mortal kombat scorpion costume

mortal kombat scorpion costume. Mortal Kombat Ninja Scorpion
  • Mortal Kombat Ninja Scorpion

  • Hattig
    Mar 29, 12:33 PM
    when closing an application in OS X is as easy as clicking an X in the top right corner let me know

    Who cares about quitting applications these days?

    Sure, closing windows (which is the Mac OS function for clicking on the window close button - whoa, difficult concept!) is required, but quitting apps is surely a far rarer thing, that shouldn't be accidentally invoked - hence it is behind a menu, or a keyboard shortcut. May I also point out that cmd+Q is a lot easier to type than alt+F4, and makes sense as an application level command?

    But quitting apps? Why? We're not running on slow CPUs with limited RAM any more. Even our phones only quit applications upon operating system demand, and they cleverly suspend the application state to be restored upon restart. This is coming to Mac OS X Lion, and not before time. Quitting applications is the exception, not the rule.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. scorpion mortal kombat
  • scorpion mortal kombat

  • poppe
    Sep 5, 08:54 PM

    "C2D laptop information has come to a near stop"

    Based on all of our POOR experience it is obvious that little real information on the Merom based MBP exists. I do not want to admit to all of the time I have wasted on this decision / upgrade. A new notebook is needed within a week - I can not bring myself to by a Yonah since I've waited this long - but............

    Now - the next Tuesday (hahahahahahahahahaha) - 9/12 - then what:mad:

    I've heard speculation of fricken october... So much for us all waiting if it doesnt come out next week...

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat scorpion mask.
  • mortal kombat scorpion mask.

  • IJ Reilly
    Aug 24, 06:47 PM
    It may be a bookkeeping trick, but it's considered part of Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP). The IRS and the SEC certainly doesn't have problem with it and ammorization is actually encouraged. Apple used the same method to record the $250 million cash investment in flash memory plants last year, as well as the $400 million it is setting aside for the new Cupertino campus. Neither of those big cash outlays really affected their profit recording.

    I didn't mean to imply that it was somehow illegal or improper. My point was, even an amortized expense is an expense, and booking it as an asset doesn't mean it will produce a return on investment. All those numbers go on the expense side of the ledger, one way or another. Spread out over years or taken as a lump sum, they're still spending the money.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 9 scorpion
  • mortal kombat 9 scorpion

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 11, 09:13 AM
    It was going to be a chapter in Jobs' autobiography too. LOL

    Anyway an odd thin about airplay is the ability to stream just the sound from a video file in itunes. It can't be done but it can be done from iOS.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 9 scorpion vs
  • mortal kombat 9 scorpion vs

  • Jason Beck
    Jan 11, 05:21 PM
    Windows user here for at least a decade. This is obviously propaganda to promote some sort of upcoming suite of software for OSX to prevent "viruses" lol. Yawn. I am right now on my Windows box as I don't have a Mac at the moment but I have owned several. The only way your Mac can be infected with anything is through stupidity.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. Mortal Kombat: Scorpion by
  • Mortal Kombat: Scorpion by

  • theelysium
    May 3, 04:01 PM
    I thught was strange as well at first, but I believe that the comparison is between i5 1st gen vs 2nd gen and i7 1st gen vs 2nd gen.

    Is that what they were doing? Well it wasn't clear. They need to fix that it's too confusing. It appears they are saying the current i5 is faster then the current i7.:rolleyes:

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. Mortal Kombat costumes
  • Mortal Kombat costumes

  • ClimbingTheLog
    Sep 5, 12:40 PM
    No one else has yet mentioned that the Airport Extreme is currently reflecting a 1-3 week shipping period (, while the Airport Express ( still says it will ship within 24 hours on the Apple Store Online. It would seem that it is the Extreme and not the Express to be getting the update.

    That makes sense if Apple is going 802.11n-draft. The Extreme needs -N support so the mystery box has something to talk to.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. Mortal Kombat Costume question
  • Mortal Kombat Costume question

  • SBacklin
    Apr 22, 09:34 AM
    Man, stop it with the cloud service already. :rolleyes: You can't rely on the internet availability for listening to music. It's unreliable. Plus, the streaming will probably be low resolution, drain battery life, eat into data caps, not display lyrics, and generally be a crappy experience. If I wanted to stream, I can do it from my home computer where my music already resides with one of the 100 apps already available and not have to fight through all the bandwidth issues that are probably gonna result from Apple's side. What's the point? I can do this now.

    Of course what we really need if more friggin' flash memory on our devices! Apple's been stuck on 32 GB on the iPhone for almost 3 years!

    Good points made. Like I complained about, cellular data connectivity when out and about isn't very reliable and then there is data caps.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat scorpion mask.
  • mortal kombat scorpion mask.

  • blahblah100
    Mar 30, 12:48 PM
    Sue M$

    What about App�� ?

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 2011 scorpion
  • mortal kombat 2011 scorpion

  • entropi
    Apr 25, 02:15 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I just hope they manage to keep it as cool and quiet as our current mba 11" (1,6 Ghz C2D)... I prefer quiet computing over ultraspeed in a mba, for shure!

    "Shure" Great company aren't they? Had the 535s for a while and loved them. (I'm assuming you know about high end audio? Lol)

    meh. "sure" ok? :-) (I know all about high end audio, but I'm more of a apogee & genelec-fan...)

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. scorpion mortal kombat 9
  • scorpion mortal kombat 9

  • steve_hill4
    Aug 23, 05:36 PM
    A little-known company, and that was to create it's product. If apple buys one of their largest competitors, that will raise a few eyebrows.
    Think Microsoft strategy here. They settle with Creative for $100 million and Creative join the Made for iPod scheme. If they suceed and get back on their feet, it helps Apple argue they aren't anti-competition, if they fail, Creative fall by the wayside and Apple could perhpas snap them up for a bargain.

    Buy Creative now and thy will not only be accused of anti-competitive behaviour, but probably lose any cases over Fairplay.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. This guy#39;s costume is good,
  • This guy#39;s costume is good,

  • GoodWatch
    May 3, 02:23 PM
    Nice pieces of kit. Would this put the top of the line iMacs in the realm of professional photographers who have to do a lot of post processing? Or is the monitor not up to scratch for that? I can see huge external RAID arrays equipped with Thunderbolt to cater for the safe storage of large amounts of RAW files :D

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 9 scorpion
  • mortal kombat 9 scorpion

  • roadbloc
    Mar 29, 01:17 PM
    And where in the first post from the OP did they mention 'in the Finder'?
    Doesn't take a genius to work out does it? I understood him, as did plenty of others. If you wish to pointlessly nitpick in hope to make OS X's lack of basic but useful features sound negligible then so be it.

    Finder lacks cut and paste. It bugs me at times too.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 9 scorpion
  • mortal kombat 9 scorpion

  • chukronos
    Sep 16, 08:38 PM
    I am not sure if it is a smart move for apple to enter into the cell phone market. There is a lot of competition and I think resources could be used better elsewhere. But it seems Apple knows a lot more about it than me.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 2011 scorpion
  • mortal kombat 2011 scorpion

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 29, 11:49 AM
    Haha, you're funny. I'm no fan of the Xbox, but you've got to be kidding if you think Nintendo is ever really going to kill Sony/MS. Nintendo may have sold the most consoles, but most main virtually unused, cos the Wii is woefully under-powered, propped up by the same old kiddy franchises and once you get past the new gimmicks gets boring fast.

    I hardly know anyone with a Wii, that still uses it. The same will happen to the 3DS.

    Nothing beats the XBox-Live ecosystem from what I read. Kudos for MSFT investing in it for a decade until it became profitable.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. Mortal+kombat+scorpion+
  • Mortal+kombat+scorpion+

  • miranderm
    Sep 16, 09:19 AM
    I would love to see an Apple Phone with these features:

    - At least 4 GB storage, preferably 8 GB.
    - 3G (UTMS) / 2G (GSM) combo
    - iPod/iTunes/Addressbook/iCal integration (duh!)
    - BlueTooth
    - less than 100g
    - clamshell or candybar, no slider please

    For less than 600 euros I would buy it instantly.

    The market screams for an Apple phone. The above architecture is a basic excellent expected product. Still even a video ichat internet communicating device ( of course camera capable )
    would be "hot" for the market inroading mac populace. C'mon Steve this cant be that challenging!!

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 2011 scorpion
  • mortal kombat 2011 scorpion

  • BobbyDigital
    Sep 13, 11:26 PM
    touch screen dialing sucks, not being able to feel buttons is actually a big deal, even though most numbers are dialed through contacts list.

    Very true... I wish there was a way to make a touchscreen have a tactile feel... If there was a way, I'm sure Apple would be the one to do it.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. mortal kombat 9 scorpion
  • mortal kombat 9 scorpion

  • Peace
    Aug 31, 04:44 PM
    Well if they do the announcement late on Monday 12 in Cupertino that will be Tuesday in Paris (time zone difference is +9) so will comply with the tradition LOL :rolleyes: :p :D

    Sept. 12th is a Tuesday in Cupertino.

    mortal kombat scorpion costume. Sub-Zero/Scorpion costumes
  • Sub-Zero/Scorpion costumes

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 28, 05:22 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    $100B past Microsoft in 1 year is tremendous. Go AAPL!


    Sad day for dem boys in Redmond

    I'm sure they're quite sad having that kind of performance. :rolleyes:


    Do you feel better about yourself now?

    they both made billions... who cares.


    Congratulations to apple, eventually this day had to come. Microsoft has been slacking off in the past few years and this will make them see the larger picture.

    Sent from my iPhone

    What larger picture will they see? 90% of the market isn't enough?

    Microsoft is DEAD. And so is Google.


    It will be Chapter 11 any day now.

    In the quarter where Apple will still be selling alot of iPads? And release a new iMac? I highly doubt that would be enough. Let's not forget about Back to School either.

    Also, does anyone think Apple will soon be forced to bail Microsoft out? ;)

    Like Microsoft did for them back in the 90's?

    Microsoft lets too many things die on the vine. Everything has to be run up the flagpole to get the green light, and that whole process takes so long that nothing truly innovative ever happens.

    Windows 7 is awesome, Office 2010 is awesome, and I sure do love my Xbox 360, but right now, mobile gadgets sell. Zune was a bust, Courier looked amazing but was cancelled for some reason (I REALLY wanted a Courier), and Windows Phone 7.....jury's out. I would buy a Windows 7 phone before I'd buy an Android phone, but who knows what kind of lasting support it's going to have. Maybe when Nokia is making these in full force I'll take another look.

    I've been saying it for the last year, and I'll say it again--Microsoft is in a death spiral. The days of people camping out in line for the next version of Windows are over.

    Record profits and that's a death spiral? So it's all about the iTards camping out for the iPad and iPhone? Now THAT"S intelligence.

    "The problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste." - Steve Jobs

    Funny how the classless Jobs bashes his competition at every opportunity.

    Oh I see, you're a smart ass. Oh how cute!!!

    Tell ya what little boy, Besides a business degree I also hold CCE and CFCC from the AACE as well as a PMP from the PMI. On top of all that, I have worked in the industry for over 35 years. I forgot more about business that your sarcastic smart ass will ever know.

    And trust me, my degree and certs have little to do with it. A grade school kid knows that a company that just posted a quarter with revenues of $16.43 billion (which is an increase of 13% from the same period in 2010), and profit of $5.23 billion isn't "DEAD"...

    Obviously you don't understand that, in which case, you wouldn't even be a good clerk. Judging from you childish post, I do think I've met before. Haven't I heard you say "Would you like fries with that Sir"????


    Amazing Iceman
    Apr 4, 12:10 PM
    Why did they say "went bad"? As robberies go killing the robber is about as good as it gets.

    It was either the guard or the robber, and if the robber wins, other innocent people may get shot too. You may not understand it, unless it happened to someone close to you.

    If the robber had a gun, he planned to use it if necessary. He was not going to have any consideration for whoever he shoots, as long as he could get away with his crime.

    Apr 22, 12:46 PM
    This may have been asked and answered before, but is the common belief that USB and Firewire will be completely gone soon? For example, my Macbook Air has room for only two ports - a mini-display drive, and a USB drive. Is the idea that the Thunderbolt drive will replace the USB, and that purchasers of the new Air will use an adapter of some sort for "old" USB peripherals moving forward?

    Aug 31, 08:38 PM
    Apple bought Worldcom's new telecom switch center.

    Google is buying Nortel's dark fiber.

    Google's CEO is on Apple's board.

    Nobody is going to run fiber to the last mile.

    The solution is Intel wimax and Samsung 4G.

    I told you so.

    While it sounds good, I don't see this happen soon at all. Also, Verizon disagrees with you, because they are pulling fiber to the homes in several (large) cities and more to come. The investment for 4G (802.16e I assume you're talking about)will be much too high while not providing enough guarantees it will be financial feasible in short and mid term to make shareholders feel confortable. But if it will, Apple will get my money :) But are there enough gadget geeks like me in the world? That will make or break the project.....

    Sep 26, 06:58 AM
    who the hell are cingular? what about orange t-mobile, vodaphone or o2? I guess it's US only again...

    Oct 12, 01:25 PM
    This would definitely be the iPod nano I'd be buying for Christmas, if true. What a great cause! As long as it doesn't have any Bono or Oprah-related crap engraved on it, we're golden.

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