medium hair hairstyles

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  • ChrisA
    Sep 26, 11:52 AM
    Ignore me if you wish, but I'm pretty sad about not getting the machine promised by the rumour mill. I'm happy for y'all with your updated photo software, but wouldn't you have liked it to be true that we'd get a nice new C2D MBP to use it on?

    a C2D MBP would give you what? Maybe a 20% speed bump. I doubt you'd notice except if you used a stop watch. For photographers and Videographers I doubt C2D would bing even a 20% boost as their main bottleneck is the speed of the disk.

    Try this experiment: Bring up Activity Monitor and see if the CPU is as 100% if it is not a faster CPU will do nothing for you. On a Mac the CPU is at 100% mostly when transcoding or redering, those tasks will go faster after the speed bump

    My gues is that the code re-work inside Aperture will speed things up MUCH more than a C2D could.

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  • georgethomas
    Apr 16, 11:56 AM
    i guess everyone wants a piece of the pie

    wouldn't be surprised to see competitors are going after it

    the law of big number suggests that a small fraction of the number can lead to a big sales. that is my opinion

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 12:37 PM
    So every woman on the pill suspends her womanhood? Every "woman" past menopause is just an empty shell?

    Race and gender is pretty much non-comparable in this context.

    Oh please. Explain to me why race is not a valid comparison?

    Also, feel free to read a few more of the defining characteristics of a mammalian "female"...

    "The mammalian female is characterized by having two copies of the X chromosome as opposed to the male which carries only one X and one smaller Y chromosome."

    I have no problem with transgendered/sexual/vestite/whatever, but to claim you are actually a "woman" when you were born with a penis, have two X chromosomes, and can not, nor could ever produce an ova is ridiculous.

    Just as ridiculous as my original example which you decided to brush away with no basis other than it does not fit with your views.

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  • Arip
    Sep 25, 06:37 PM
    I have an experiment for those that say "It runs fine on my <insert computer here>."

    Open up (in full screen mode) a landscape oriented RAW image and:

    1. Use the straightening tool.

    2. Try to rotate it 180.

    3. Use the patch tool.

    Let us know what you find.


    nothing strange happend (

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  • Vidder
    Dec 4, 06:39 PM
    I was playing this game today and the final kill cam was of a guy getting shot who was standing in the middle of a road (where he spawned) aimed at the sky shooting at a helicopter with what looked like a Light Machine gun of some sort. The guy who shot him was in a room looking out a window. As the replay was going on i stated over the mic "now there's an intelligent player" referring to the guy who was under no cover trying to take down a chopper with a gun. The guy who was shooting at the chopper stated that he was trying to fulfill and achievement by taking the chopper down.

    I thought about this and realized that this goal/reward system in the game (this goes for most online FPS's) in a way made this player do something so stupid. The player was only looking to fulfill his own personal goals and thought nothing of the team and the loss that occurred cause of it.

    So I ask you, (the reader) does this make sense to have in the game when it forces players to go out of there way for personal goals and shift away from the overall team play?

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  • JMax1
    Jan 5, 03:20 PM
    hey that was my idea this time :(

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  • saunders45
    Sep 8, 08:43 AM
    i won't defend the first comment, seems kinda overboard, though i bet it's way out of context.

    however, the second comment... yeah, he probably drives a sweet car, but he also isn't in a political position in which he could be helping deal with the african poverty/aids crisis...

    in both quotes, you have to look at the idea behind the words, not just take the words literally. but *he's* the dumbass...

    I agree somewhat on the second point, but instead of just bashing others for not doing something, why doesn't he make an effort?

    Because bashing others creates news, and it sells......

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  • Kashchei
    Jan 15, 04:58 PM
    Can somebody tell me why there was no update or price drop on ACD? Why is the PRO market left to the most critical point and then updated? Mac Pro is the best example. Its a brilliant machine now but 2 weeks ago? Some of the parts were 2 years old and they still charged the same amount of money for it. Dell, HP etc. are releasing new and updated displays whilst Apple ...........sleeps?

    Quite right! I've been worried since the switch to Intel. Now that Apple is competing head to head with other PC makers, they need to update their product lines at a faster rate (ideally at the same rate as their competitors). Instead, they seem to have taken a step backwards and have decided to update less frequently, which makes little to no sense to me. AAArgh!!!!!

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  • Poolo
    Apr 25, 10:34 PM
    Oh sweet. Looks really good, can always do with a bigger screen!!

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  • Damnations!
    Apr 5, 04:45 PM
    I think Apple knew what they were doing. I think they may integrate this with Ping (worst thing ever), like 'PersonX likes the same music as you and also likes AdvertY' as some sort of viral marketing.

    They will get paid a lot of money by the advertisers using it and the advertisers will get valuable information back like how many people favourited certain ads gaining valuable information about the market and how to create better adverts.

    I still think it's a stupid idea, but whatever floats your boat.

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  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 7, 10:03 AM
    Thats just the NT version. Windows 8 will be 6.2

    7 was 6.1,
    Vista was 6.0
    XP was 5.0

    Technically Windows 7 is the 10th version of Windows, if you don't count Windows Server.

    Windows 7 is the 7th version if you count from Windows 95.
    According to Wikipedia, Windows 8 will be NT version 6.2, not 7.0 - just in case you were wondering.

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  • countrydweller
    Jul 21, 09:28 AM
    Why are Apple on a witch hunt?

    Apple should concentrate on fixing their problem instead of finger pointing and deflecting the issue onto other companies. We already know the problem isn't as severe on other devices as the iPhone 4.

    We do? You've tested them all?

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  • numediaman
    Oct 30, 12:43 PM
    I'm on the phone with AT&T right now talking about the new fees they have added to my bill -- they are, of course, bogus and will be reversed. But every month I have to call AT&T about bogus charges they have added to the bill.

    I imagine that this game adds thousands, if not millions, of dollars to their bottom line.

    In response, I have eliminated my home lines that go through AT&T, and would immediately go with any other carrier that could handle the iPhone.

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  • one1
    May 4, 12:08 AM
    Wow... I rarely run across the checkerboard on mine and when I do it's gone in a second or two. Not obtrusive.

    Surf more than just text pages. The heavier it gets the more checkerboards.

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  • clientsiman
    Apr 2, 12:34 PM
    It's too early to compare those two OS.

    I like using both OS X and Windows. I am not impressed with Lion so far. (From what I have read, as I haven't try it). I hope Apple has same surprises to show in the WWDC.

    I am really looking forward to see what Ubuntu can achieve till next year. I am not sure if I like the new Unite shell but I agree that Ubuntu needs to create something new and stop copying OS X and Windows.

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  • maflynn
    Apr 12, 09:10 AM
    Agreed. I feel like Wordpad, with the ability to open .doc and .docx files, would suffice.

    And have Graphpad, a basic spreadsheet app, with the ability to open .xls and .xlsx for excel. :)

    For my work I need word and office, so replacements are not feasible. We use custom plug-ins that obviously will only work in an office app and nothing else.

    I'm a little behind the curve as I'm running MS office 2007 on my windows partition and I've had little need to upgrade to 2010. That's why I'm a little out of the loop regarding ads in office.

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  • nim81
    Mar 13, 04:46 AM
    While Symbian might have been first, I was talking strictly about iOS vs Android as that was what the poster hinted at.

    Backgrounding certain tasks is fine, and yes it works well even though it's not a replacement for multi-tasking. What I hate is the task manager they came up with that is near useless since it doesn't actually give you a list of running tasks. It's a list of everything you've done with the phone, in like ever. You need to manually clean it up and even then, you don't know what is and isn't running.

    I wasn't talking about design and updates. More like the marketing effort and the stagnation between said spec bumps. They marketed the crap out of the Rev A, then it just fell out of sight. Same for AppleTV 1st generation.

    But thanks for assuming and correcting me on something I didn't mention or hint at. Real classy.
    Honestly I think Apple got the multitasking almost spot on... the way it manages it is perfect for a device with limited battery/processing power.

    In the last 6 months I've "fixed" two phones for people (1x Android, 1 x Symbian) who've installed an app that's running constantly in the background and making the phone unusable to the point they thought it was broken. I used to find it with my own Nokia N95, the multitasking ability was excellent but you had to be careful what you left running or the battery could run down in a few hours.

    I think Apple have made an excellent trade-off in that way, it used to bug the hell out of me that I couldn't use sat nav or internet radio apps in the background, but since iOS 4 I've really not found any situation where I need "true" multitasking and the current implementation has little effect on the battery.

    That said, I agree with what you say about the task manager, it feels really clunky. I don't know what would be the best way to change it, but I'm sure there has to be something better.

    Going back to what the OP is saying, no Apple is of course not unique in innovating, to suggest so is just blinkered. Taking the point of the multitasking or even copy and paste, I'm pretty sure that if other mobile OSs weren't doing this, Apple would have been happy to sit back and say sorry, you just can't do that. They can be quite an arrogant company like that.

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  • Dagless
    Apr 13, 08:49 AM
    I imagine they have to scan kids because desperate smugglers/addicts have hidden drugs on their children in the past.

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  • emotion
    Nov 16, 12:47 PM
    Do they have to remake a new "Universal Binary?" Because aren't the current UB's for Intel and PPC? Please tell me they wont. I don't wnat to have to wait again for new UB's

    In the windows world, they don't have separate or universal binaries for amd/intel. You wouldn't for OSX either.

    Apr 7, 03:05 AM
    About damn time too...

    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    Really nice choice!

    Apr 15, 05:21 PM
    Good Day Forum,

    I work in manufacturing engineering...

    Looking at these pictures i think it is possible to produce an iPhone like this using CNC machining...

    However i am not sure what to think about dock connecter port :confused: ... The image shows it having 90 deg corners which is quite difficult to achieve using a CNC milling machine... This would require some sort of laser cutting manufacturing proces... which they probably used...

    The silent lock switch and the volume button show the corners having a radius of about 0.5mm... this is achieved using a 1mm cutter.

    Though this may look like renders... it is still possible to generate a product like this...

    If you look closely to all of Apples product... they pay EXTREME :rolleyes: attention to DETAIL... This does not look like something apple would produce.
    The "bevel" at the back.... is a No No for apple... they like to make it look smooth and shell like all over...

    However i could be wrong... :(

    Many Thanks for you time.
    :cool: :apple:

    I can generate an iPod Touch first generation using CAD and save the file as a 3D file and upload this to photoshop to render and add text and texture...

    Jan 5, 03:23 PM
    Perfect, wonderful, magnificent: many many thanks indeed. :)

    <runs off to delete all his Mac-related RSS feeds until Wednesday>

    Mar 17, 05:42 PM
    I bought mine outright for �500 and have a �18 contract that I can cancel an any time. I bought it sim free because I didn't want to get tied in to a long contract with a high monthly bill. Funny thing is, these guys seem more obsessed with the thing than it's actual owners are.

    Typed from my iPhone

    Sep 28, 01:41 PM
    this is one of the worst titles for a story I have read. It also sounds like whoever wrote the story has no knowledge of anything that's been happening in architecture for about a century.

    Clean, modern design? Must be influenced by the iPhone! :rolleyes:

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