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  • tveric
    Jul 25, 01:22 AM
    I'd be worried about that exept one incontrovertible fact. Steve Jobs has more creative spark in his left pinky than M$ does in it whole genetic tree.

    And so, my friends, we see why funny comic strips don't get published widely; instead, we have to live with pablum like "Family Circus" because if it gets any funnier than that, 90% of the population doesn't even come close to getting it.

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  • adamfilip
    Sep 25, 11:00 AM
    the Aperture page on Apples website has been updated to reflect the new version

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  • berniemac
    Nov 24, 09:10 AM
    Are they giving any additional discounts at the retail stores? I thought somebody said that last year they received a scratch off card with 10% off.

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  • tny
    Nov 16, 04:26 PM
    Do they have to remake a new "Universal Binary?" Because aren't the current UB's for Intel and PPC? Please tell me they wont. I don't wnat to have to wait again for new UB's

    No. The AMD processors we're talking about have the same instruction set as the Intel processors Apple is currently using; in fact, the 64 bit extensions were written by AMD, not Intel (Intel's original 64-bit solution is Itanium, which on the seamier side of the computer trade - for instance, in the Register - is called the Itanic, because it is still sinking; eventually, Intel was forced to adopt AMD's extensions because the architecture is more compatible with the Pentium/x86 architecture).

    Such a switch would be comparable in terms of technological impact to the switch from IBM for the G3 to Motorola for the G4, and then to IBM for the G5.

    Now, if Apple switched to Intel Itanium or (if it were ever released again) the Digital Alpha, yes, a new form of Universal Binary would be needed. I suspect that the Cell processor is not completely compatible with the G5, so it's possible that a switch to Cell would require a new form of UB, too.


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  • AidenShaw
    Oct 4, 02:25 PM
    Squarely wrong. Even "The Inquirer" has talked about the vastly superior multitasking AND SMP features of OS X Leopard, as compared to what Vista seems to offer. Damn, even today any version of Windows crawls far behind OS X in that.
    If you say so. I guess the people running databases on 64-processor Windows systems ('d%3dN) haven't read The Inquirer.

    Second: the fact that IDF didn't have any "octo" machines derives from the simple and obvious assessment that Apple does NOT have any "octo" machines. Anything else would be just illegal.
    HP, Dell, IBM and the rest were running octos - their dual-socket workstations and servers were fitted with Clovertown samples provided by Intel. I didn't know that there was a law against that. :rolleyes:'s an easy fallacy to assert that the non-existence of machines "running OS X" in quad configurations at a certain event means a lack of capacity by OS X to do so.
    Sorry for the confusion - my point was that Intel was demonstrating the power of the octos by demoing with Windows as the OS.

    One demo even had a Windows quad (dual-dual) system which was upgraded onstage to an octo (dual-quad) system - the benchmark was re-run with the 8 processors on the octo to show the improvement.

    If Windows SMP and multi-tasking is as bad as you and The Inquirer say, I would have expected Intel to use Linux....

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  • takao
    Sep 8, 01:27 PM
    I've passed by Lawyers, Doctors, even a Judge (I know because as a youth I got schooled by her) listening to Kanye West, LL Cool J, Queen Latifah. Why? Because it gives them a motivative sense of power, a sense of "I'm above the rest" that most other genre's of music doesnt provide. Rock N Roll comes really close, but from what I've heard, I cannot pick 10 artists/groups in all their albums that brings it like Rap/Hip-Hop.

    luckily not all rap/hip hop (especially the non US ones) gives this sense of "i'm above the rest" .. since they are nowhere as good as the funny,more language acrobatic ones IMHO

    but i'm 22 and not 15 and didn't grew up in the gettho or something

    (thankfully my younger brother(13) jumped straight to rammstein ;) )


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  • mantan
    Apr 15, 08:59 PM
    and FAIL.

    iphone needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    ipad needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    apple do stuff well and make good products because that's what the heck they frickin do!

    they dont need anything to prod them on but their own imagination. companies that innovate by imitation because they got caught with their pants down arent about better products for end users. that's why their stuff sucked in the first place.

    I have to disagree a bit. Competition drives innovation, even at Apple. They are great at creating new products....but they need a little prod now and again. We would have continued to get incremental updates like the 3GS (where a compass was touted as a major new feature) if the Android didn't close the gap. The result, an iPhone 4 that was a major leap.

    We all accept paying $150 for a Nano when Sansa was selling high quality MP3 players at a third of that 5 years ago.

    Competition is good for the consumer. It results in innovation and downward pressure on prices.

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 13, 11:23 AM
    His point was remove the TSA security check and only have only armed air marshals. Bringing a gun to a bomb fight is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

    My point was that the TSA security does provide a buffer to keep terrorists from boarding a plan packed with explosives where an armed masrhal is going to be useless.

    The world we once knew no longer exists, time to get used to it.

    No, my point was to scale it back to what it was before 9/11 and maintain both domestic and international security at the pre 9/11 level of international security.


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  • Santabean2000
    Oct 4, 08:29 AM
    But he is building this house in the US, which apparently defines "mansion" as 8,000 sq ft or more.

    Yep, and the average US 'car' looks more like a tank to the rest of the world.

    Define your own boundaries, and call them normal. Nice.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Mar 13, 04:26 PM
    Can you say just one company that seems to capture the needs/desires as Apple has?

    I don'y see lines for the latest Droid phone or pad...

    Like it or not of late; Apple knows how do things right...
    I think you missed the entire point of his post.


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  • JackSYi
    Oct 4, 02:14 PM
    Thank god. My first MWSF (been saving up for it), with the primary reason being: Steve Jobs.

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  • ct2k7
    Apr 16, 10:26 AM
    Yes, if it's A1285. Hard to read...

    Just looked up A1289, it's the 8-core Nehalem Mac Pro.

    Either way, B.S.

    I agree, although I like the design (I like metal things, the 3G and 3GS didn't appeal to me as it was plastic and that looks cheap to me - or maybe I'm a magpie and like shiny things :o)


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  • Benjy91
    Mar 28, 03:33 PM

    Ooh the arguments are getting heated up in this thread :D

    Thought I'd offer a light refreshment.

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  • DotComName
    May 3, 02:40 PM
    Tethering should NOT cost extra! What do the carriers have to do with the data after they send it to my phone??! Why can't we just pay for the same data we already do and have our phone use and manipulate it anyway we want! I always thought it was ******** and I will never pay for it! Makes no sense!


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  • rodpascoe
    Sep 27, 03:58 PM
    Isn't it obvious :eek:

    Not to me? I've been wondering what optimized support means too! I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the Fuji S3 support! Hooray! :p

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  • UTclassof89
    Jul 21, 12:07 PM
    Umm, that's still less than 1%. That's pretty good. That would be out of 100 million calls. 99 million calls were fine.

    You seem to have missed the "... MORE than iPhone 3gs" part.

    A better antenna should drop FEWER calls (unless there's a flaw)


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  • MykullMyerz
    Mar 17, 09:02 AM
    Bull. I had a girlfriend in high school get fired from OfficeMax for being $100 off where she had been working for almost a year. Unfortunately some guy came in that day, paid for two computers and a printer with $100 bills (total was something like $2500, as this was the late 90's). She counted it twice, but apparently one was missed. Corporate policy stated that she could only be off by less than $5 at the end of her shift.

    She didn't pocket the money and her manager knew that she didn't, but she still lost her job. Company policy.

    Would I like to get an iPad for half price? Absolutely, but ONLY if it was because the company was selling it for half price. I pay what I am supposed to pay.

    Well, in that case, I think your girlfriend's manager and her employer were being a-holes. I've had several friends who have had jobs as cashiers at a plethora of different retail outlets, and 80% of them have made the unfortunate mistake of coming up short on their register. Not one of them ever got fired. The worst that happened was a friend was suspended without pay for a week while they investigated the incident, but when they found no evidence of malicious intent, they closed the case and brought him back on board. But, I guess it depends on the company.

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  • Mr. Zorg
    Jul 21, 11:22 AM
    vocal majority
    I think, perhaps, you meant to say "vocal MINORITY"?

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  • windon
    Jan 13, 02:54 PM
    the Gizmorons should be banned as most of the replies have mentioned it was "high-school" - I was surprised to see the Cnet community go toward the "as long as I am having fun to hell with everyone else" camp and Proud as Ever to be a mac zealot, we know the credo "it's all fun until someone loses the signal"

    Apr 7, 09:59 AM
    Is Windows 8 then Windows 7.0, like Windows Seven is actually Windows 6.1?

    Thats just the NT version. Windows 8 will be 6.2

    7 was 6.1,
    Vista was 6.0
    XP was 5.0

    Technically Windows 7 is the 10th version of Windows, if you don't count Windows Server.

    Windows 7 is the 7th version if you count from Windows 95.

    May 4, 10:17 AM
    I really like the tone of these commercials.

    Also, I enjoy that they keep saying magic or magical; only because I know how angry people (trolls, mostly) here get about it.

    its almost at the taunt stage now.

    i love it.

    reminds me of the think different campaign - feeling-wise.

    Mar 10, 07:52 AM
    The Click Wheel interface was/is an abomination and exactly the opposite of a "good" interface. It's a horrible mess. The only usable iPod is the iPod Touch.

    The click wheel interface was, in fact, a key element in the astounding (and that's putting it mildly) success of the iPod.

    I thought everyone knew this already. :confused:

    Apple used to innovate, right now they have acheived the goal of any capitalist company, they've hit the big time with the iPhone and are resting on their laurels.

    In case you haven't noticed, they've redefined computing almost overnight. They're now building on that. They've got the competition completely flummoxed. They're pushing the industry forward with their apparent non-innovations.

    Apr 15, 02:26 PM
    LOL at the perspective on the text in the 3rd photo.

    Actually, shooting up close with a wide-angle lens will give you exactly that distortion. Here is a photo I just took of a REAL iPhone with a 17mm lens. Sorry about the fuzziness - handheld and did not use a flash:

    So I don't think text in the 3rd photo is skewed. That being said, I agree it's a fake.

    Aug 15, 12:56 AM
    yeah i'm not sure if its the card, or that slot in the motherboard

    i bet its pretty close to the other ones? thus the heat.

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