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  • rdowns
    Apr 16, 04:28 PM
    It is not gay people that people should be afraid of. It's people who promote homosexuality through media, education, culture, and government that people should be afraid of.


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  • MattyMac
    Oct 15, 10:44 PM
    But when have thhey ever announced new products on a wednesday? Except after a long weekend? (C2D iMac) If anything it will be 10/24. (Mac Expo London, and a Tuesday)
    The iPod's 5 year anniversary is that Mon. October 23rd:D

    happy birthday pictures for kids. Happy Birthday!
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  • John Purple
    Jan 9, 04:16 AM
    New MBP with two penryns (liquid cooling :confused: ) and faster graphics
    Revolutionary new user interface (other than old keyboard, mouse and/or trackpad)
    Aperture 2.0 (at last :o )
    New displays (in combination with newuser interface ???)

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  • Happy Birthday amp; Children

  • dejo
    Apr 27, 01:01 PM
    Yes, that's exactly what I want to accomplish dejo.
    Good. Now we're getting somewhere.

    Please, enlighten me .. what is the difference between the countdown-timer and NSTimer?
    Let me ask you this: what do you think the difference is?

    I though you must use NSTimer to get a countdown or count up timer.
    Using an NSTimer is certainly a common approach to the problem of modeling a countdown timer, but it's certainly not the only one. Because the timer is tied to the main run loop, it is not guaranteed to actually fire every second (in your case). In that case, perhaps the use of NSDate to keep track of seconds elapsed would be a better approach.

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  • Happy Birthday banner graphic

  • flopticalcube
    Nov 24, 09:10 PM
    Order review is back.

    "Not yet shipped" ..... sigh:(

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  • rowanhall
    Oct 3, 12:23 PM
    ho hum... just a quarter of a year to go... :)

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  • aly
    Oct 3, 01:17 PM
    If it takes that long before C2D finds its way into the MBP, I think Apple will be laughed at by a lot of the other manufacturers who have already announced models due before the holiday season.

    I agree, theres no way that apple will wait that long for an update! Would just be utterly stupid.

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  • Demosthenes X
    Nov 14, 02:34 PM
    Been playing Zombie mode all weekend... it's really frustrating without a mic, though, since I can't communicate and everyone seems to be doing their own thing. Need to be able to talk to collaborate and get to the higher rounds, I think.

    That said, it's super-addicting. Nothing relieves stress like blasting Zombies. :D

    I haven't made it into the Multiplayer yet. The last few times I've tried the servers haven't been responding... I've had an easier time getting on the servers to play Zombies, though...

    Single player campaign is pretty typical of COD, imo. It's pretty good... If anything, though, this game is encouraging me to go buy World at War for half the price and just play Zombies. Hah!

    happy birthday pictures for kids. Happy Birthday 60th.
  • Happy Birthday 60th.

  • wakerider017
    Oct 10, 07:37 PM
    Just my opinion...

    This iPod will be 400+ when/if it comes out...

    For that kinda money I would much rather invest in a macbook!!!

    With student discount Macbook is only about 500 more...

    Yea they are apples and oranges... but a liitle macbook would make a nice portable video device.

    happy birthday pictures for kids. Happy Birthday, Nate Have Fun
  • Happy Birthday, Nate Have Fun

  • thatisme
    Jul 21, 09:36 AM
    I find it great that they are doing this... in so far as it illustrates what their testing shows, that the iPhone 4 is not the only phone to have "antenna issues"

    I don't see Apple as using this in an advertising campaign, just that they are backing up their claims and research with true visual evidence

    If they were acting immaturely, they would have just left it at "well, everyone else has the problems like this too" and not offer up any data, evidence, etc to back up their claim.... It is very similar to a vocal majority on this site saying "Apple's antenna design is defective" and "All iPhone 4's are defective" as well as "Every iPhone 4 loses reception just by touching it"... no hard data showing that ALL phones are defective or that the antenna doesn't work...

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  • OllyW
    May 3, 01:50 PM
    And why is this on mac rumors.

    Does it really matter what the competition does.

    Why read it if you are not interested?

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  • Kids Happy Birthday Powerpoint

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 13, 11:25 AM
    I think there will be a change in computing

    So you mean computing won't be "Input, Process, Output, Storage" but something else ?

    No, there will be no change in computing. It's already general and basic enough to cover all the bases.

    and tablets are the future of it. I do think servers/ power machines will remain, but I can see them becoming specialised (such as in power stations etc). I can see Linux filling that whole perfectly. I do feel that tablets/ touch based computers are the future, but I think they need voice recognition software to truly come into play for text input. If the iPad had a killer voice recognition software, then MS Word for iPad might truly become a game changer. As good as any touchscreen is, typing 2,000 words on a touchscreen would be a bit of a push.

    You failed to see any of my points. Tablets are not some kind of "future change to computers!", tablets are very much computing devices utilizing the same concepts and ideas that have been the very core of the industry for the last 50 years.

    Touch based computer ? It's still input and input is just that, input. It doesn't matter whether is touch, keyboards, mice, network, voice, biometrics. Input is input.

    A lot of you people want to see a massive change where frankly there isn't any. A new type of device doesn't somehow make everything different. It can just be a "new type of device", something the computer industry of the last 50 years has seen plenty of.

    Read my post again carefully, you'll see that I already addressed all your points. Don't just respond to me without even understanding what I'm talking about and at least trying to counteract my points if you're going to try to contradict me.

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  • give our kids everything

  • DeSnousa
    May 16, 08:23 PM
    nice! did you get your passkey?

    Sure did, all 5 of my rigs have a passkey now.

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  • Happy birthday coloring pages.

  • monaarts
    Mar 17, 12:04 PM
    And I'm also a Microsoft Fanboy!!! Haaaaaaa Long live the Microsoft Zune the ultimate iPod Killer!!!

    I thought you are "going back to the real world, while the debate in this thread continues."???

    On a side note, what do you do for a living? Seriously, not where you work but what do you do?

    - Joe

    happy birthday pictures for kids. Birthday Blast
  • Birthday Blast

  • ThePoach
    Jul 21, 04:21 PM
    So if another car company was hiding the same problem Toyota had, and Toyota pointed it out, that would be wrong? Why are the other companies denying it?

    Yes it would.. maybe that is why Toyota was able to surpass all these claims, assuming most of them were real since everyone is trying to make a quick buck these days lol. They dealt with their own problems and I would buy a Toyota any day:)

    Question for you Hovey.. Are you working for Apple????

    Is that you Mr. Jobs, answering questions again? lol

    happy birthday pictures for kids. Birthday Coloring Pages
  • Birthday Coloring Pages

  • parapup
    Apr 15, 07:13 PM
    Google (http://opendotdotdot.blogspot.com/2011/04/why-google-should-buy-music-industry.html), Apple and Amazon could just freaking buy the music industry.

    I heard EMI is up for sale (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CC8QFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessweek.com%2Fnews%2F2011-02-02%2Femi-sale-may-fetch-2-billion-narrowly-covering-citigroup-debt.html&rct=j&q=EMI%20sale&ei=Et-oTZOKJNSUtwfDuozeBw&usg=AFQjCNGuek0PlovF-tZP-Fsuim250os43Q&sig2=l0Ljn2Yy9Q083At-Vr-eKw&cad=rja).

    happy birthday pictures for kids. My children love parties!
  • My children love parties!

  • Chaszmyr
    Nov 16, 07:28 AM
    DigiTimes' track record is amazingly bad. You'd think they'd be right more often just by guessing.

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  • happy birthday, spacecraft

  • �algiris
    Mar 24, 03:54 PM
    Ten years, and TheWormyFruit� still hasn't FTFF (http://tinyurl.com/66wkbe3)!

    Don't be ridiculous.

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  • happy birthday pictures for

  • 3N16MA
    May 3, 10:50 PM
    Steve loves his magic. I bet he always wanted a magician at his party as a kid. Better than having a clown.

    Oct 19, 12:58 PM
    2. Slim MacBook? Don't you mean tiny MacBook? Apple could quite easily make the iPhone Smartphone and the MacBook Nano one and the same.

    I don't think so - we're talking about radically different form-factors for a superslim MacBook vs. a PDA smartphone. A MacBook still has to have a decent screen and keyboard, and an iPhone Pro still needs to be pocket size.

    Here's what I might expect:

    1) MacBook nano: 10.6" widescreen, metallic finish in nano colors, and thinner and more rounded than the current MacBooks (though the slimness will be limited by the optical drive, unless they get rid of an internal optical drive which I don't think Apple will do)

    2) iPhone Pro: probably a slider phone with a Treo/Blackberry style qwerty keyboard tucked away. Maybe Apple will innovate here and come up with something better than a slider though. The options I've seen for integrating a qwerty keyboard are:
    - regular solid bar-type phone like Treo or Blackberry
    - slider phone like LG Chocolate (haven't seen this for a smart phone though)
    - sideways slider like Sidekick or T-Mobile MDA
    - sideways clamshell like Nokia Communicator

    Personally I think both the "slim" iPhone and the "PDA" iPhone will be slider phones. The reason being that I think Apple will design the phones to look almost exactly like the iPod when viewed from the front. So I think the "slim" phone will basically be be a slider iPod nano, and the "PDA" phone will basically be a slider video iPod. Probably they will only be offered in one color to start with, in order to simplify manufacturing and inventory control. Probably silver or black for the iPod nano phone, and black for the iPod PDA phone. Though both phones will have a metal case instead of plastic...

    Mar 17, 09:22 AM
    Karma, (in short,) is a concept explaining why some babies were born to great parents and others to bad parents. (It evolved into a concept of, be good in this life and you will be born into a good, or better life next time around.)

    Hell all this time I was under the impression that it was a female dog, which is something real in this world. I hear a lot of people say Karma is a bitch. I should have known it was something made up and not something real.

    Jan 10, 03:12 PM
    Bloggers often struggle to gain acceptance as a valid and legitimate source of news, and with this stunt (see link) Gizmodo have helped to undermine those who have worked so hard to gain credibility within an elitist industry.

    I'm not without a sense of humour, but when Giz started screwing with a live presentation they crossed a line. This type of behaviour shouldn't be condoned in my opinion and a strong signal should be sent out to those responsible. Who's to say that they wouldn't interfere with an Apple event? What do you make of their actions?


    Oct 14, 01:53 PM
    Apples Releases its 3Q numbers after the market close this Wednesday. There have been many times where Jobs has used blow out earnings announcements to launch new products in tandem. I wouldnt be surprised if they launched the video/wireless during their earnings call on Wed.

    Apr 16, 04:07 PM
    The Apple ecosystem is no more open or closed then any other system, Apple, Android, Rim, Windows etc.

    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.

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