fat baby mouse

fat baby mouse. to a 19.2 lb. aby boy.
  • to a 19.2 lb. aby boy.

  • throttlemeister
    Apr 6, 01:17 PM
    I think the issue is this: Currently you can only sync iOS devices with Exchange if your account has ActiveSync enabled on the Exchange server. This is not a core feature in Exchange and requires additional licensing fees. I know we have to pay extra per account if we want to enable ActiveSync with our hosted Exchange service. Enabling Exchange calendar syncing via OS X SyncServices would be allow users to sync their calendars with their mobile devices even if their Exchange account does not allow ActiveSync.

    If you're syncing now with ActiveSync it's not a useful feature, but I guess there are people out there who aren't able to use ActiveSync and they're stuck right now.

    No they aren't.. if they would care to look in the options. Outlook sync services are currently perfectly able to sync calenders and contacts between iCal and Address Book directly. This is what I use, because I do not want to sync everything against exchange (my phone is private), but I do want my contacts to line up and I do want my iCal (private) to show my work appointments (but not the other way around) so I don't double book my time.

    The only difference between what you can do now, and what you can do with SP1 is that you don't have to sync your iPhone against iCal and AB anymore, but you can sync directly against Outlook. This is mostly useful for people that use Outlook exclusively, because if you use Mail/iCal/AB as well as Outlook, there is absolutely no need for it.

    EDIT: Only works for Address Book. Talking out of my a.. again. ;) I let iCal peek into Exchange for my work appointments. Blegh

    fat baby mouse. Back to the rats.
  • Back to the rats.

  • -=XX=-Nephilim
    Apr 30, 06:41 AM

    Simple as that :D

    Guy nailed the entire story... spot on!

    In fact - it so good I will adopt it for my signature!

    fat baby mouse. fat baby mouse.
  • fat baby mouse.

  • dextertangocci
    Nov 14, 01:55 AM
    ...start up, and wake-from-sleep issues on all computers listed.

    Thank you Apple! Now I hope my MB doesn't go mad every time I open the screen when it's sleeping:)

    fat baby mouse. 3 Comments to Mouse?
  • 3 Comments to Mouse?

  • pdjudd
    Oct 6, 09:33 AM
    Funny how Apple chooses to drop support for the only other app than iMovie that I even care about.

    Where has Apple announced anything? This is nothing more than an Amazon placeholder for a book - such things have been shown to be very unreliable.

    fat baby mouse. catch with a aby mouse.
  • catch with a aby mouse.

  • LemonsofDeath
    Apr 13, 03:38 PM
    That's a bit disingenuous. Yes there are editors who use FCP. And yes many Avid editors also have an FCP license on their laptop or home computer as well. Why not, it's cheap and can use third party hardware.

    When you compare actual employed editors who work in Film and Television, Avid is still king. Apple skews the numbers by comparing the amount of software sold, but it's better to look at the projects completed and see what tools were used.

    The question is whether this new release and their strategy is going to continue to draw working editors away from Avid or just continue to be a great prosumer video editing tool that has gotten easier to use.

    You can't evaluate the product based on an Apple pitch if you rely on your editing software for a living. How do you know it kicks out and accurate EDL? How do you know if it still kicks out solid OMF files to your sound designer?

    Avid, Final Cut, Premiere, they are all just tools and you have to use the right tool for the job.

    Avid is for mac as well, in fact it used to be mac only. CS5 is also for mac, the only major editing programs that aren't for mac are Sony Vegas and Grass Valley Edius, which don't have a major market share. So a 49% figure is probobaly accurate if you include the people running Avid and Adobe on Macs.

    fat baby mouse. Mice have a need to sleep in
  • Mice have a need to sleep in

  • NikOett
    Apr 5, 03:41 AM
    Just wondering how upgrading to 8GB will affect XP (32 bit) running under bootcamp? I presume only up to 4GB can be addressed, but does anyone know of any other issues?

    fat baby mouse. Samuel @ Fat Baby (free)
  • Samuel @ Fat Baby (free)

  • MKelleher
    Oct 17, 06:24 PM
    I'd like to be able to hide the menu bar in the next version of OSX, like the way you can hide the dock. More real estate for the screen.

    fat baby mouse. Fat Baby Mouse. Fat Baby Star 2011 Pink Baby Mouse (I just had to; Fat Baby Star 2011 Pink Baby Mouse (I just had to. Lord Blackadder. Mar 16, 01:19 PM
  • Fat Baby Mouse. Fat Baby Star 2011 Pink Baby Mouse (I just had to; Fat Baby Star 2011 Pink Baby Mouse (I just had to. Lord Blackadder. Mar 16, 01:19 PM

  • generik
    Jul 13, 10:32 AM
    Even though your last equation seems wrong (1=20%) you seem to forget that $p typically pays for marketing, administation, R&D and finally profit. 20% gross margin is pretty poor.


    1) Eh.. $p by definition would be the pure gravy.. stuff like advertising and administration would fall under $c.

    2) Since you brought that up, I see a lot more Dell adverts on TV.. make what you want of it.

    Cheap is fine. If someone want a cheap computer, have at it. However when I buy a Mac I know I am getting the best parts out there.

    2.0Ghz Core Duos. Bigger Hard Drives. More memory. Faster Graphics.

    Bigger hard drives? Sure... look at Apple's upgrade prices. For the price of the upgrade itself you could have gotten the original drive as well as the upgraded drive. Oh yeah, and please tell me how a Dell's integrated graphics solution is slower than one that is used by a Mac (hint: it isn't).

    What I find amusing is how people all beat on the Celeron line like it is some kind of cheap crap, well it certainly is cheap, but performance on a Celeron is pretty decent as well. People who think otherwise are simply ill adviced (think: brainwashed by Apple's propaganda) and these bunch are pretty much the same folk whose worlds collapsed around them when Apple launched products containing integrated graphics.

    So it was bad in the past because Apple has a small snippet of info saying so, and now that they jumped on the cost cutting bandwagon themselves it is suddenly good? Puh-leez.

    Your assertion doesn't make any sense.

    Apple has to make a profit otherwise it would go under. Apple saw that the edu-iMac was taking sales from the normal iMac. Presumably Apple was making a smaller margin on the Edu-iMac. It made a commercial decision on whether stopping non-institutions buying the Edu-iMac would have a negative impact on total sales and obviously decided it wouldn't. That's standard business practice.

    Apple has to make a profit. True. Are they making a loss on the educational iMac?

    What I hate about Apple really is how Apple actually capitalises on "MacOS" and charges *us* arbitrary prices for compatible hardware. Tell me, is Apple in the computer business or the <discrete graphics/bluetooth adapter> resale business?

    Why impose this artificial "packaging" on buyers?

    It is not like the offering doesn't exist, but it is explicitly denied, why?

    Switchers buy macs out of their own choosing, but after making that choice it seems like a lot of choices are denied from them. Really funny isn't it?

    "Oh, you can't buy this computer, it is too cheap"
    "Oh, you can't buy this configuration, we don't build it because it is too cheap"
    "Oh, you can't upgrade this computer? Wanna have a go why? (Hint: it is too cheap)"

    I managed to win over a recent convert lately but even then her first question is "Why is this so expensive? For the same price I can get a 2.8Ghz computer at <supermart> and get a free monitor on top of it."

    Person who bought was a friend's granny, the ideal market segment for a Mac (ie: a computer for mommys and daddys), I don't see Apple winning hearts in this area.

    As for the others.. namely people who use their computer to do actual work, or teenagers who play games, I don't see Apple having any advantage at all.

    fat baby mouse. ariat womens fatbaby mule clog
  • ariat womens fatbaby mule clog

  • xlii
    Apr 15, 10:56 AM
    So strange... so this school has an unprotected wireless network? No password, no encryption? If they setup proper protection only those allowed to use the network would be able to. Then you or anyone else could bring their laptop to school to take notes.

    At the high school my daughter went to. They encouraged the students to all buy ibooks (2002). If you couldn't afford one, the school loaned you one. These were used in almost all classes and used to do research and writing assignments.

    fat baby mouse. fat baby mouse. imajes de mariana soane; imajes de mariana soane. Sun Baked. Mar 23, 07:04 PM
  • fat baby mouse. imajes de mariana soane; imajes de mariana soane. Sun Baked. Mar 23, 07:04 PM

  • Blinded
    Mar 6, 03:33 AM

    fat baby mouse. fat baby mouse. Childrens choir qin oct the; Childrens choir qin oct the. amin. Sep 26, 02:19 PM
  • fat baby mouse. Childrens choir qin oct the; Childrens choir qin oct the. amin. Sep 26, 02:19 PM

  • davidmartindale
    Apr 12, 03:40 PM
    I think that would be cool, although I already have Netflix(its my moms) I might get this because I am a huge apple fan and so I would have something like that when I move out or if my decided to quit using Netflix(doubtful) however that depends on a few thing price, quality and quantity. But maybe apple will have more new stuff available to instant stream. Anyway I think its a good idea and hope this is what apple actually plans to do.

    :apple:late 2009 mac mini:apple:iPhone 4 16gb:apple:iPod classic 160gb:apple:apple tv:apple:

    fat baby mouse. Fat Baby Mouse
  • Fat Baby Mouse

  • grantsdale
    Jul 15, 06:22 PM
    I hope they touch on the proximity sensor too, but I have a feeling its going to be about the antenna only.

    fat baby mouse. fat baby mouse. Baby Mouse
  • fat baby mouse. Baby Mouse

  • Tatianomaly
    Mar 12, 06:20 PM


    fat baby mouse. this cute wee BABY mouse.
  • this cute wee BABY mouse.

  • amateurmacfreak
    Oct 19, 05:27 PM
    And.. there's profanity in the Mac OS X Dictionary?

    Pretty much all dictionaries have profanity, as I think they should. They're words too.
    And... I wonder how much that would block.

    (when I was little, if I heard a word I thought was "bad" I would look it up in the dictionary and see if it said vulgar next to it :o)

    fat baby mouse. fat baby mouse. Demon Mouse Abducts Fat Baby | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Demon Mouse Abducts Fat Baby | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Stella. Mar 31, 11:04 AM
  • fat baby mouse. Demon Mouse Abducts Fat Baby | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Demon Mouse Abducts Fat Baby | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Stella. Mar 31, 11:04 AM

  • diamond.g
    Apr 22, 12:09 PM
    Were there plans for a CN arstechnica app?

    fat baby mouse. This BABY mouse was starting
  • This BABY mouse was starting

  • mike31mets
    Oct 23, 09:26 PM
    A few things:

    1. Blu-Ray Support
    2. TRIM Support
    3. USB 3.0
    4. I love the Aero Snap feature in Windows 7. Wish OS X had it built in as well.

    fat baby mouse. fat baby-butt on his home!
  • fat baby-butt on his home!

  • BWhaler
    Oct 19, 03:32 PM
    If those screenshots are real, the iCal update looks very disappointing...it looks like the iCal update is more a cosmetic update rather than a feature update. The only new feature I can see in that screenshot is something about new event notifications, but that's hardly what people have been clamoring for.

    iCal has been a disaster for 4 OS X releases now. It is, without a doubt, Apple's worse application. It's missing functionality, basic functionality, that has been in every calendaring program since 1992.

    iCal is a sad example of Apple going to far to the extreme of minimization.

    All I really wanted in the last 2 OS updates was a decent iCal. It's the only thing on the Mac that continually hurts my productivity.

    I've learned that iCal is just the price of being a Mac guy, and I don't hope for greatness. Heck, I don't even hope for mediocrity. iCal is always going to be slow, inconsistent UI and barely usable.

    I'm at peace with that fact now.

    fat baby mouse. fat baby mouse.
  • fat baby mouse.

  • macfan888
    Apr 5, 05:56 PM
    Good to know the date...we are changing our 3gs phones to iphone 5 in June:)

    fat baby mouse. Cute Japanese Fat Baby Picture
  • Cute Japanese Fat Baby Picture

  • AtmChm
    May 1, 07:58 PM
    Has anyone looked at where their Mac Pro is "assembled"? The one I bought last year is "assembled in USA". I don't know what factor labor costs in putting these together, but I'm sure it's more than China.

    On another note, it would be nice for the middle user if there were an iMac level desktop that was as easy to upgrade as a Mac Pro. All we've really got is the "work station/server" level Mac Pro. The rest are not intended to be user upgradeable other than RAM. Would there be a market for something in the middle?

    Jan 3, 10:46 PM
    Mine for the month... or at least the next week.

    Can you share that Finder icon and whatever set it might have come from? Thanks!

    Oct 3, 05:13 PM
    I've seen this problem also (just once recently, once or twice a long time ago), but it was fixed by restarting the application on the Mac.

    Well I've solved the problem with my sound disappearing. I reinstalled Eyetv, only to discover that the problem persisted. After digging around some more, I realized that in the Audio pane of Preferences, I noticed that my Audio Output was selected to go to System Sound. I tried checking Headphones, since I have some external speakers plugged into the audio-out port of my MacBook. This seems to have solved the problem...at least, for now!

    Now if only I could get the iPhone app to connect to my Mac on a consistent basis, I'd be a happy camper! :) Unfortunately my "My Eyetv" account randomly started telling me that my router (AEBS) was incompatible after using it for the past few days, and using port forwarding hasn't worked either - my iPhone won't even connect that way. Hmmmmm.

    Apr 25, 10:54 PM
    I may have a little "surprise" coming at the end of the week. :D

    **crosses fingers**

    I can't wait! :D:D

    Apr 14, 12:51 PM
    first time poster. tho long time macrumor visitor :)

    i couldn't help it. as I had just been working on a video running into all sorts of frustration as we editors usually do.. I was just as excited as the crowds with each new feature that was announced. can't wait!

    some people wonder why people were so excited.. it's because the new features really take away ton of the frustrations we've always had with final cut. it'll save us time and make our lives easier. go apple!

    and that price... apple is willing to incur opportunity cost (As professional video editors are willing to pay a LOT more for this, perhaps near 1K) for the hope of picking up tons of more consumer users... which they will. smart move.

    - CleanCutMedia

    Apr 27, 03:06 AM
    I wish somebody would take a photo of the dock connector and the headphone jack to see if those are white as well (they should be).

    If it's anything like Apple's other white products, every part will have a different shade of white after a while.

    I've seen iPhone 4 white dock and headphone flexes for sale on the parts sites, so almost certainly, yeah.

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