katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper

katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Original fire Katekyo Hitman
  • Original fire Katekyo Hitman

  • notjustjay
    Apr 21, 12:02 PM
    I think I'd prefer a system where only upvotes ("likes") are allowed (e.g. Engadget). That way you can still see who's got the most positive/popular posts while not opening it up quite so much to abuse or the negative connotations associated with a negative score.

    Another forum I visit (RedFlagDeals) has a similar system where people can be "thanked" for particular posts, and then their user profile shows how many times in total people have thanked them. It helps show who is the most helpful or who has a good reputation for providing useful advice.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Akai Yuki Katekyo Hitman
  • Akai Yuki Katekyo Hitman

  • tigress666
    Apr 8, 02:53 PM
    Also, in regards to stupid employees and sleazy mangers, yeah, they do exist. But more employees know their stuff than you might think. And there are quite a few managers who actually do care about trying to do a good job and help the customer.

    Now on the other hand, sleazy managers and supervisors can screw so much of this up. While most of the employees aren't making a career out of working at Best Buy, the sups and managers typically are on some level at least, and it takes a certain, umm, level of person to get, err, stuck, yes, at that level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of inconsistency in these types of people. If you get good ones though, they tend to hire good employees and foster a good environment for customers. My store has good management. It's the only thing that makes it remotely tolerable to me.

    This is true of any retail. And it doesn't matter how bad or good corporate itself is, if you have good managers they can make a store that is great to go to regardless of bad corporate culture or vice versa.

    I'm sure Best Buy has some stores run by good management. I am betting the place you work at is one of those. But in my experiences amongst four different Best Buys between two different states, they are not the norm.

    (and yes, working for good managers makes a helluva lot of difference. They really do set the tone and not just in how they treat you and the customers and expect you to treat the customers, but it also shows in the quality of help they hire or the quality of help they keep. No, it's not fun to work under a manager who won't fire anyone. Sure, you have piece of mind in your job stability, but so does that crappy co worker that never does any work or pisses off the customers that you have to deal with the fallout from).

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • citizenzen
    May 5, 12:25 PM
    Oh wait, you may not even have the chance to ask, because now you're dead. He shot you because he felt like it, and there was nothing you could do to stop him.

    Thanks for making my point.

    The proliferation of guns in America makes it easier for people to end my life with a simple pull of the trigger.

    Fewer guns would mean that fewer people would have that capability.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Boss Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Boss Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • tristangage
    Apr 22, 03:41 AM
    Essentially just like Facebook's "Like" feature, then? People seem to like it on Facebook; would it be useful here?

    But then people on Facebook just complain about how there's no Dislike button. I think it'd be interesting to see how the current state works, rather than tweak it from speculation on how things might turn out.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 4, 02:11 PM
    Minimum wages = unemployment, lower growth
    child labor laws = limits free will and opportunities for youngsters
    max hours per week = limits free will, opportunity for higher personal revenue
    workplace safety = bureaucracy, red tape, lower growth

    Umm boy if you really believe that you are pretty out of it. Lets go look at China. They have had the lack of those laws in place and BOY it is has worked out well for its people

    Majority of Chiniese are nothing more than slaves. Paid very little and have no chances to better themselves. Their health suffers and they are treated like cattle.

    There is more to life than work. Safety is important and guess what OSHA safety oddly enough has made the work place more productive and made things safer. Used safety was the employees job to deal with. If they got hurt it was on them. If you were not willing to risk your safety guess what the company could and would go find someone who would. Now days if you get hurt on the job it is on the company and the company is at fault automatically. This pushes the company to increase safety. They do not want fines or higher insurance cost so they make the place safer for their workers and for the company.

    Hour limititation can point back to safety.
    Min wage at least gives a floor to the paid slave labor and min wage really should only be for high school kids any ways. After that it should go up.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Vongola 10th Katekyo Hitman
  • Vongola 10th Katekyo Hitman

  • Geckotek
    Jan 2, 11:47 PM
    I actually think the numbers will be smaller because even if people say they will leave now, when it comes time to actually do it....only a portion will actually follow through.

    A couple of the issues were caused by some things Apple did incorrectly in the GSM radio. It'll be interesting to see if they do well w/ the CDMA portion.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Valentine Reborn Katekyo
  • Valentine Reborn Katekyo

  • snowmoon
    Oct 6, 01:26 PM
    The ad is just comparing 3G to 3G, so 1x/EDGE doesn't count.

    There are 2 gaping holes in this commercial. Looking at the map I'm positive Verizon is counting 1xRTT in their footprint, just like they have stopped giving a breakdown on their coverage map by calling all data access "Broadband". They are also using some weird algorithm for their map as looking at even basic phone coverage 50% or more of upstate NY should be white. Not because Verizon's got a bad network, but because it's wilderness and farm country.

    Unfortunately none of the YouTube videos clearly show the weaselease at the end of the commercial that I'm sure will show how they have manipulated this map.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Dogs Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Dogs Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 01:43 AM
    LOL, funny was just in there 2 days ago to exchange my defective smart cover, yep

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Cool Blue Skies Katekyo Hitman
  • Cool Blue Skies Katekyo Hitman

  • linux2mac
    Mar 30, 09:12 AM
    This is why I switched to Mac. I don't miss these Windows headaches or spending money on anti-virus software every year. :D

    Spotify ads hit by malware attack

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Bomb Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Bomb Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • azentropy
    Jan 9, 12:18 PM
    What I want:

    Ultra Portable MacBook: < 2.5lbs, 11.1" LCD, 10+ hours battery, a SSD option, starting at < $1500

    Consumer Expandable mini-tower using DESKTOP processors, starting at <$1200.

    What I predict:

    That I won't be happy

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • glocke12
    May 4, 06:03 PM
    Is asking if the gun is locked up and out of the kids reach really crossing the line?

    I don't get why people would get so worked up over that. Is it weird for a pediatrician to ask if the gun is locked up? Sure, but I don't think it crosses any boundaries.

    I don't see how people condone other people asking intrusive questions.

    Now provide information on gun safety as part of a package of being information that helps people become responsible parents, but to be perfectly honest, what I own or do not own (as long as it is legal) is no ones business but my own and my families.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • gonnabuyamacbsh
    May 4, 01:13 AM
    Love it. iPad really is revolutionary. It's replaced the laptop for so many people I know

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • troop231
    Apr 15, 08:09 PM
    Heh, just because it looks fake doesn't mean we should rule out the fact that it COULD be a prototype. :D

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. VONGOLA DECIMO Katekyo Hitman
  • VONGOLA DECIMO Katekyo Hitman

  • relimw
    Sep 25, 11:10 AM
    So... what are we supposed to run this monstrosity on? The G5 QUADS had a hard enough time running the first one. I can't imagine running this on an iMac or worse... a mac mini.

    And to think, I can run Lightroom on a G4 mini...

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

  • phineas
    Oct 6, 01:20 PM
    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    I believe the way to say it is LTE, which boils down to GSM and yes there supposed to start in 2010

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
  • Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

  • Mac-Mariachi
    Apr 16, 09:43 AM
    The iMac is all aluminum, and it needs the wi-Fi signal, and it seems to work fine.

    Yes but the iMac is not 3G, only Wi-Fi. The black antena cover is for 3G reception. :)

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Wallpaper-Katekyo Hitman
  • Wallpaper-Katekyo Hitman

  • CyberBob859
    Jan 15, 10:34 PM
    but I really thought the MacBook Air was going to be the "One more thing.." (which they didn't do.)

    Since I was just thinking of upgrading my router from a Linksys to Airport Extreme, the announcement of Time Capsule was a welcome surprise. The pricing is pretty competitive when you consider what a 1 TB external firewire + Airport Extreme router would cost. (Although I do like the Drobo a lot, its pretty expensive once you add drives in it.) Time Capsule will be nice for Time Machine on both my iMac and MacBook.

    Apple TV got off life support today. The iTunes movie rental announcement is HUGE, considering that ALL the major movie studios are onboard. It supports HD (720p is OK by me for now) and 5.1 surround sound, and doesn't require a computer for purchases or rentals. Too bad I don't have a widescreen HDTV, or I may actually buy one, but at least I can rent movies for my MacBook and/or iPod when I travel.

    Since I don't own an iPhone or iPod Touch, the announcements here didn't do much for me. Tracking your location without a GPS is cool, and multiple messaging is fine, but to me, these are just evolutionary updates. Charging $20 for upgrading the iPod Touch is unfair, but might be related to accounting practices and reporting. I will be more excited about the iPhone and iPod Touch once the SDK comes out and third party apps are developed. (I want a SlingBox client.)

    The MacBook Air is a really nice design. It shows what Apple is capable of pulling off. But, like a supermodel or Paris Hilton, they may nice to look at, but have limited usefulness beyond their outward appearance. You can't upgrade the hard drive, the processor is slower than what you can get on a MacBook Pro or even MacBook, and there are fewer ports to hook devices up to. The Air is the new fashion item for the rich and wannabe famous.

    What I found interesting what WASN'T announced:

    1) no 10.5.2 updates to fix Leopard bugs

    2) no updates to MacBook or MacBook Pro. I REALLY thought those machines would get new slimmer designs and lose some weight (but not as radical as the MacBook Air), while retaining the current electronics.

    3) nothing about the Mac Mini and any new updates.

    But Steve Jobs did say at the end of the presentation that they still have 50 weeks to go for new announcements, so maybe something will happen with the other products during the year.

    Overall, I would say it was an interesting MacWorld, but aside from Time Capsule and the movie rental announcement, there wasn't anything here that will make me buy new hardware right now.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Embed Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Embed Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • kernkraft
    Oct 1, 04:11 PM
    Wow. I suggest finding a phonebook and looking up your nearest therapist because you have major issues. House rapist? You are mental? You have gone bananas so I suppose that avatar suits you. I have no problem with people being good neighbours by not building an eye sore but ultimately those damn conservationists can stick their concerns where the sun does not shine because it is not their property and they would not have paid a single red cent to make that old house livable and earthquake safe. Everything has a life span and that includes houses.

    Those conservationists should have given up early on when the facts were presented about the costs of saving the house. They are just crazy busy bodies who are jealous of Job's wealth and expected him to spend money on a house that was not worth saving.

    You should realize that everything we have in the physical world deteriorates eventually and that things are not really what is important.

    Give me your best shot, not this patronising, insulting crap! The house rapist part was meant to be a bit of a joke, but clearly, it was wasted on you.

    I could insult you, but what's the point? You have issues with my banana, whereas you named yourself after one of the greatest classic philosophers? Who the hell do you think you are?! I suggest you suck my banana and put me on your ignore list, because I don't need a monkey on my back, whatever it's called.

    katekyo hitman reborn wallpaper. Anime - Katekyo Hitman Reborn
  • Anime - Katekyo Hitman Reborn

  • flashPUNK
    Apr 15, 12:28 PM
    Is it just me, or is the writing on the 3rd photo a bit skewed, or rotated in an odd way?

    Oct 10, 05:44 PM
    well i hope it's true. i'll believe it when i see it though

    Sep 12, 07:24 AM
    For conformation the Canadian site is down. First I had the check connection mentioned above, then I tried again and got the message.

    May 2, 04:12 PM
    Here is why gestures are great and will win out over mouse and keyboard use for almost all uses: they are a direct action and not an indirect action.

    Believe what you will. I have a MBP with gestures and I find some useful and some annoying. I can do fine artwork with a mouse and Photoshop (stylus is even more useful), but I can't do it with a piddly trackpad. I would not want to play 3D shooter games with a trackpad either. In other words, trackpads have their uses and are getting better for some tasks with gestures, but they're not the answer to life, the universe and everything either. Every task has its ideal tool. You don't throw out hand tools because air tools are available. They're unsuited for many tasks (particularly delicate ones).

    Mar 17, 08:27 AM
    Enjoy your new iPad. Based on your comments, you conscience is clear and unencumbered. Personally, I do not agree nor practice your way of thinking/living. However, to each his/her own methods.

    Any means to justify a self serving end . . . Quite sad actually.

    When the messenger of Misery comes knocking at your door, it will be of your own doing.

    Apr 15, 03:44 PM
    What gives the bad impression is that, since is a 3D rendering, it doesn't have lens distortion (because the guy "forgot" about it). Real lenses always gives you some barrel distortion because they are curved, and the standard camera in a 3D software is always just straight 3 point perspective. When you put it in an angle that gives too much perspective it looks strange.

    Specially the first image, is a good 3D, but is not realistic enough to be perceived as a photo because of:

    1- Lack of lens distortion
    2- Very linear noise, obviously applied.
    3- Un-natural light
    4- Not so realistic dynamic range and exposure
    5- Shadows are too smooth for that kind of flash-light
    6- Light is too uniform
    7- The model is good, but you can see that there are some hard edges that are not natural.
    8- Doesn't have any camera meta-data. (he "forgot" to fake that also)

    and a few other minor things... but yeah, it's a very good 3D work!:)

    if you want to do a little test with your abilities to tell if it's cg or not:

    a little to easy though... ;)

    I got 11 of 12 (the bear), so I trust my own judgment that this is fake as can be.

    It can't be all metal. Otherwise it will have some serious signal issues.

    The titanium iphone mod shows it can be done. http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/24/the-titanium-iphone-is-real-really-real-video/

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