funny ass jokes

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  • jagolden
    Nov 3, 12:27 PM
    Fired up my copy of Knoppix 5 (don't ask). This thing is FAST. Makes Parallels look so slow, doesn't eat up as much memory. Issues so far is the 2-finger scrolling is off a little bit, and the trackpad right clicking is off a little bit. These are only preliminary results, I'll go more indepth later on. So take these results with a grain of salt, for now.

    Loaded up 2 Folding@Home clients up to really burn this baby in.

    QUESTION: Can you just use a 2-3 button mouse instead of the trackpad and avoid the hassle? I'd hate t go back to keyboard or trackpad usage for day-to-day.

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  • dan5.5
    Sep 15, 05:48 PM
    I got myself a used Canon XSi with a 18-55 IS Lens

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  • sachamun
    Oct 23, 05:48 PM

    For Mac users, why would we want to install Vista-(via BootCamp) and then also use it under virtualization?

    What situation is there that you would want to run the same OS on the same box, one natively installed and one in virtualization?:confused:

    Very confused about how this affects anyone?

    Home/Office desktop and laptop

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  • aristotle
    Oct 2, 10:45 AM
    If you want to lay the blame at anyones feet, it should be Apple. They should have made a CDMA version and split the load between the networks.
    I can just imagine the lawsuits from clueless american consumers complaining that their iPhone from verizon does not work in Europe like their friends AT&T iPhone.
    CDMA is a dying technology. That is why verizon is switching to LTE (4G GSM).

    The blame does not lay with Apple. The blame rests solely on the entire wireless industry who have been claiming "unlimited" data on phones that were too crippled by a lack of features or crappy software like browsers for people to even bother trying to use a lot of data bandwidth. The iPhone changed all of that and AT&T should have offered capped plans but then a bunch of american consumers with a sense of entitlement would have complained that Verizon were offering unlimited data on their crappy phones.

    The iPhone was such a major game changer in how people use wireless data that no carrier in the US would have been prepared for the load. In Europe, where the Nokia smart phones are more popular, there was higher data usage long before the iPhone came to the scene. In North America, most phones offered texting and WAP internet access. Smartphone usage was much lower in our region compared with Europe.

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  • johnmdill
    Apr 30, 09:14 AM
    Wake me when iMacs have matte screens again.


    free mirror!

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  • cr2sh
    Jul 24, 06:29 PM
    (Looks at watch)

    Is it time for another ****** apple mouse already?

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  • profets
    Apr 25, 08:40 AM
    why do people believe this is possible? Apple will not allow one carrier to undersell the other on the SAME DEVICE...just won't happen it's bad for sales...which is why there is no competition between AT&T and Verizon...similar plans on voice text and data...otherwise everyone would play carrier swap every few month to get the best deal...if Tmobile gets the iPhone while still independent from AT&T you better believe you won't get unlimited everything for 70 bucks

    I would guess its because outside of the US there's countries with multiple carriers that compete on price/features/plans as well. I don't think Apple will not allow it to happen, I'd say that AT&T won't allow it to happen (assuming the buyout goes through).

    Besides, if the iPhone gets the 1700 3G band added, I know theres people here in Canada who will use it on Wind with $35 unlimited everything.

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  • boursin
    Sep 12, 08:22 PM
    Got this shirt this morning...

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  • roosta
    Apr 15, 05:54 PM
    the "view" buttons in finder changed back to the old style.



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  • Stridder44
    Aug 16, 12:25 AM
    i'm liking the new mail features :D

    i happen to like the ovalness and coloring :P

    Exactly, it just seems like that's where the new UI is going to go. Mail made the change, now Preview?? A random app like preview gets that same change? Im thinking it might be a sign of things to come..

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  • duklaprague
    Oct 24, 08:11 AM
    I'm probably not as hard core as a lot of you guys, but it seems a pretty good update to me.

    The low end MBP is now �1349 in the UK, that's a better spec than what �1699 would have got me yesterday. 1GB RAM finally as a starting point, HD up from 80 to 120 - things that I would have tried to stretch to the �1699 model until now.

    I'm probably not looking to replace my trusty G4PB until next year anyway - but I'm happy enough to see those pennies going further with each revision.

    The G4PB cost me �1999 back in Jan 04.


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  • marksman
    Apr 22, 11:15 AM
    Apple doesn't compromise their overall vision and functionality for single features like all the other handset makers.

    So this is no surprise. This is why the individual iOS devices completely dominate their market segments.

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  • kavika411
    Apr 24, 01:40 PM
    Apple Testing iPhone for T-Mobile USA

    Is this some sort of surprise? Apple has tens of billions of dollars in cash. Why would they not be testing iphones for all known carriers, even if they couldn't go to market with it at this time? The only surprise here would be if Apple were not testing an iPhone for T-Mobile.

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  • cupcakes2000
    Apr 8, 12:57 PM (

    Morzine, France.

    ISO 200||


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  • BeSweeet
    Apr 26, 02:09 PM
    Could someone clarify this for me: Aren't hard drives too slow to make use of Thunderbolt anyway? In a typical USB 2.0 external hard drive, what is the bottleneck in speed: The speed at which the hard drive spins, or the USB 2.0 connection? If it's the USB, then why do people even care about the RPM of a drive? If it's the RPM, then isn't USB 2.0 fast enough to run a hard drive at its native speed?

    A faster HDD with a faster RPM will add to the speed. With USB 2.0 hard drives, USB 2.0 is the bottleneck. With USB 3.0 hard drives, it'll be the drives. For Thunderbolt, it will be the drives. Would be a while before we see any 10Gbps SSDs (hard drives will never be that fast), so USB 3.0 seems more practical for the time being.

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  • freeny
    Jul 24, 04:41 PM
    First there was "The crappy mouse".

    And now......

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  • gaswerks
    Apr 13, 09:24 PM
    halt ...

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  • gh0sted
    Jul 12, 09:34 PM
    One other thing according to the Harris poll, Apple broke the top 10 in brand confidence this year and Microsoft fell out of the top 10. People usually go with a company they trust (for what ever reason).

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  • samcolak
    Apr 22, 12:05 PM
    Stop it please, you're hurting me... OpenStep is a specification of which GNUStep is a GPL licensed implementation released by the GNU project. Foundation and Cocoa are the NeXTSTEP acquired implementations that Apple is using.

    OpenSTEP is not licensed under a GNU project license at all...

    POSIX is not a kernel. It's a standard programming interface that UNIX systems used to make sure that one program written for a UNIX system would compile another as long as the standard was followed.

    Minix, while being a POSIX compliant OS, was a complete implementation done by Andrew Tannenbaum for a book he was writing.

    Your grasp of all of this history is quite muddied. Seriously, who are you trying to convince here ? You've gotten about every fact wrong about this whole thing. The plain fact remains, I was right all along, your correction was quite wrong when you said :

    You completely misunderstood my post when I said Bash was part of the GNU project. Bash has always been GNU, always will be. The GPL is very much "GNU licensing".

    Enjoy easter yourself and use the days off to work on your grasp of the whole UNIX and open source histories.

    From ( :

    Again, the Foundation is called the FSF, from their site, ( :

    Stop getting it wrong, we're on the Internet, the sites are there to correct you.

    Lastly - yes you are correct re POSIX - my bad.

    Apr 30, 10:14 PM
    Which is why the real party begins after we know you are gone. When the kids are away, the adults will play. ;)

    Lap dances FTW.

    Jul 28, 08:27 AM
    I agree. I like MS strategy. They want to get their foot in the door and compete, then sell you all kinds of other ish. Look at the XBOX/XBOX 360, they may sell them at a loss, but with the Software, XBOX Live, and the Marketplace, they are making their money.
    31,100,000,000 is alot of stamina too, I remember when m$oft got in the gaming console business there was a lot of this talk, now look at them, they sell the thing for a loss. Now imagine if they did that for the zune, a 60gb video capable for $150.00. Something to think about.........

    Mar 16, 02:32 PM
    Is this at the spectrum?

    Yes this was at Irvine Spectrum. The Apple guy said to try again tomorrow.

    Has anyone heard from Mission Viejo??

    Apr 21, 11:12 AM
    It's good to see you in the game Jav.

    Aggie and Jav nice to one another == One or both are WW.
    Aggie and Jav mean to one another == Neither are WW.


    Apr 24, 06:11 AM
    No, the European iPhone is the same hardware as the AT&T iPhone. It will handle voice and pokey EDGE/GPRS data on the T-Mobile USA network, but not 3G data because they use the AWS band for that.

    Whether you believe that there is carrier exclusivity is irrelevant. Apple probably tests on many different carriers around the world.

    The fact of the matter is Apple doesn't announce the terms of their contracts with mobile operators, so your so-called "exclusivity" could have ended at midnight yesterday.

    I think gkarris point was that T-Mobile operates in other countries as well, where they have the iPhone and where they do use 3G frequencies that the regular iPhone supports.

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