missing you quotes for him

missing you quotes for him. i miss you quotes and sayings for him. Sayings, More, I Miss Him; Sayings, More, I Miss Him. nick9191. Apr 22, 10:50 PM
  • i miss you quotes and sayings for him. Sayings, More, I Miss Him; Sayings, More, I Miss Him. nick9191. Apr 22, 10:50 PM

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 29, 04:03 PM
    Actually scrollbars look and behave exactly the same as they did before.

    Whether they automatically hide or not is a preference, it has been since the first DP:

    Image (http://i.imgur.com/b0Qlw.png)

    Same with reverse scrolling. Nothing at all has changed about scrolling or scrollbars.

    Same here, but maybe they have had a clean install on their systems after update II.

    The scrolling is similar to any of the previous we have had so far.

    missing you quotes for him. i miss you quotes and sayings
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  • Prof.
    Apr 5, 04:19 PM
    Note from Apple, inc.:
    iAd Gallery will come preinstalled in every future iPhone, iPod, and iPad. For existing customers, iAd Gallery will be added to iOS 5. It will be impossible to delete. If you do delete it, your warranty will be void.

    Thank you for your cooperation.


    missing you quotes for him. missing you quotes and sayings
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  • xUKHCx
    Apr 12, 08:43 AM
    Maybe some computers come with Office as a promotional deal, and if they do, that's up to the OEM, not Microsoft. Nonetheless, I've not seen any PC come with more than a 30 day trial of Office.

    Maybe it is a regional thing. I have recently bought 3 windows based machines here in the UK and they all came with trial versions of Office.

    missing you quotes for him. missing you quotes and sayings
  • missing you quotes and sayings

  • mcrain
    Mar 4, 03:18 PM
    Really? You don't believe in that whole 'teach a man to fish' crap?
    I suppose you also think the solution to African starvation is sending them bags of rice, corn, wheat w/out teaching them to plant some?

    The liberal view is to build schools that teach people to fish, hire people to teach, treat the teachers well and then send the students off into the world with good educations. Liberals then try to protect the lakes and rivers so that the fish can be eaten, and so that fish can thrive and be caught by the fishermen. When bad times happen, as they always do, liberals are willing to help the fishermen survive natural disasters, famine, draught, and the occassional cold spell (luck and weather). Liberals stand hand to hand with their neighbors, knowing that as their neighbor thrives, so do they.

    The conservative view is to set up a corporation on the banks of the lake/river, hire fishermen from out of the country, make enough profits to make a machine that harvests all of the fish available, then dump the waste back into the river/lake poisoning the lake and forever destroying the habitat, and finally, adding fillers and cheap materials to sell canned "authentic fish product" to the people. When the fish run low, the business relocates its operations and hires foreigners to fish, and then requires a government bailout when the people can't afford to buy their products.

    Go fish.

    (edit) Don't bother posting your usual response about how conservatives give more and are more charitable. I'm talking about liberal government policies.

    missing you quotes for him. made me miss you like Sayings
  • made me miss you like Sayings

  • gnasher729
    Oct 2, 05:12 PM
    I'm surprised how many people are interpreting this wrong.

    The point of this is that Amazon can go to this new company and license Fairplay-compatable DRM. That way they can sell movies/music on their website (Unbox) and sell it with DRM that is iPod/iTV/iTunes Compatible.

    This could mean, for example, Napster could be iTunes/iPod compatible.

    Or Vongo (unlimited movie downloads $9.95/month) could be iPod compatible.

    Personally, I'm not sure how long it will go. Either Apple will shut them down (if legally capable) or simply start licensing Fairplay themselves and cut out the middleman (which could be an inadvertant positive result of this effort)

    Napster (and Vongo, never heard of them) couldn't do that. Fairplay doesn't have any time limit. If you buy a song from the iTunes Music Store, it will work forever (or as long as Apple Computer exists). If you have a Napster subscription, and Napster made it possible that you download a song and add the Fairplay DRM to it, then iTunes would play it today and forever.

    missing you quotes for him. i miss you quotes for him
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  • aafuss1
    Sep 12, 02:04 AM
    New accessories:-
    Tube "skins" for the 5G iPod, with a lanyard-similar price to nano's tubes
    Lanyard headphones for 5G/6th gen
    IR receiver, ready for Leopard-customizable programming,like a universal remote. Same remote as iMac's
    Sports kit/travel for 6th Gen
    User video sharing features-upload to YouTube or a new iTMS section for used created, original vodcasts/videos
    BBC TV shows on the UK store-perhaps Seven or Ten (Nine Network is MS centric), here in Australia
    iPod shuffle discontinued entirely

    missing you quotes for him. i miss you
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  • prady16
    Oct 11, 09:45 AM
    I am leaning towards a new iPod product before the end of the year for two reasons:

    1) Zune is being release, Apple needs to steal the limelight here.
    2) The last iPod update was a huge deal for the Nano and a non-event for the 5G iPod.
    Thats a good call!

    missing you quotes for him. sayings about hope. Cute Love
  • sayings about hope. Cute Love

  • Xyl
    Jan 12, 07:46 PM
    If not the business market, then who? It can't be kids, as it has no games, and allegedly no support for custom ringtones. It can't be business users, since they'll want Outlook or Lotus Notes sync, and possibly a navigator, and they'll most definitely not want to use frickin' iTunes to sync up. Which leaves, I dunno... Mac enthusiasts and 30-somethings who are hoping for 15 minutes of fame by the watercooler? He did say his goal was 10 million units.

    Just because it was labeled as a "smart phone" it doesn't necessarily imply "business users". According to the charts given by Apple, 1 billion handsets are sold annually. I'm assuming that this 1 billion includes all phones, and not only smart phones...someone correct me if I'm wrong. Anyways, if I'm correct about this, getting 1% of the total phone market from just business users or the current smart phone market would be very difficult, and would be a very, very optimistic estimate. So one might assume that Apple is not only targeting the iPhone to current smart phone users, but to all users, INCLUDING the consumer market.

    Personally, I find the iPhone to be quite appealing, and I'm not a business user (I would belong to the consumer market). And just for the record, I don't pray to Steve Jobs and I'm definitely not a "buy everything Apple" person...I own zero Apple products. Moreover, I'm not a crazed phone geek either, previous to seeing this phone, I strongly believe that paying over 100 dollars for a phone is absurd, yet I am still appealed to this 500-600 dollar phone. I'm sure there's others out there that have never spent over 100 on a phone and don't pray to Steve Jobs either, but still find this phone appealing.

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  • emoeric
    Dec 13, 10:58 AM
    FIRST 4G iPhone!

    Sprint? Dun Dun dunnnn!!!!!

    missing you quotes for him. missing you quotes for him.
  • missing you quotes for him.

  • ghostlyorb
    Apr 30, 07:52 AM
    WWDC.. is getting closer and closer!

    missing you quotes for him. i miss you quotes for him.
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  • iMouse
    May 2, 02:05 PM
    Screenshot fail :) build number in Quicklook titlebar.

    haha, that was the first thing I noticed too. Way to protect that build number!

    missing you quotes for him. miss you quotes for him
  • miss you quotes for him

  • DevinPitcher
    Apr 15, 01:07 PM
    Has no one noticed that the camera switches sides in the third image?? LOL


    No it doesn't.
    It's in the same spot in all 3.

    missing you quotes for him. I Miss You Quotes And Sayings
  • I Miss You Quotes And Sayings

  • Surreal
    Mar 28, 03:31 PM
    I voted this negative because Apple won't accept certain apps for doing reasonable things. "dangerous" if done incorrectly, but reasonable.

    Until devs can do all of the low level things they need to, this is a bad move.

    missing you quotes for him. missing you quotes and sayings
  • missing you quotes and sayings

  • rdowns
    Apr 13, 11:13 AM
    Great, a shoot out on a plane loaded with innocent bystanders. :rolleyes:

    There are already armed marshall on many flights in the US. WHen was the last time we had a shoot out in the sky? :rolleyes:

    missing you quotes for him. missing you quotes and sayings
  • missing you quotes and sayings

  • RMo
    Apr 5, 08:43 PM
    they should allow users to like or dislike iAds to help cater the iAds that are sent to the user :cool:

    Read the description: "...lets you tag your favorites to a Loved section that�s all your own."

    You can't "dislike" them and it doesn't say what they're doing with the "loved" section other than saving it for your personal viewing pleasure, but I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually catered to your preferences using something like this.

    missing you quotes for him. i miss you quotes and sayings
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  • Mord
    Apr 17, 05:36 AM
    Turing was gay during a time when gay acts were illegal. He would be chemically castrated, have his security clearance revoked and for years his accomplishments were tarnished by his "criminal behaviour". It wasn't until 2009 that the British Government apologized for its demonization of Turing.

    You missed out his suicide which was clearly a direct consequence of how he was treated, they killed him. He could (just) be alive today, but he's not, because of what happened. If any of you think that's "irrelevant" you frankly sicken me.

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  • fastlane1588
    Sep 12, 07:50 AM
    yeah, yesterday.. event is over my friend.. where u been?

    u missed Steve launch off in his iSpaceShip to iMoon :D
    oh cool! yea i just realized i did the time change the wrong way

    missing you quotes for him. I Miss You Babe Quotes.
  • I Miss You Babe Quotes.

  • twoodcc
    Aug 15, 12:11 AM
    Ooooh! great, it will be good to get the points on our team from that 465!

    thanks. so far this thing is smoking. but it is using different units. i'm not sure what the ppd for the card itself is, but it's gotta be 10K ppd or more.

    2 more :eek: farout man! how do you afford all that hahaha!

    well only 1 465 gtx. the other was just another 9800 GT. but when i run 3 of them in the same computer, one of them overheats - to 104C! but if i take one out, then it runs fine

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  • QCassidy352
    May 3, 11:01 PM
    IMO, until the ipad gets this, which is entirely possible, it will remain more of a toy than a tool, and all these commercials will be nothing but fodder for the haters.

    there's nothing wrong with toys, and this is a nice one, but these lines about doctors, CEOs, etc., are just plain ridiculous.

    Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and yours is wrong.
    -Dave Barry

    Apr 27, 04:56 PM
    What if there's a lesbian in the women's bathroom?

    What if??

    Because if they used the men's washroom they would be swamped by men trying to 'make' her a real woman.

    Better she stays in the woman's loo. Far safer.

    Sep 12, 08:15 AM
    mate im hyped as well might get some sleep, get up early...... i need a new ipod, im due for an update..... my 3g stuffed up today, earphone jack doesent work anymore:( it has had a great life:D

    At least your 3G iPod had enough battery to last through one song.

    Apr 6, 10:38 AM

    Picked it up at Wawa...it's delicious!!

    Dec 8, 04:09 PM
    Treyarch seemed to make a decision to nerf the whole snipe/camp thing, making sniping more difficult, and camping a risky & questionable proposition. Running & gunning is the way Black Ops seems to go, if you want to camp, stack killstreaks, modern warfare is the way to go. The amount of times I have seen someone going XX kills & 0 deaths I can count on one hand, while in MW2 I had done it quite a few times.

    I think Black Ops has become a nice alternative, and not just a continuation of modern warfare. It gives players choices.

    The multiple games give you choices...but this game alone gives you no choice but to run and gun. If i wanted to Run and Gun and waste my life i'd go join the taliban and pray to Allah.

    This game gives you very little choice and in that makes the game terrible.

    And you said it yourself. Treyarch ruined the game for all the snipers. Great job!

    Treyarch = morons and dip*****. Bring back Infinity War. Black Ops Blows.

    Sep 12, 05:51 AM
    I was going to receive a (female) friend tonight, but she postponed for tomorrow...

    Call me na�ve, but aren't they supposed to receive you?

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