palm wallpaper

palm wallpaper. Beach and Palms Wallpapers
  • Beach and Palms Wallpapers

  • TheSlush
    Apr 15, 01:11 PM
    LOL at the perspective on the text in the 3rd photo. :D


    palm wallpaper. Rate this wallpaper
  • Rate this wallpaper

  • shurcooL
    May 1, 10:24 PM
    Look at us debating this, I am sure Apple is having a hard time determining what to do too! I have a feeling they like it to, but you are correct that it is confusing when there are only two options.

    However, this doesn't mean I think it should go away. It just needs a little more tweaking! :D
    I agree with that last sentence!

    The idea of sliders is great, because you can grab it and switch between different tabs without having to look at the tab buttons. You can focus on the tab content instead.

    palm wallpaper. For The Palm Pre
  • For The Palm Pre

  • AWallen90
    May 3, 10:14 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Anyone know what's the app being used in the "to a CEO" part?

    Looks like Roambi??
    Second guess is MicroStrategy

    Apple definitely knows how to show off the coolest part of an app.

    palm wallpaper. Palm Pre wallpaper by ~emrbig
  • Palm Pre wallpaper by ~emrbig

  • robecq
    Apr 25, 12:49 PM
    Fake, the hand looks all wrong. He has creepier thumbs than Megan fox!!!:eek:

    palm wallpaper. wallpaper border pattern #
  • wallpaper border pattern #

  • chrisd1974
    Apr 5, 04:27 PM
    I've just noticed a fantastic new function on my cable box. You can fast forward through the programme to see all the ads. I know what you're thinking, if only there was a way to skip the programmes and jump straight to the ads, because I really want to see the ad about how badly they mis-sold Yaz.

    palm wallpaper. Photo: Palm fronds
  • Photo: Palm fronds

  • AidenShaw
    Apr 29, 11:36 PM
    I see. It's a sequence of versions but they decided to start at a a certain level of windows development or possibly a grouping of versions by category. i always wondered about that.

    The internal kernel version ID for Vista is Major.Minor = "6.0".

    The next major release after "6.0" would be "7" - hence "Windows 7".

    However, Windows 7 is a compatible superset of Windows 6.0 kernel APIs, so Windows 7 uses the kernel version ID of "Windows 6.1". This is so that any software checking the major version sees Vista and 7 as the same version.

    palm wallpaper. palm 3d wallpaper,
  • palm 3d wallpaper,

  • appletastic
    Jan 9, 09:17 AM
    Okay here goes:

    - Movie rentals in HD
    - Updated Apple TV software and new higher capacity drive available. Download/Stream (you watch while still downloading) film straight to Apple TV.
    - DVDs ability to copy over film to mac.

    - Refresh MacBook Pro line - New processors, new keyboard, updated look
    - MacBook Pro small version - A pro line like the 12inch Powerbook was. Flash memory, External CD drive (who needs one anyway?)
    - All with Track Anywhere pads (The traditional trackpad is no more with an invisible pad underneath the surface of the laptop) - you can click anywhere and drag anywhere..and it will ignore palms.

    - No changes to iPod or iPhone hardware
    - Introducing a few new third party apps for the iPhone - Maybe a dictionary, translation tool, wikipedia app.
    - Announce 3rd party sdk - ready to take-away today

    - No changes to MacBook line, although may add the Track Anywhere pad, update processors, screen.

    - No more Mac Mini

    - New cinema displays with iSight and IR (glossy?..hope not!)

    Thats It!

    palm wallpaper. Caribean Palm Wallpaper
  • Caribean Palm Wallpaper

  • rhett7660
    Jul 27, 04:01 PM

    palm wallpaper. Fantastic Wallpaper for Palm
  • Fantastic Wallpaper for Palm

  • maflynn
    Apr 18, 05:41 AM
    You mean like how Finder is finally adding cut and paste?
    Wow, so the finder is finally giving us, what other OS' had for years. I wonder what the fanboys will say now, after defending this lack of a feature for years.

    I suspect along the lines that apple innovates again and creates a brand new feature :p

    palm wallpaper. Sky, Palm desktop wallpaper
  • Sky, Palm desktop wallpaper

  • dissdnt
    Apr 15, 03:12 PM
    Yah it's a 3d render, and photoshop added grain, doesn't look anything like real camera grain.

    palm wallpaper. Leaning Palm Wallpaper Beaches
  • Leaning Palm Wallpaper Beaches

  • bousozoku
    Sep 25, 04:28 PM
    I guess I mean support without any hacks necessary.

    As long as you had enough RAM, the right processor, and the right version of Mac OS X, it was supported. It hasn't changed in the low level requirements. :)

    My machine didn't have enough RAM, so it was immediately rejected. However, they were doing me a favour because the dual and dual core G5s still had performance issues with it.

    palm wallpaper. Beach Palm Tree Wallpaper
  • Beach Palm Tree Wallpaper

  • twoodcc
    Apr 29, 10:47 AM
    I already have 2 4u cases and 650 psu's for them, no gpu's right now I just ssh into them. Would a 650 psu be enough power for a single GTX480 on one of these? I have 1200 watt psu's running the 2 machines with 3 gpu's each. I could swap out one of the GT260's for the 480 and put it (the 260) on the new board; when I have the change for the GTX480 that is.

    This of course will delay the purchase of a new Mac Pro somewhat, maybe... but I couldn't wait any longer for the Mac Pro's...:o

    Our team output is up again to just under 2 mil pts for the last week.

    i'm not sure the 650 psu would be enough for a GTX480. i doubt it would be.

    yeah lyzardking is really stepping it up lately!

    well my third machine has to be down based on my output. so i'll be working on it this weekend

    I keep on hearing these sick setups, I need photos now ;) Show me your f@h setup please :)

    i would, but i'm not at my apartment now. i will be this weekend though

    Thanks for posting, looks scary but I like it! You planning on getting GPUs for the AMD systems? How do AMD processors go at f@h? Imagine if you got some GT260s on the 4 AMD systems :eek:

    AMD processors aren't near as good at folding as intel, mainly i7s.

    palm wallpaper. designer-wallpaper-palm-
  • designer-wallpaper-palm-

  • Padraig
    Jan 10, 05:41 PM
    "In college, I built small TV jammers. I'd go to the one dorm that had a color TV, sit in the back, in the dark, and tune in my jammer. The screen got messed up, not totally but enough to bother everyone. Without any plan, a friend in the front row, who knew what was going on (I hope he did) whacked the TV. I instantly turned the jammer off and the TV worked fine."

    palm wallpaper. Palm Tree Leaves Wallpaper
  • Palm Tree Leaves Wallpaper

  • benthewraith
    Oct 17, 09:32 PM
    Nope. Cheap always prevails when it comes to marketshare. The average consumer is fairly thick, when they walk along the aisles at Walmart and wonder which one to chuck in their shopping trolley the majority will go for the cheapest.

    Thick or smart? The average consumer is NOT going to spend the amount of money for Blu-Ray player, when they can get HD-DVD for cheaper. Not everyone is as fortunate as you to put $1000 down on a player.

    palm wallpaper. We#39;ve got the Palm Tree and
  • We#39;ve got the Palm Tree and

  • cynerjist
    Jan 8, 10:45 PM
    When you spend the whole year waiting for the event you want the moment to be perfect.

    What are we doing here...losing our virginity? Yeesh!


    palm wallpaper. Palm In Wind Live Wallpaper
  • Palm In Wind Live Wallpaper

  • bassfingers
    Apr 28, 01:28 AM
    HAHAHA, funny, you happened to pick the *worst* possible example there, Transsexuals can and do compete in the Olympics, as long as they've been taking hormones that bring them to the typical range for their gender for a period of 2 years before competing. People do change gender physically.

    I'm not going to bother to repeat myself with a detailed argument, feel free to read back through my discussing with MattSepeta.

    well crap

    palm wallpaper. Palm In Wind Live Wallpaper
  • Palm In Wind Live Wallpaper

  • Iroganai
    Oct 28, 03:03 PM
    Well, I only have the free online ADC account, but I can still access the source of the kernel. How can it be called as 'pulling' the code ?
    In the end, anyone interested can still see the code, without paying even a dime.

    palm wallpaper. +in+the+world+wallpaper
  • +in+the+world+wallpaper

  • mac17
    Jan 8, 12:26 AM
    BTW, I had to laugh when they demoed FMV used as a wallpaper in Vista, and the crowd ooohed and awwed and clapped. :)[/QUOTE]

    is it possible to put fmv wallpaper on tiger? how?

    palm wallpaper. Tags: palm tree live wallpaper
  • Tags: palm tree live wallpaper

  • hob
    Jan 9, 03:32 PM

    Mar 24, 03:04 PM
    10 years already? Time to touch land. It's been great 10 years at sea.

    Jan 13, 01:34 PM
    I beg to differ.:)

    Actually he's right! I just tilt my PowerBook screen and can read the white on color #FAFAFA with no problem :-)

    Apr 15, 10:54 PM
    Whether or not Apple moves ahead on this particular design, I have no way of knowing.

    Whether or not the pictures are real, and of a real case, I'm sure they are. I spend a ton of time working in China developing other types of products. I take pictures (sometimes as crappy as these) every time I'm over here.

    My money is that they are real.

    Real what? Real fakes? Yes they are real fakes.

    Apr 11, 08:27 AM
    Aero Snap. The new superbar. Expandable start menu. The Office ribbon. Stable as a rock OS. Just to name a few.

    I agree with Maflynn. Where as Vista was rather dire, Windows 7 beats Snow Leopard. Only by a fraction, which is why I'm still happy using Snow Leopard, but it is still better. Windows has matured considerably, whereas OS X still feels a little juvenile like XP does.

    Really Aero Snap? A feature?
    Superbar is good but the dock provides a similar capability but through expose. No big deal here. Use hyperdock if you need the same experience.
    So office ribbon is a nice UI element? Well, would have guessed withyour post history. The ribbons look awful, complicate user interface and experience; they are just a bad idea.
    Stable as a rock. Yaa I know.

    Still no features, usability to tout here.

    OS X already came with a ton of features in the first place. Tiger was such a great OS release who's features are yet to be found in Windows 8.
    Leopard packed some of the great features and become one of the most advanced OS's.

    Maybe in your opinion windows 7 is better than SL, but I don't think so. XP->Vista->W7 has definitely been on the upside but in terms of features and usability, its a big nono.

    Thanks for the reply anyway.

    Apr 15, 12:51 PM
    I am waiting for a resistant case to cracks and drops. However .. no flash .. i cant take that .. it is really getting bored with same stuff ... change more. Otherwise will start to look for some htc.

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