is my decision not Exxon's.


    So much emotional reasoning that leave out facts.

    Your data is meant for use by your iphone. Your T&C prohibits tethering. So you cannot use your data for tethering in ANY form.

    Those that use the analogy of their home internet connection not restricting use...well...that's just it... your T&C there does not restrict devices and use. Not the same thing. As for you gas analogy, again not the same thing. You have no contract with Exxon on how you use your gas. If Exxon made a contract with you to use the gas only in the car that purchased would be the same. You could then decide to buy it or find another source (carrier).

    To sum it up. You are tethering only by virtue of the fact that you have jailbroken your phone...and you want the carriers to agree that this is a normal usage of the phone and therefore that tethering is ok?

    Are you serious?

    You are free to do what you want but dont fault the carrier when then finally catch up to you and force you to stop or pay.

    There is just no other way to view this...

    really ugly baby pictures. No such thing as an ugly baby
  • No such thing as an ugly baby

  • Konz
    Oct 6, 02:33 PM
    Looks more deceptive than factual. I'm sure Verizon is being very generous with the definition of "3G coverage" for their own network while doing just the opposite with AT&T's.

    Neither carrier actually has a 3G coverage map available on their website.

    A little fishy? Me thinks.... :confused:

    Apr 11, 01:23 AM
    Street Kings

    I think my favorite thing about this movie is it's soundtrack... prob in top 10 movie was pretty good.

    Rodimus Prime
    Aug 8, 12:52 PM
    As yet, no hybrids on the market outperform straight diesel engined cars consistently, so the hybrid concept is still very much in its infancy. I have yet to be convinced, especially with the cost and [lack of efficiency] of the battery packs. They may ultimately meet expectations, but they haven't yet.

    You forgot something. You are comparing diesel to unleaded even in hybrid form. You need to compare the generators (unlead to unlead). Now image if those very high gas mileage diesel running as a hybrid.
    The problem with battery right now is we are still working on a break threw. When we finally get a true break threw in battery technology I can see things really taking off.
    Batteries are very efficient at story power. problem is they are a little on the heavy side but we are getting better at it.

    As for the mass rail system. You might be thinking of the east coast. Trying coming to some city west of the Mississippi and you will see how little rail they have and we just do not have any good way to put a rail system in. It is very costly to retrofit those system in and it is a very slow process. Slowly it is happening but really the system that was designed in the past was based around people driving their own personal cars around. That was 40+ years ago that was put in so now it is harder to do put it in now.

    Jan 15, 04:41 PM
    I really liked Time capsule, I'm buying one.

    Mar 26, 05:29 PM
    Not surprising. When I was in high school someone broke into our house stole a .22 pistol and a bunch of jewelry, also a pillow cover to carry it. Eventually the .22 turned up after they tried to hold up a convenience store. The thieves were friends with the family across the street.

    Mar 4, 03:18 PM
    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    The liberal view is to build schools that teach people to fish, hire people to teach, treat the teachers well and then send the students off into the world with good educations. Liberals then try to protect the lakes and rivers so that the fish can be eaten, and so that fish can thrive and be caught by the fishermen. When bad times happen, as they always do, liberals are willing to help the fishermen survive natural disasters, famine, draught, and the occassional cold spell (luck and weather). Liberals stand hand to hand with their neighbors, knowing that as their neighbor thrives, so do they.

    The conservative view is to set up a corporation on the banks of the lake/river, hire fishermen from out of the country, make enough profits to make a machine that harvests all of the fish available, then dump the waste back into the river/lake poisoning the lake and forever destroying the habitat, and finally, adding fillers and cheap materials to sell canned "authentic fish product" to the people. When the fish run low, the business relocates its operations and hires foreigners to fish, and then requires a government bailout when the people can't afford to buy their products.

    Go fish.

    (edit) Don't bother posting your usual response about how conservatives give more and are more charitable. I'm talking about liberal government policies.

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