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  • SeaFox
    Dec 2, 07:16 PM
    I for one, welcome our new Adware overloards.

    -1, Overrated

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  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 18, 04:06 AM
    Why are you guys expecting Apple to drop a USB port for the Thunderbolt?

    If Apple includes Thunderbolt it will be shared with the Mini DisplayPort. Just like on the MBP's. Which was already present on the MBA so I don't see the need to drop a USB port.

    I'm not sure if it will get one though due to the footprint of the new chip on the motherboard.

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  • WildCowboy
    Oct 18, 04:26 PM
    Nice bump in the stock...AAPL up 5.5% in after hours trading.

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  • Finiksa
    Jul 24, 10:00 PM
    This sounds like a brilliant concept. If it ever makes it into a shipping product I suspect Apple would utilise it to maintain the protective layer of plastic over the screen like current iPods instead of exposing the fragile LCD/OLED display. The users could scroll directly on the iPod housing instead of having to float their finger in the air above the display.

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  • tny
    Oct 24, 08:04 AM
    Slightly off-topic: does anyone have an opinion on getting software (in this case logic express) preinstalled? Is there any benefit or would it be better to just buy the app seperately?

    The only benefit it gets you is the time savings of not having to install it yourself - and of being able to jump right in and use it when you get the machine.

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  • Minimoose 360
    Apr 24, 03:13 PM
    What product will the T-Mobile chic bash now??? :rolleyes:

    She can bash my handset any day ;)

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  • marksman
    Apr 12, 11:24 AM
    The iPhone 4 will still be the best smartphone on the market when the iPhone 5 comes out.

    Holding it back makes a lot of sense at this point.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Feb 1, 07:57 AM
    What a team player.

    300 people sitting on their hands, while he 'plays'.


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  • Alexjungle
    Apr 27, 04:45 PM
    Ugh! I bought my imac in 2007 and now I'm kicking myself for not waiting till next week.

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  • uwetodd
    Apr 26, 01:17 PM
    wow, this is awful, ****ing capitalists apple. This is why I'll use soundcloud and NOT apple cloud.

    Yeah, capitalism is the problem. :rolleyes: God forbid you have choices and MIGHT have to pay for something.

    I have no doubt Apple will have a similar "free" baseline that might wet your palette. Actually that would mean competition/capitalism was involved, which also means you're still not going to be happy.

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  • s15119
    Apr 26, 02:40 PM
    duh. Did anyone really think Apple would do something without charging?

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  • jamescoulee
    Mar 31, 10:37 AM
    I'm not a fan of this "literal graphics" fad at Apple... It's not a real calendar, it's not a real address book, and virtual ones can be better, have more functions and uses, be a completely different tool from the real ones... So why should they look the same?? Specially when people are already educated to use the software as it was...

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  • fabian9
    May 3, 07:35 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Awesome! I might be interested in one of these...

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  • vand0576
    Aug 16, 05:20 PM
    Many people have brought up how it may be a difficulty to control a "none-touch" type interface by never coming in contact with it (try holding your current iPod and making swirls around the clickwheel without contacting it, not the easiest or most comfortable thing to do). Others are worried about getting the screen all smudged by placing fingers on it.

    I currently use a 4G iPod with a polycarbonate casing from Contour Design. It even has a mylar cover for over the click wheel where it is exposed. I would never be caught without the case, as I fear scratches most as I plan to resell it sometime in the future. The remarkable thing about the clickwheel is that you (or at least I) can still control it through my pants pocket on the outside of my jeans. That essentially is a "none-touch" concept my finger having never been in direct contact with the iPod. I remember the reports of the "none-touch" design to be able to distinguish contact from non-concact through the medium within direct proximity to the device. What would be great in my mind is that if the next gen iPod did have a full screen and could be controlled through "non-touching" is that you could enclose the entire apparatus in polycarbonate while allowing the sensors to detect the "none-touch" still (something the current click wheels cannot do, aside from a few thin layers of fabric), but having it be easier to control because you can then come in contact with the polycarbonate casing. It would fully protect from scratches, and i have never noticed any fingerprints on the polycarbonate casing any way, so it would seem that this implementation of the "none-touch" would be win-win. Complete enclosure and no fingerprints.

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  • cleanup
    Sep 13, 02:37 PM
    Go there. The Bier Markt was one of my regular stomps when I used to live in Toronto. Actually, I used to live a few minutes away, in a condo right by the St. Lawrence Market.

    If they carry Blue Moon, try that one too.

    My girlfriend and I have tried to stop by on a few occasions but it's always enormously packed when we go (our own fault for only being in the area on Friday & Saturday nights) and we end up going to Corner Bar up the street instead. But it's definitely at the top of my to-do-soon list. :)

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  • gkarris
    May 1, 10:58 PM
    So this obviously means a US Economic Recovery and we all get our old jobs and careers back...


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  • svenn
    Feb 12, 07:11 PM
    He is bulletproof.

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  • Juan007
    Apr 12, 09:58 AM
    iPhone 4 is at least one year ahead of the competition, and several years ahead when comparing HW quality / build quality. Even with dual core processors the Android UI speed compares unfavorably to pre-3GS iPhone. The Android UI itself is garbage compared to IOS 4.

    It's perfectly fine to hold off a release of iPhone 4 for a few months. The competition is not catching up, not even close. The ONLY problem with delay is that there is some perception that iPhone 4 is an "old phone" even though it's the best on the market. If you find some guy who's been in a coma for the past year and ask him to choose between iPhone 4 and the latest and greatest Android spin there's no doubt which he'd choose. But ask someone who had a pulse and they know iPhone 4 was released almost a year ago. Even though it is clearly the best phone on the market, the perception is that it's old.

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  • network23
    Jul 11, 02:25 PM
    This is scary. While I have no doubts Apple's ability to "get it" will make Microsoft's offering pale by comparison, Microsoft might be able to more than make up for it through marketing and their dominant position in the computer and home gaming market. Then, as in the past, their monopolistic practices will slowly edge out Apple.

    And I guarantee you that Microsoft will be much more willing to "play ball" with the movie studios to get the best/preferred deals in offering downloadable movies.

    Jul 25, 08:25 AM
    Not sure if this has been posted, but do you think it will come in Black, for the MB users? (and possible iMac users)

    Oct 1, 06:11 AM
    Dropped calls is a feature of the iphone... enjoy ;)

    There's an app for that.:)

    Oct 24, 08:35 AM
    I just had called to Apple store, and they are going to take my week old MBP CD and are giong to give me the new ones, do anybody know if, with the eductational discount, is any problem? how much do I hve to pay (if I have to pay anything)?
    Is the cutted Serial Number of the box considered as I broke something?
    just want a 15,4" , 2Gb RAM, 120 HDD and DVD 2L6x....sweet machine

    Jan 26, 01:30 AM
    I've lost a bit. :( actually quite a lot. I bought at around 170ish a while ago in prepare for the surge of macworld like last year but am at a bit of a loss right now. I think my avatar shows my recent mood.

    I wouldn't worry. Just sit back and wait a bit. It'll be back. I have some I bought at 26 (pre-split) and some I bought around iDay (146). Not too worried, but I'm in for long haul anyway.

    Apr 22, 01:33 AM
    Have you seen the pictures in Nilay Patel's article about the suit ( They copied the look of the iPhone, exactly. Hell, they even copied some of the icons -- the Phone icon, the iTunes icon. Why would they make the phone icon a white handset angled up and to the right on a green background if they weren't deliberately trying to make it look like an iPhone?

    If you're Apple, you absolutely have to sue over this. Otherwise you're saying, okay, anybody who wants to can just make a clone that looks exactly like the iPhone. Anyone who owns a valuable brand has to defend it.

    Image (

    Image (

    Hm the galaxy looks thinner from the side. can samsung sue apple for making a big deal about ipad2 being thinner (or was it thinnest)?

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