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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 11, 12:35 PM
    Yes. That doesn't make it okay. I'd expect the first intel Macs to still be able to run the latest OS. What is the betting that computers from 2006 will be able to run Windows 8? High chance I'd say.

    only if W8 had a 32bit flavor. Otherwise, no. Apple prefers one flavor. At any rate, Apples motivation is to sell hardware so the push to update is always there. MS only cares about software.

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 25, 01:52 PM
    Sorry, but Apple released Aperture BEFORE Adobe did the same with its it's easier to have a clone of Apple's app, not the opposite...:rolleyes:

    Right, a product in development since 2002 ( was a copy of a product released in 2005 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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  • Mal
    Jul 24, 11:29 PM

    Wait for it, it's a nag strip, but sooo worth it.


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  • AidenShaw
    Apr 29, 11:36 PM
    I see. It's a sequence of versions but they decided to start at a a certain level of windows development or possibly a grouping of versions by category. i always wondered about that.

    The internal kernel version ID for Vista is Major.Minor = "6.0".

    The next major release after "6.0" would be "7" - hence "Windows 7".

    However, Windows 7 is a compatible superset of Windows 6.0 kernel APIs, so Windows 7 uses the kernel version ID of "Windows 6.1". This is so that any software checking the major version sees Vista and 7 as the same version.

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  • Cutwolf
    Mar 17, 01:20 AM

    Attack of the 16 year olds.

    Explains a lot.

    I hope he sold you a stolen iPad and you get arrested.

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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 12:58 PM
    Nah- you did that all on your own. We can't take credit for that one.

    I'll admit defeat on the following condition: Show me one quote of where I spoke ill of, demanded different rules for, or generally disparaged transgendered people.

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  • CQd44
    Apr 16, 06:41 PM
    Ahhhh.... dude... the only Apps that don't really get approved are ones that do things that can cause security risks or just plain trying to steal your information.

    Yeah, I know... there are also Apps that break the rules and get axed, but for the most part, my first point is true. Any legitimate application can get approved.

    If you keep up with Android apps, security is one of the their problems. Open? Yes... risky? Yes.

    Didn't that lady's iAd gallery app get rejected?

    also, the Google Voice had problems getting out. And different browsers didn't appear for a long while I thought.

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  • airforce1
    May 2, 12:34 PM

    If the people claiming this is a non issue are serious then they should all email Steve and tell him to stop addressing it.

    I think the problem here is that many on this board cannot distinguish between trolls blindly trying to stir stuff up on an Apple forum and non-trolls discussing a legitimate issue. People need to learn how to separate the two and ignore the trolls if they try to pile onto an unfavorable discussion of Apple on a particular issue. yes and many of these trolls spend most of their time here, as Jobbs said the Tech community failed to educate everyone on what he failed to provide evidence for to show they DID NOT violate privacy laws.

    Im sure apple knew they have to pay a fine, now they will just pretend with so called tech trolls on forums that they fixed this, its not over you see, when congress demands a standard on collecting data and to what extent and who then we will see all the data sheets apple is hiding from me and you, until then you and i both could be called trolls for just posting anything here, thats a opinion and propaganda (lie) though

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 8, 04:03 AM
    The Cinema Displays aren't for general consumers like most of you posting in this thread. They're for professionals who need even backlighting, excellent color accuracy, and a large viewing angle. That's why Apple charges a premium for them. If you don't care about these things get a Dell.

    What makes you think that you can't get those features in a Dell? Do you have any facts?

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  • OdduWon
    Oct 11, 05:07 AM
    a nice iPod Video with NEF/RAW reading capability for us photographers, I'm a waiting customer. And yes, a smaller MacBook with 10 hour battery life, non-reflective screen and a graphics card to use it with Aperture/RAW would be sooo nice... :)
    the macpod pro could be a notepad device that has the ability to interface with ext hard drives adn icoul be like a wireless ouch screen 3/4 in thin

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  • bpfesq
    Dec 13, 10:21 AM
    I just don't see Apple creating a situation where they're going to have 2 separate refresh dates for the iPhone. Whatever they do, they're going to make it so they refresh ALL of their iPhones around June of every year. Otherwise they're going to put one of the carriers at a distinct disadvantage because Verizon will have the latest technology for up to 6 months before it goes to ATT--which will hurt apple sales overall.

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  • neilmacd
    Apr 25, 12:45 PM
    First image is a good mockup but is most probably a fake.

    The gap between the screen in the top right hand corner is wider than the gap in the middle and bottom. Or is it just my eyes?

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  • eawmp1
    May 4, 08:55 PM
    Also, 99.9% of the doctors I have been to ask questions that are pertinent ONLY to the reason I am there for a visit.

    1) You don't have kids, or,
    2) You've never been to a well child check. Age-appropriate assessment of growth, nutrition, school issues, home safety, social behavior, vaccines, etc. are all part of a routine well child check.

    Save your self-righteous NRA indignation, recognize there are irresponsible gun owners who need to be reminded of gun safety in the home, and put in your 2 cents worth where you have some expertise.

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  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 12:46 AM
    I am a reward zone member, the receipt said I paid $530.00 cash. I also received my reward zone points for purchase believe it or not. Funny thing is the kid looked like he was having a crappy day to begin with and probably had it with the madness in the store and looked like he didn't know how to take 2 different forms of payment.

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  • LucasRoebuck
    Jul 21, 11:46 AM
    What he said.

    Call me crazy, but my iPhone 4 works great. The minority consisting of me and the other 98.6% of iPhone 4 users probably just hasn't seen the problem yet, right?

    I agree.

    However, I disagree with your signature quote... at least you have taken it out of context.

    "...those who live by mystery & charlatanerie, fearing you would render them useless by simplifying the Christian philosophy, the most sublime & benevolent, but most perverted system that ever shone on man, endeavored to crush your well earnt, & well deserved fame." - Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, Washington, 21 March 1801

    If you are going to quote Jefferson, get it right.


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  • fsudaft
    Mar 24, 01:59 AM
    Back when I was about 8, we were jacked. However it was our house and the house next to us. We lost all of our console GAMES, the system still there. The other house lost their console SYSTEM, the games still there. Its nice to know that the world has not changed 10 years later.

    No one said all criminals are smart.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 22, 06:07 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue...

    You'd be up in arms if Google were doing it. Or anyone else to that matter.

    I like how you have, yet again, managed to turn a non-Apple related discussion, to a discussion about Apple. Grats.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 15, 07:47 PM

    Image from Droid Life (
    All Things Digital reports (

    Considering the source "All Things Digital", Apple's personal mouthpiece, it's no wonder it has a Pro-Apple bias.

    Of course Google's going to have growing pains. It's new territory for them. They'll get it sorted out.

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  • SFVCyclone
    Nov 16, 08:09 PM
    Its probably feasible but like not not gonna happen...

    Apr 3, 11:23 PM
    I would try calling XBL support and asking for their supervisor, and that person's supervisor, & so on. Explain to them, (stay firm on your point) the reason you need it and what you can do with it. If you need to, I would mention you are in the process of obtaining a warrant for the IP. As you already know, them not knowing the IP is complete and utter BS.

    Mar 3, 09:44 PM
    Go Ohio! Crush the unions! Return to fiscal sanity. No more hiding behind a union... time to return to personal responsibility. Ohio today, Wisconsin tomorrow, who's next? Sweep the states clean, Tea Party!

    BTW, there is no 'RIGHT' to collective bargaining.
    Collective bargaining is a legislative privilege granted by friendly law makers in some localities which can be quickly and abruptly eliminated (as you've all just observed.)

    Public unions are idiotic. Imagine a private sector union where the union members themselves were able to contribute to the election and vote for the individual whom they'd be bargaining against. BRILLIANT! It's a conflict of interest - straight up.

    Interesting quote by Bill Gates recently: ( (thanks for the help twice in one day, Billy boy!)

    Hahaha, keep telling yourself that! ;)

    Fivepoint- you act as if teachers make lots of money. The don't, even though they are required to have masters degrees. People understand if the belt is tight. People do NOT understand being denied the right to unionize and fight when they feel taken advantage of. NO ONE should ever be jailed for striking. That you support this is nothing short of sickening. I am absolutely disgusted. Just wait- you guys will get yours soon enough, trust me.

    BTW, I don;t know what your point was with that link, but it indicates for the most part that the political tide can tip quite easily.

    And Bill Gates said nothing about union busting. Fail to see your point there as well.

    I heard somewhere that federal employees are not able to collectively bargain for their benefits package. If this is true, why are recent states' attempts to restrict unionized bargaining seen as being so draconian, and why isn't there an outcry to give federal employees the same "rights"?

    Will federal employees be jailed if they unionize?

    Jan 15, 04:45 PM
    SJ announced 4 m iPhones sold. I believe I read some days ago that 5 m have been expected??
    Maybe I'm wrong. But if not, we learned today that iPhone and Apple TV aren't doing well. Apple should refocus on their core business before to many Mac customers leave disappointed.

    for a single phone to sell 4million, i think thats amazing!

    rim only has 20% more smartphone holding and think of all the versions that it has and how many years has the blackberry been around? atleast 5, problaby way more then that.

    Jan 13, 05:28 PM
    but the point is that Apple's lineup isn't going to stay the way it is forever. Within a couple of weeks or months, Apple will announce the widescreen iPod. Now that they have shown what you can do with a touchscreen, I reckon we should expect OS X and a dully-touchable display on the iPod.

    Just wait a little while; the 6th Gen iPod will be released :)

    The possibilities seem endless. Maybe, they could do a smart remote control. I've seen those priced at more than $1000 on the high end.

    Mar 29, 10:16 AM

    Can someone get David Caruso on this case?

    ::Cue music for CSI: Goldfish::

    Good luck, hope we hear word TODAY! :cool:

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