funny weird pictures

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  • poster, fail, funny, weird

  • IronLogik
    Nov 12, 01:37 PM
    Couldn't Facebook also approve all of their applications by default, and only be given access to a user's personal information by explicit consent of that user?

    The problem is that Facebook has much more sensitive information in it than your iPhone address book card. Not only that but significantly MORE information in it.

    It's difficult to compare the address book on your iPhone to that of your entire friends list, including possible relationships (family, friends, peers), your phone number(s), your friends phone number(s), their family members, my website address for both personal and professional uses, email addresses for personal and professional use, birthdates, favorites (books, music, movies), etc.

    Think of how that could be used.

    My iPhone address book card has my emails, address, phone numbers. While those are important it doesn't tell you nearly as much about me that could be used in extremely bad ways. Think more than spam and sales calls.

    funny weird pictures. funny,weird winter
  • funny,weird winter

  • steveh
    Apr 13, 04:33 PM
    in the app store, right.



    funny weird pictures. Funny Weird Wedding Photo
  • Funny Weird Wedding Photo

  • sam10685
    Jul 22, 10:26 PM
    Save 5,000 trees with your iPod.

    people are always worried about "save the trees..." and "there's too much over-population..." Have u ever flown over this country? there's thousands of acres of nothingness. i'm confused.

    funny weird pictures. Category: Funny, Weird
  • Category: Funny, Weird

  • cooknwitha
    Sep 12, 01:50 PM
    The two new viewing options are great! It's looks fantastic and makes me glad I've been keeping my cover-art up-to-date!

    Right well, enough farting about.... back to work.

    funny weird pictures. funny and weird funny weird
  • funny and weird funny weird

  • h00ligan
    Nov 7, 07:06 PM
    And don't have a single 12/13in model in existence? I don't think so.

    Some people want small form factors. It's a shame Apple thinks form factors and power are in a 1-to-1 relationship. Some people want powerful laptops with smaller displays (12in PB is no more) or less powerful laptops with larger displays (15in iBook is no more). Hopefully Apple learns to stop limiting themselves in this way. Think differently differently.

    wow , talk about completely missing a joke... wow.

    funny weird pictures. Weird people in family
  • Weird people in family

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Sep 12, 02:41 PM
    I didn't see an option for this in Preferences. I'm assuming it's automatic.Mark album and get info... ;)


    funny weird pictures. strange weird funny pictures
  • strange weird funny pictures

  • backdraft
    Aug 3, 08:21 PM
    The moral of the story is that to hack OS X you have to focus your effort on the closed-source software that's in there.

    Everybody thinks Macs are safe because Darwin is open source, tried and tested. But we forget about all the closed-source software that is running with elevated privileges.

    Or the hardware exploits... Been down hill since Intel... X86 hardware exploits likely on the way

    funny weird pictures. stock vector : Funny, weird
  • stock vector : Funny, weird

  • Speedracer04
    Sep 12, 02:19 PM
    Just checked with the store and the only new iPod available with the promotion is the 30GB video, cant get the new nanos or the 80GB

    funny weird pictures. funny weird box creature
  • funny weird box creature

  • swindmill
    Aug 3, 03:17 PM
    I don't think those iPhone shots are real, and I'm not all that hopeful that a phone will be released on Monday, but if an Apple phone is released I will be as excited as I have ever been for an Apple release. Just imagine the syncing perfection and coolness factor.

    funny weird pictures. Put funny, weird, silly,
  • Put funny, weird, silly,

  • EricNau
    Jan 11, 05:28 PM
    Something in the air? FAA bans laptop use due to electromagnetic interference.
    No, you can use laptops mid-flight, just not during take-off or landing (just like any other electronic device).

    I know it's a long shot, but anyone remember this announcement awhile back: Apple Announces iPod Airplane Integration (

    funny weird pictures. These are funny weird toilet
  • These are funny weird toilet

  • reubs
    Mar 29, 09:10 AM
    I was really hoping for an iPhone this summer, but my contract w/ another company runs until 11/30/11 anyway. It's going to be a pain dealing w/ this HTC Hero for the rest of the year, but if the iPhone 5 comes with LTE to be "future-proofed", so to speak, I'll be pretty happy to wait. Having to wait until 2012, though, will be painful. Hopefully it's a fall release to rev up for the holidays.

    funny weird pictures. Weird Girl - Funny Weird
  • Weird Girl - Funny Weird

  • GovtLawyer
    Dec 5, 10:11 AM
    [According to the report, "Abbey Road" was the best-selling album in the United States, while "Here Comes The Sun" topped the song charts.

    It should be interesting to note that when the general public thinks of The Beatles, they think of Lennon/McCartney songs. "Here Comes the Sun" which appears to be the best selling Beatles song on iTunes, was written by George Harrison.

    funny weird pictures. quot;gt;Funny Weird Pictureslt;/agt;
  • quot;gt;Funny Weird Pictureslt;/agt;

  • dgree03
    May 5, 08:39 AM
    Apple is copying android!? :eek: /sarcasm

    I am sure you will have the option to download over wifi or over 3g(if they establish a patch system)

    Android has been doing this since the beginning, no issues with it in the android community.

    funny weird pictures. funny hairstyle. crazy weird
  • funny hairstyle. crazy weird

  • milkdev
    Aug 3, 05:10 PM
    I didn't read the whole thread, so maybe it was already there.
    Here's the iPhone "behind the scenes" video: ;)

    funny weird pictures. MySpace Funny Weird Pictures
  • MySpace Funny Weird Pictures

  • JoshRtek
    Aug 7, 10:46 PM
    FYI...anyone that is considering getting the in-store BT/AP module...

    The tech on the phone told me that the G5 Powermac module will NOT work in the Mac Pro the internals have been redesigned (power supply at the top, not bottom, new motherboard, etc.)

    Also, seems the SATA interface is the newer "II" standard with twice the throughput, but it IS backwards compatible with SATA-I drives :D

    funny weird pictures. Funny weird vehicles
  • Funny weird vehicles

  • steadysignal
    Mar 29, 12:52 PM
    I'm with you on both items. I've been psyched for iPhone 5 to replace my 3GS, but for LTE I might be convinced to wait... (Then again my 4G friend says Boston has spotty coverage at the moment...)

    As for the voice thing - I don't think I've ever used it nor really want to. To those that do use it - why? Is this a feature that car drivers use a lot?

    they have got to get battery life under control or get LTE available in more places.

    have been testing a VzW Tbolt and man its terrible in non-LTE areas on the battery.

    i will not, however, give up on my iPhone. LTE or not, upgrading will happen. add me to the line of sheep. :)

    funny weird pictures. Re: Funny/Weird/Ugly Trophies
  • Re: Funny/Weird/Ugly Trophies

  • richard4339
    Nov 27, 10:42 AM
    Ain't that the truth! Anyone actually seen someone using one of these yet?

    We had a Microsoft Rep on campus last week; he demoed a Zune for us. It didn't look half bad (except for the colour), but its also important to remember that when they have reps demoing them, most everything will work.

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  • funny Weird gay happy birthday

  • mcrain
    Mar 11, 01:10 PM
    I tried to implement the Fivepoint solution to the budget deficit and still came up with a deficit of 156 Billion dollars, but I was able to save Social Security (137%)

    I cut EVERY even remotely liberal sounding program by 50%, rounding down. So, for example, if EPA's budget was 27, I changed it to 13. If it was a conservative supported idea, I didn't touch it (prisons, immigration, etc...) The only concession I made on that point was to reduce military spending from 601 to 400. As for taxes and social security, I raised NO taxes and only reduced benefits and increased the age of participation in SS.

    Based on what I know, I don't think it would be possible to reduce some of the budgets by 50% or more, but I went ahead and did it anyway, and still had a significant budget deficit. I guess military spending could be reduced even more, but I can't imagine Republicans voting for that.

    Fiscal responsibility seems to me to be a three part question. First, are you spending more than you take in. Second, will the cuts cause damages that will require additional unbudgeted spending. Third, will any tax increases materially reduce revenue through damage to the economy. Everything else is a matter of priorities, and those are debatable.

    When I did the matrix the first time with my priorities, I managed to end up with a modest surplus that could be used to reduce the debt. I think I met the first criteria. I cut some spending, including military, but I tried to not slash any area beyond what seemed an amount that could be sustained without too much damage. All in all, on the spending side, the cuts were modest, and were offset by some increases in spending. Spending cuts alone did not meet the first criteria, but considering the areas that I cut were very inflated compared to our needs, I don't think that the cuts would cause too much in the way of damage. Obviously, some additional costs might be necessary, but probably not more than 10-20 billion, and certainly not more than the surplus I had at the end. Finally, I raised taxes in a progressive fashion, the majority of increases falling on those above $100,000 per year income, with the most increases going to the top two groups. The estate tax also was increased. I'm not a fan of VAT taxes or sin taxes, so I eschewed those. History has shown that increased taxes don't result in major economic decline, and in fact, result in increased economic activity, so I think I met all three criteria. Even if the tax increases cause some damage, is that damage more or less than having large deficits and increasing our debt? I don't think so, but that's probably debatable.

    When I tried to anticipate how Rand Paul or his followers would deal with this problem, I had a deficit despite slashing almost every major governmental program. I can't imagine how cutting necessary and relied upon programs by 50% or more would not result in all sorts of problems that will require governmental intervention and spending, not to mention hurt millions of people. The only criteria I "met" was in not increasing taxes, and 30 years of Reaganomics and Bush Voodoo economics may actually be enough proof to say that may not even be the case.

    Anyway, that was my attempt to do what Fivepoint suggests, and I failed miserably. I'd like to see how fiscally responsible his proposal would be, and I'd like to see the choices he makes. It's one thing to say you're going to cut a program by 75%, and another to actually do it and then deal with the aftermath.

    funny weird pictures. Funny Weird Wedding Photo (12)
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  • mcmlxix
    Apr 12, 04:10 PM
    Because before China, no other country in the world with factories EVER sourced raw materials from other countries.

    It seems to me that you've spilled a lot of bits & bytes over nothing. I never said nor implied that China is/was the only country that consumes enormous amounts of raw resources. My comment was in reply to the commenter who suggested keeping manufacturing and pollution in China would be good for the US, whereas that�s just not true. But thanks for your hermeneutic of suspicion anyway.

    Feb 28, 09:13 PM
    It is March on the International Dateline.

    Welcome to Photo of the Day. The POTD thread was started by iGary, and first posted in May, 2006 It was converted to a monthly thread in November 2007 by Arn. POTD is one of the most popular picture groups on MacRumors and often exceeds 500 posts and 20,000 views per month.

    Photo of the Day is intended to be a showcase for your best pictures. There is no limit to your gear, just your imagination. P&S and film cameras are welcome along with DSLRs. There are no themes like the Fortnightly Challenge and Weekly Contest. No winners (or losers) either.


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    Aug 3, 05:49 PM
    I know everyone is over-analyzing the banner, but why is iPod pictured close to all the developer tools? Are they finally going to give us an API to program iPod?

    Aug 3, 04:24 PM
    on the banner, there is a laptop looking object to the right of the powermac where the screen is taller than the base
    it looks kinda suspicious to me

    Aug 4, 12:33 PM
    In addition to my promise to run around naked and post the video to the Internet if iMac gets Conroe, I will do the same if they introduce a phone at WWDC.

    Not happening.

    Enjoy being clean for a while

    If the iMac gets Conroe it will be worth waiting for, especially as it looks likely (from what I read about here) Conroe will be released in July.

    If the iMac gets Conroe, I will run naked across my apartment parking lot, film it and post it on the net.

    Gotcha !!! :D ;)

    Sep 14, 08:49 PM
    Did that guy just seriously fly around with a jetpack?

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