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  • Adam-
    Apr 11, 04:42 PM
    As opposed to TV, which have a....fake 3D effect on a 2D screen?

    as in they were designed for 3D, whereas this app is a nice way of getting around it

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  • batchtaster
    Oct 4, 11:14 AM
    Since the artwork is copied directly over from the current iLife '09, there's no reason to think they have any more insight about the iLife suite than, at best, guesswork, and quite possibly nothing more than just random stabbing in the dark. Apple has not previously reused artwork from one iLife edition to the next, and it makes little sense to retain the '09 artwork given the supposed changes.


    letters of resignation samples. sample resignation letter
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  • tingly
    Jul 15, 11:53 PM
    Jobs doesn't deny the problem. He just said the facts are different than being reported and earlier acknowledged that how you hold it affects the signal. Learn to read, people.

    letters of resignation samples. resignation letter examples.
  • resignation letter examples.

  • takao
    Apr 12, 04:03 AM
    France is the _second_ country in Europe to ban such garments. First out was Turkey in 1997.

    not true: belgium AFAIk already has such a law since last year and also the spanish senat approved such legislation to banning burkha

    and there is also the so called "Vermummungsverbot" in Germany, Austria, Italy ans parts of Switzerland which bans the use of ski mask, faceveils, helmets etc. during demonstrations/protests to prevent police persecution if criminal acts are performed
    those bans would for example include wearing a burkha during demonstration

    and it needs to be noted that this is hardly the first law regarding "what to wear": to see how free you are in your country just go on the streets not wearing anything ;)

    letters of resignation samples. letters of resignation samples
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  • Thex1138
    Apr 26, 07:54 PM
    So pretty

    letters of resignation samples. Sample Letters of Resignation
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  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 17, 01:55 AM
    ...Look unless you are constantly chasing the latest and greatest then you are going to miss every other iphone model. I have the iphone and by the time my contract runs out I will likely be getting the iphone 6. I will miss the iphone 5.

    Very well said. A very thoughtful and rational statement. The histrionics from some members can be too much at times.

    letters of resignation samples. letters of resignation samples
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  • Quazimojo
    Mar 24, 05:14 PM
    I love it when Google/Samsung/Sony/Motorola employees create new MacRumors accounts (join date Mar 2011) just to try to propagate garbage like this. Obviously trying to start a new antennagate. If you can't beat them in sales, try to start some bogus stories in the blogs and hope the media picks up on it. :rolleyes:

    THIS JUST IN: My iPad 2 is absolutely fine and its in my hands right now. Anybody else who really has one complaining?

    I am on my second iPad 2 and this one has far worse bleed then the first did which is just sad..

    If this is not an issue then the thread with 108,000 views would like to have a word with you..


    letters of resignation samples. Resignation Letter for
  • Resignation Letter for

  • Lau
    Sep 12, 12:10 PM

    Yes! Finally. Hope it's on the Nanos as well.

    letters of resignation samples. example letters of resignation
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  • GorillaPaws
    Dec 2, 12:25 PM
    I've got mixed feelings on this. I realize that being able to be tracked from 60' away is clearly not exciting, but people should be made aware of this none-the-less and have the right to make an informed decision about potentially being tracked. Furthermore, is it possible to create a directional antenna or something to expand that range (I'm ignorant to the technologies involved) or will that technology ever become possible? If so, this could be the beginning of something bigger than what it is now. Perhaps pressuring nike and others to encrypt this kind of stuff now is a better idea, before it becomes a bigger issue later. Also, isn't it possible to make a bomb that will detonate when it detects a specific signal? If so, this could be very problematic for certain people. Just a thought.

    letters of resignation samples. Resignation Letter Due to a
  • Resignation Letter Due to a

  • David G.
    Apr 12, 02:08 AM

    letters of resignation samples. letters of resignation samples
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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 12, 11:48 AM
    its grayed out for me

    Live broadcast is paused for me. Should start up once the event begins.

    letters of resignation samples. sample letters of resignation
  • sample letters of resignation

  • WildCowboy
    Jan 2, 11:49 AM
    Okay, so when do people want to meet up? Do we want to do a drinks and dinner outing, or just drinks, or something even less formal?

    I'm up for something any evening except possibly Wednesday. I can probably make it then in a pinch, but I'd have to cancel another commitment.

    Location? Meet up at Moscone and move on from there? Meet at a restaurant? There are a number of restaurants within just a block or two...there's the Metreon's upscale food court, Thirsty Bear (tapas and good microbrews), Buca di Beppo (family-style Italian), Chevy's (Mexican, er, American chain restaurant Mexican, but I like it just fine)...I'm sure there are some other options that I'm missing off the top of my head, so feel free to suggest others. Things will obviously be busy in the area due to MW, so we may to have to plan ahead with reservations of some sort if we're going to dinner...ballpark numbers probably okay, but we'll need something.

    What's good for you folks?

    letters of resignation samples. Sample Letters of Resignation
  • Sample Letters of Resignation

  • pdjudd
    Oct 5, 10:26 AM
    Well when I have to update my iPhone OS, the download is now inching toward 1 gb. OS X is now about 6 gb before compression. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future you simply have a passcode to download the OS from Apple's new server farm. If you want to back up your data, you'll back it up online. After optical drives disappear, the next computer component will be hard drives. It looks like the Air was way ahead of its time.

    For smaller downloads maybe, but not for things like FCS - especially on metered internet services.

    letters of resignation samples. Letter of resignation - Ask
  • Letter of resignation - Ask

  • BigPrince
    Jan 2, 08:28 PM
    Bow Ties

    letters of resignation samples. Resignation Letter Example
  • Resignation Letter Example

  • fsck-y dingo
    Apr 19, 10:28 AM
    "Im making a note here, huge success..."


    After first hearing that song it got stuck in my head for days.

    letters of resignation samples. sample of resignation letters
  • sample of resignation letters

  • BillyShears
    Oct 13, 04:16 AM
    This entire thread breaks the NDA developers agree to when paying their membership. It's pathetic that some developers would do this just so they can feel cool by leaking the info. If you want access to the seeds or up-to-date info then pay the $500 (minimum) like the honest developers have to :mad:

    From Apples agreement:

    "Pre-release software is Apple Confidential information. Unauthorized distribution of pre-release software or disclosure of information relating to pre-release software (including the distribution of screen shots) may result in immediate termination of your ADC membership, and may subject you to both civil and criminal liability."

    Someone always posts something like this when related to the OS. I don't get it.

    Maybe you should leave, because I'm pretty sure almost all (substantial) rumours violate some sort of agreement with Apple. Or how did you think we get screenshots of the OS before it's available, descriptions of products before they're available, etc?

    letters of resignation samples. resignation letter sample
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  • dime21
    Mar 28, 04:43 PM
    Currently, 45% of the electrical power generated in the U.S. is produced by burning coal. Even if cars like the Volt are successful, increased demand for more electric power would likely result in more greenhouse gases being emitted.
    Exactly. It's really funny to me when self-professed Greenies buy these electric cars in the name of saving the earth. Where do you think that electricity to charge up your car comes from? Well, if you live in the US, it's most likely coal. So your electric car is actually a coal powered car. lol.
    Sure, but you have to make the switch to electric at some point.
    No, you don't. Renewable bio-fuels like biodiesel are the way forward. Not clumsy inefficient electric cars that only go 80 miles at a time.

    letters of resignation samples. resignation letter example
  • resignation letter example

  • Popeye206
    Apr 4, 09:28 AM
    Shows that RIM and Microsoft have their work cut out for them. Google and Apple is killing them.

    The adoption of Android is no big surprise either... lots of free or low cost phones and access to every carrier.

    Now... here comes one member that we all know that I'm sure will be sure to tell us all how Android is slaughtering Apple.... know who I mean? :p

    letters of resignation samples. resignation letter
  • resignation letter

  • im_to_hyper
    Apr 14, 08:15 AM
    Apple: cutting edge solutions from 2006.

    That wasn't too long ago... don't forget that Windows XP was cutting edge solutions from 2001 -- and it was still doing fairly well.

    Digital Dude
    Apr 17, 10:05 PM
    Even for someone as vain and shallow as Steve Jobs, this has to be embarrassing.

    Apple OC
    Apr 6, 07:23 PM
    Screw the ADL. I lost all respect for them after they took the stance against the not-Mosque at not-Ground Zero in Manhattan.

    The Jewish community owns a big chunk of Manhattan :cool:

    Apr 12, 11:18 AM
    Netflix streaming content isn't that great. I subscribe, and I am happy for what is does, but it is more notable for what it does not. It wouldn't be that hard for Apple to duplicate the current Netflix streaming library, and offer that as a subscription as Netflix does. The big win for Apple is that they could ADDITIONALLY provide spontaneous limited-time downloads of new stuff on a pay-per-view basis.

    Now, I know some of you would respond: "well, for $2 more per month I can get 1 DVD out at a time, which lets me watch XXX movies per month." Yes, that works for some people, but this requires a good deal of planning-- managing your queue, mailing and so forth. In my case, as I'm sure it is with many others, i have a family--wife, kids-- and I don't know exactly what my plan will be for the next few weeks. My personal Netflix DVD queue has a lot of Sci-Fi, but if I'm watching with my wife, we might go for a romantic comedy. Or we might just make a last minute decision to go out and skip the movie altogether. So a service that allows for more spontaneity than Netflix, at a few dollars more per month, would have massive appeal.
    yeah we used to do netflix for a few years. when we got dvds most of the time they would sit for weeks or months so the service didn't make sense. Some of the time we would get the movie in the mail and decide that's not what we wanted to watch.

    If you have plenty of content that you can stream at any moment it gives u more flexibility in what you want to watch.

    Now we do streaming only and only pay for what we watch. We have an appleTV and a Roku so we can get content from amazon video on demand as well.

    Apr 16, 11:07 PM
    I guess iPhone 5 will be coming out abit later. :(

    Sep 12, 06:06 AM
    109/4 now..... Trisco's out!

    Freddie and KP in now!

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