platinum blonde hair with black

platinum blonde hair with black. her platinum blonde hair
  • her platinum blonde hair

  • Diode
    Apr 21, 04:21 PM
    I like the reputation system slickdeals uses. Give points to useful posts (that the user then accumulates) - allows people to realize who the better posters are, as having a high post count can be worthless.

    platinum blonde hair with black. platinum blonde hair with
  • platinum blonde hair with

  • Torrijos
    Jul 21, 11:05 AM
    The antenna issue is real. It is more pronounced on the iPhone 4 than other smartphones because it is directly exposed to touch.

    That said, Apple is defending the notion that this problem does in fact affect nearly all phones to some degree. They show evidence and catalog it very clearly. What's wrong with that?

    What upsets me more is the backlash from those companies denying the issue altogether - denying an issue that these videos and others clearly show. Shouldn't this denial be more worrisome?

    Exactly, plus, like Anandtech showed (the only technical site that tried to gather technical information on the problem), the iPhone do suffer of a higher attenuation of signal when touched, but at the same seems to have better reception at lower signal levels this is why the amount of drop calls is less than 1% over the level of the 3GS.

    So if your in an average-low signal area, and touch the "mean" spot tightly you will still be able to maintain communications, the fact that some people seem to believe that you could be in a full signal area and drop a call simply because you touched your phone is at best lack of knowledge, at worst (like in a lot if not the majority of tech websites) cash trolling (Leprechaun-ing?!).

    A nice follow up from Anandtech (or any other site) would be to calculate/show real-life implications, like the distance from the antenna that the problems cost you.

    platinum blonde hair with black. styled her platinum blonde
  • styled her platinum blonde

  • BForstall
    Mar 17, 02:09 AM

    Meh. I'd put money on 75% of the posters in this thread gladly walking out with a $250 iPad 2. No reason to get on a noble, moral horse on the internet and deny it. You all know what you would do deep down inside, if you lied to improve your image online, that's pretty low. If not, more power to you.

    platinum blonde hair with black. platinum blonde hair with
  • platinum blonde hair with

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 06:00 PM
    From your original post --> "It seems that most people feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4."

    Just sayin...

    Ok fair enough, that was poorly phrased. What I meant was "It seems that some smart phone owners feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4."


    platinum blonde hair with black. or platinum blonde hair,
  • or platinum blonde hair,

  • mandis
    Aug 7, 07:29 PM
    Woooohoooo! Now the 20" ACDs go for around �410.00 (with edu discount)!! ;)

    I'm buying two in September!! :D

    platinum blonde hair with black. Platinum Blonde Hair With
  • Platinum Blonde Hair With

  • adversus
    Apr 8, 01:02 PM
    It's still pretty ******.

    If I walk into a Best Buy and to buy a product that's for sale, knowing full well they have it in stock but they just want to "hold it" for something, I'd be pissed.


    platinum blonde hair with black. platinum blonde hair with
  • platinum blonde hair with

  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 12, 10:59 AM
    Must be alot coming out today, if the store is down 1hr and 15min before the actual event.

    Oooh, ya the whole Apple store is down now... so ~5 hours before the event iTMS goes down, and 1+ hour before the web store goes down. Doesn't the store usually only go down right before an event? Like for WWDC it went down maybe 15 minutes ahead of the keynote, or at least that's how I remember it.

    Seems like maybe we'll get more than iPods... maybe a new line of media systems (like my predicted Mac mini Media Edition)?

    Exciting stuff! Glad it doesn't start 'till after I get back from lunch! ;)

    EIT: Odd that the store sign says we'll be back within the hour when the event doesn't even start for an hour... I assume its just a standard template page, but how hard would it have been to change the text to say 'in a couple of hours', or at 2pm EST, or even 'as soon as possible!'?

    platinum blonde hair with black. her platinum blonde hair a
  • her platinum blonde hair a

  • fr33 loader
    Jan 10, 11:01 PM
    Hahaha, that would be hilarious! C'mon guys, seriously. No harm done.

    Unless you are the one standing and giving the presentation. The wasted manpower to fix it. Money to use the stage for certain alloted time. Negative effect on brand name thinking it was a real malfunction on the TV set. All of this to gain what?:(


    platinum blonde hair with black. Platinum Blonde Hair With
  • Platinum Blonde Hair With

  • wordoflife
    Apr 23, 09:32 PM
    I do agree that you should be able to remove your vote, rendering a net change of zero, but otherwise, it appears to be accurate.\

    It's probably been figured out by now, but you can remove your vote (whether positive or negative). Just click the button that you previously clicked to remove your rating. Lets say you clicked +1 but now you want to take that back to make it 0, just press +1 again to undo it.

    platinum blonde hair with black. Platinum Blonde Hair With
  • Platinum Blonde Hair With

  • Shotglass
    Oct 17, 03:59 PM
    So why not just use an external HD?
    The price. Why burn your library to CDs, you could just use a flash drive. It's the same thing.

    In the future, maybe in 5-10 years, I think maybe people will have their entire collections in full-blown 1080p HD. I mean, look at PAL/NTSC. The resolution sucks. HDTV is just worth it.


    platinum blonde hair with black. Bright Dark Blue and Platinum
  • Bright Dark Blue and Platinum

  • joeshell383
    Jan 6, 04:18 AM
    "And one more thing...all 5G ipods have a built in wireless chip which we activated about 5 seconds ago, so here's a recap for all those of you listening in..."

    I wish :)

    platinum blonde hair with black. Short Cut Platinum Blonde Hair
  • Short Cut Platinum Blonde Hair

  • kiljoy616
    May 4, 06:16 AM
    :rolleyes: iPad 3

    Retina :cool:
    Quad Core :cool:
    Pixie dust coated. :D


    platinum blonde hair with black. Filed under: 2005, Blonde Hair
  • Filed under: 2005, Blonde Hair

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 03:06 PM
    Thanks, that's good information. I actually got caught up trying to finish this function of my App but I plan immediately to deep into books and videos that I already have waiting for me. Believe or not, I'm looking forward to it. I know that as soon as give some time to read over fundamentals like the ones you mention.. it will be easier for and easier for all of you to understand my threads.

    So, self refers to my controller.. interesting.

    platinum blonde hair with black. You can dye your hair black,
  • You can dye your hair black,

  • daze
    Nov 18, 11:30 PM
    I will never buy an AMD computer again, especially in a laptop. AMDs are very hot processors and they require big fans(I learn that from my bro's Compaq), which make them thick and heavy.

    Hot processors you say? Big fans? Why, it'll be just like the old G5 days! But I doubt AMD is as bad a IBM PPC. Time will tell. With the purchase of ATI, AMD's going to be a big player in the market. I can't help but think that this will be better for ATI than AMD. Let's see if Intel buys nVidia to level the playing field.


    platinum blonde hair with black. is a platinum blonde now.
  • is a platinum blonde now.

  • charlituna
    Dec 19, 01:26 PM
    On your first point: It is also the company that came out with the iphone 4 and its antenna problems.

    yes the tragic design flaw that only existed in the US in the areas where ATT service blows.

    Same design flaw recently confirmed on the HTC even

    As for these rumors, I don't believe said site on anything. Their record is so spotty it is a joke. Also if Apple was going to release a CDMA phone why haven't they for countries like China where I is the dominate cell phone tech. Instead they went with the second place carrier who supports GSM. Even all the talk that they are hiring CDMA knowledged engineers which 'proves' they are working on a Verizon phone falls apart when you consider the unlocked, no exclusives iPad. So that staff could be working on the product.

    I won't go so far as to say that a CDMA iPhone would never happen, or an LTE Verizon iPhone. I just do buy that it is coming this soon. For a number of reasons. And no one has shown me proof reasonable enough to think otherwise

    platinum blonde hair with black. platinum blonde hair with
  • platinum blonde hair with

  • Andrew K.
    May 4, 08:14 AM
    I really like the tone of these commercials.

    Also, I enjoy that they keep saying magic or magical; only because I know how angry people (trolls, mostly) here get about it.

    I think Apple is trolling back lolz


    platinum blonde hair with black. Platinum Blonde Hair With Black Underneath. platinum blond hair and; platinum blond hair and. iMeowbot. Oct 21, 10:24 AM. They need to put your little iPods
  • Platinum Blonde Hair With Black Underneath. platinum blond hair and; platinum blond hair and. iMeowbot. Oct 21, 10:24 AM. They need to put your little iPods

  • dernhelm
    Nov 17, 07:00 AM
    Can't believe this is a front page article. It's more likely that I'll see pigs flying when I head to work today.

    There can't even be interest in this anymore. What possible benefit could Apple obtain by moving to AMD? Marginally faster server processors? I simply can't believe Apple would spend any R&D (and there is always some R&D that has to be done, even if they are both x86 based) on this unless and until they need to pressure Intel to lower prices or something.

    platinum blonde hair with black. Platinum Blonde Hair
  • Platinum Blonde Hair

  • MrSmith
    Mar 28, 07:01 PM
    Gasoline used to cost .25 a gallon. :rolleyes:
    *Pain in foot*

    platinum blonde hair with black. platinum blonde hair with lack. grow white-londe hair; grow white-londe hair. FireStar. Nov 1, 08:28 PM. Please. :)
  • platinum blonde hair with lack. grow white-londe hair; grow white-londe hair. FireStar. Nov 1, 08:28 PM. Please. :)

  • gleepskip
    Jan 5, 02:54 PM
    it would be great if apple would put up a video feed of the keynote live.

    if not that, put it in the local apple stores.

    What an awesome idea. Show up to your local Apple Store to watch the keynote and buy the product(s) that are available that day as soon as Steve says, "See you again soon."

    Apr 5, 03:59 PM
    :eek: Looks like the beginnings of NASCAR styled advertising that is blasted everywhere.

    App Dev's and Apple should stick to the minimalist apple principles - clean interfaces, w/o out the commercial crapola.

    Mar 28, 03:32 PM
    I never said it was perfect. If you have many apps as I do that DON'T have automatic updates then it is a royal pain in the ass to go to their site(assuming you even know where it is), download it again, unpackage the dmg, and place it in my applications folder. Sure, if you only have a few apps then it isn't THAT bad but I have upwards to 20 apps that I have to do this with. It's a chore. With the Mac App Store I can take a quick glance, click update all if there are any updates and be done with it.

    If I understand some of you on this thread correctly then it is my opinion that you've missed the point, slightly.

    I don't think that the merits or demerits of the mac app store are the core point here. The store may be good, excellent, bad, poor, draconian, onerous or whatever but Apple is going to award programming and application awards to only those apps that are distributed through their application store.

    Even if you think the store is great, hell even if the store IS GREAT, don't you also feel that it isn't the ONLY way to get quality, well made applications.

    Apple is only promoting application which it profits from AND which conform to its Terms of Service.

    The offensive part for me is just how unapologetic they seem to be showing bias for what makes them money, not with what may be driving the platform or solving user needs/wants.

    I anticipate that some may remind me about Apple's responsibility to shareholders and about being a profitable business and therefore say that it is obvious that they support the apps from which they make a profit. I just think that is an oversimplification of situation and I think this does more to hurt the image of the platform, rather than improve it. It does more to hurt developer interest than it does improve developer interest in the mac platform. Long term, I'd rather see them building an enthusiasm for their products (including the mac app store) for their own merits.

    Apr 30, 03:29 AM
    Ah no! I liked the scrolling!

    Apr 25, 03:47 PM
    Your damn right I do, I've kicked people out of stores before for being rude to employees, shouting at each other, behaving inappropriately and refusing to respond to reasonable requests.

    If people started fighting in my place of work i would absolutely get involved, probably starting with dumping a bucket of mop water over them.

    I've broke up a fight between 14 and 15 years old siblings while I was teaching a ski lesson. And I wouldn't have hesitated if it had been two 20 year olds.

    When did we become so bloody apathetic and wimpy that were afraid of breaking up a fight between a group of girls. As far as I'm concerned I could give a damn about trans gender or not.

    If you work somewhere you have a position of authority and that makes it your job to protect all people in your store, sack up and diffuse the situation.

    What would we have them do? They didn't have time to do anything? According to the report: "These employees can be heard on the video shouting words of encouragement to the attackers." Sounds like they had more then enough time to figure out what was going on and acted on it. Do you like what they chose to do?

    I didn't watch the whole video, but from what I watched, they were standing around and laughing.

    Again, they should call the cops and NOT get involved.

    They are hired to flip burgers, not stop violence. If you want your employees to stop a fight, hire an armed guard.

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 01:19 AM
    So? How exactly will this affect you personally? Sounds like an imaginary demon. What exactly is your fear? Will some harm come to you?

    Why does it need to be encrypted? For what purpose?

    Ok. But for what purpose? To what end?

    What exactly do you think will be done with that information? Will you be tracked and abducted? What will be done with information that showed you were like 10km near your local Target outlet? Is this critical, private information about you?

    From what I can piece together (sometimes your grammar is shockingly bad), you're saying Apple is less up-front about collecting (*allegedly*) information that is otherwise harmless.

    And here I am thinking this was something actually worth worrying about.

    Targeted, personalized advertising. LOL. BIG FRIGGIN CONCERN!!

    I see that you truly are worshiping Apple there.
    You bashed Google Buzz on their stuff there but turn around and find this completely ok.

    There is another thread I sited a long list of examples of issues with it.
    But clearly you already have sold your soul to Apple.

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