call of duty black ops player card

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  • Sydde
    Mar 10, 10:22 PM
    I glad you guys enjoyed this. I figured that exercise was the perfect counter to that neo-liberal nonsense that 5pt posted.

    Heh. Have you been reading AJE?

    call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • mogzieee
    Mar 21, 04:08 PM
    They'll keep it going till 23rd October I reckon. Anniversary event I'm guessing + one of those cheesy white promo videos about the "first 10 years".

    Well, we'll see.

    call of duty black ops player card. Player Card Black Ops.
  • Player Card Black Ops.

  • pubjoe
    Nov 24, 12:17 PM
    While there's some positive link between Mac-usage and intellect, you shouldn't take that information as meaning that posting on a Mac Forum gets you any intellect points.

    So far, you've added nothing but focusing on the messenger. Which is typical, if knowledge about the topic of discussion is superficial at best.

    For all to see.

    Sleep tight under your Beatles blanket, son.

    Sorry Jackie, but I'd want to focus on the messenger too if the subject was 'Bach vs the Beatles' (cough) and the messenger was as condescending, stubborn, ridiculous and as entertaining as yourself.

    No one's really trying to claim the Beatles are better than Bach (I can hardly believe I just said that statement seriously), but your arguments are hilariously absurd.

    Repeatedly posting in a Beatles thread and sneering at such infantile pop music. Making presumptions about someone's education and throwing your own degrees around. I could go on, but after reading both your stupendous first paragraph of the quote above and your "I have this, and this, and this" signature, it's dawned on me that you must be a joke character. If so, well done. I love the ironic claims of maturity and intelligence.


    As for the Beatles. My (lower-classed, uneducated) world is a better place with their music in it. ...innit!

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops » Post

  • Leaping Tortois
    May 5, 06:56 AM
    To be honest, I'd rather get better colours, better black and all that. An AMOLED display on an iPad would absolutely amazing (AMOLED Retina would be even better).

    Also, in terms of the Bluray is dead. Possible only in the US, because the content providers won't allow other countries to stream anything at a decent price, and what we do get (for a ridiculous price) is a terrible quality video. Honestly, they look like the old DivX and XVid video's from the dial-up era. The so called "HD" from content providers such as Apple, Amazon, and Netflix wouldn't be anywhere near bluray quality, unless the files were at around 7GB per hour (13500kbps).

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player
  • call of duty black ops player

  • sammoj
    Jan 11, 04:28 PM
    Your all missing this one....

    The new Apple Board Member is from Avon Cosmetics.

    I give you....

    iFume....the new fragrance for men and women :rolleyes:


    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops zombies
  • call of duty black ops zombies

  • BigDukeSix
    Mar 28, 03:34 PM
    If Apple had done this way back in the day, made their products readily available in stores, maybe they would have won the PC wars. I certainly remember the days when you could only get an Apple product via mail order, and you could never play with them in a store. Anytime you can get max products into max hands, its a good thing.

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops emblems
  • call of duty black ops emblems

  • VirtualRain
    Feb 28, 10:10 PM
    ^^^ Awesome for 6400 ISO! Looking forward to more shots from Sat. if you have them. :)

    call of duty black ops player card. Black Ops Zombie Mode Leaked!
  • Black Ops Zombie Mode Leaked!

  • Doctor Q
    May 5, 01:46 AM
    The Mach Dice ( app has been showing me 3D movement for years, using the accelerometer. It's a cool effect.

    call of duty black ops player card. Duty Black Ops playercard.
  • Duty Black Ops playercard.

  • lmalave
    Nov 8, 09:25 AM
    My money is on Apple announcing the iTV and Leopard earlier than expected.

    Speaking of which....

    I wonder if the MacBook update also included a "stealth" upgrade to 802.11n?

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player
  • call of duty black ops player

  • Phil A.
    Jan 11, 04:17 PM
    If you look at the picture of the iPhone poster, it seems to have a couple of subtle differences compared to my iPhone:

    1) The white etching on the home button seems rounder than current iPhones

    2) The In Call screen is different, and is that a desktop above the call status? Looks like some file icons there

    3) Look very, very carefully at the top left hand corner: Is there a front facing camera hidden amongst the reflections?

    Maybe I'm just suffering from pre macworld hallucinations, but that certainly looks different to my iPhone...

    call of duty black ops player card. My new playercard with the 007
  • My new playercard with the 007

  • racketeer71
    Oct 12, 04:42 PM
    Just an ordinary Mac Setup:

    call of duty black ops player card. Funny Black Ops Player Card
  • Funny Black Ops Player Card

  • jagolden
    Sep 14, 08:28 AM
    As with all capacities you need to take into account that computers (and RAM manufacturers) calculates size in binary 2^10 = 1024 for thousand, while HD and Flash memory manufacturers calculate in decimal where 1000 = 1000.

    For drives measured in GB this mean you need to multiply the drives size with ~0.93 to get the size your computer will calculate it to:
    2 GB ? 1.86 GB
    4 GB ? 3.72 GB
    8 GB ? 7.44 GB

    So, yes in a way you are right, on the 8 GB nano about 550 MB will be "missing".

    This has very little to do with formatting (this was an issue back when drives were just a couple of MB, then the formatting table and such actually took up a fair portion of the disk).

    This isn't exactly news. :rolleyes:

    Thanks Mitthrawnuruodo and Chundles. I know it's not news, but I wanted to know. Want a 2 gig, but did not want to lose too much space. 1.8 is fine. 1.4 would drive me to the 4 gig ( may anyways for th $50). Frankly, despite having more than 1,000 cd's plus iTunes downloads, I never filled up my 1gen Mini.

    Thanks again for the explanations.

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player
  • call of duty black ops player

  • captainbeefheat
    Sep 12, 03:45 PM
    Ok I guess i won't be able to get the new nano with the student offer, which doesn;t bother me that much as I *should* get a hundred pounds back. However as it seems the price has gone down a little on the 4GB nano i added does that mean i still have to pay the old price? That seems a little unfair when it hasn't even shipped yet I'm paying more then if I had waited a couple of days? I ordered on Friday btw.

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player
  • call of duty black ops player

  • tigress666
    Mar 28, 07:18 PM
    Heh, my roommate tells me he's got a family friend where the husband and wife have figured out a good compromise (only works if both sides are actually decent with money ;) ).

    If either buys an expensive purchase, the other side gets to also buy something of equivalent value. Apparently it keeps them in check about overspending cause they realize it will cost their household twice the amount of money and it stays fair cause both sides get to enjoy a purchase of their own.

    Anyways, to the people making jokes about the wife being over controlling, projecting much? Other than the wife saying no, we have no idea why she said no. It could be they are on a tight budget (and the husband tends to be a little too impulsive with his spending). Or that they discussed it and realized they could use the money better elsewhere.

    And just cause she said no doesn't mean he hasn't told her no on some of her purchases either... One of her arguements could be, "I wasn't able to get this cause we're trying to save for this and yet you got that?".

    You don't know the whole story and it amazes me how people immediately assume the wife is just some controlling witch and that the guy is just some poor schmuck at the whim of his wife. Maybe his wife is having to put up with having a tight budget and a husband who doesn't know how to conserve money when needed. Maybe they even both discussed it and both came to the conclusion that he didn't need it and just for humor value he joked to the clerk when returning it, "Wife said no." (Maybe he was just embarrassed to be returning it so joked that to not look so bad himself, it was her fault obviously. Maybe she was there and didn't even mind him blaming her jokingly).

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player
  • call of duty black ops player

  • foiden
    Dec 6, 03:29 PM
    not really. If I like Pink Floyd, I like Pink Floyd...not the Beatles.

    Saying I like Apples doesn't = I like oranges...though both are fruit.

    the Beatles are talented, but tired. That was my point.
    I know everyone loves them, and I also know that everyone loves the familiar...but, uh, there's loads better new music from this century and I think it would be nice to let a dead dog lay.

    Which will be said by some new generation for your favorite timeless bands. The cycle simply starts anew. You can't let a dead dog lay when people are still all listening to Mozart, Beetoven, Chopin, Tchaikovsky. No more than you can tell Drama-fans to put down William Shakespeare or even the majority of plays made between 1920 and 1986. They get repeated and people will never tire of seeing them again. Same thing for Elvis. People will be getting collections for him well past 2020.

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player
  • call of duty black ops player

  • Nipsy
    Oct 14, 03:09 PM
    Originally posted by Source

    Nipsy, you seem to be in a world of your own here. You're not paying attention to what people are saying and doing on this board and simply believing that you're right because you're a shareholder. I could buy a single share in Apple, but it doesn't mean that i'm going to be right about everything i think Apple should do.

    At no point did I say that Apple (and AAPL) would not benefit greatly from faster hardware.

    I'm simply stating that talking about it here won't change the path that Apple is on.

    Perhaps you may want to direct your concerns to Apple, Moto Semiconductor, IBM, etc.

    This is a rumors site occasionally perused by Apple legal, and maybe some employees looking for a laugh.

    If you want Apple to continue to be "behind" (is that a gentle enough word for you?) in the hardware sector, then that's fine.

    I don't, no one here does, but I could type 'til I'm blue in the face here, and it wouldn't change the course that Apple is on.

    Oddly enough, The Steve is not sitting in his office, with a bunch of processor designers, eagerly awaiting your (or my) next post.

    But the FACT is that most Apple users, DON'T. They want to see Apple competing with PC hardware properly. Apple is already such a small part of the market and IMO, they need to increase speed to

    Agreed, speed would help gain new market share. Never said anything to the contrary.

    Have you ever heard of the phrase "Give the people what they want" ? Well most people want speed and numbers.

    Most people want cheap computers too. Most people want a lot of things. I'm all for better numbers, as long as they are performance and not GHz based.

    If we artificailly inflate numbers at the cost of performance (PIV) we have more GHz doing the same amount of work. If we lower margins and Apple quits being a botique company, quality will suffer, profits will suffer, and the overall effect won't be good.

    If Apple has a 30% share in the future, do you think we'll remain virus free? Do you think we'll get more attention from the pop-up spyware writers? Do you think the hardware will still be built to as high of a spec?

    And anyone who has said "I like your style, Nipsy" in this thread, no you don't, you just like the fact that he's defending your precious Macs. You guys whine and complain about what Apple's needs to do right, but as soon as someone points out that Apple is doing something wrong, you suddenly completely disagree with the very points that you yourselves were making. It's pretty pathetic.

    Actually, I beleive I may be getting kudos for writing clear responses, provinding links, admitting I'm wrong when I make a mistake, and speaking with a modicum of business acumen. I'm intelligent enough to know that Apple does not have the market cap to fully control their chip evolution, and you, it seems, are not.

    In case you still believe that it is Apple's fault, I will make an offer right now.

    Call Motorola, order 2000 2.4GHz G5s (you can order IBM 970s if you'd like). Send me the bill, and I'll upgrade eveyone's machine for free.

    call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • mcmlxix
    Mar 29, 10:38 AM
    It's not like it takes that long to press an icon, although it might help some in the cold winter when I have gloves on.

    I'm in MN and gloves are a necessity for about half of the year. I made my own iGloves...bought some knit gloves opened up just the tips of the thumbs. Of course on very cold days knit gloves won't do, but I have have the heart to cut leather gloves.

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player card. in Call of Duty: Black Ops; in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Kevin L. May 2, 11:08 AM. I also wanted to chime in about 3G: I
  • call of duty black ops player card. in Call of Duty: Black Ops; in Call of Duty: Black Ops. Kevin L. May 2, 11:08 AM. I also wanted to chime in about 3G: I

  • Laird Knox
    Mar 28, 11:45 PM
    Apple WWDC 2011 tickets on eBay (

    It sure would suck if you need matching ID and company credentials to get your pass - like they do with CES. :rolleyes:

    call of duty black ops player card. call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty: Black Ops; Call of Duty: Black Ops. twoodcc. Jul 30, 11:54 PM
  • call of duty black ops player card. Call of Duty: Black Ops; Call of Duty: Black Ops. twoodcc. Jul 30, 11:54 PM

  • Digitalclips
    Jun 28, 02:07 PM
    Who wants to be touching a vertically standing screen all the time, that's tiring!

    But of the screen is laid down so you can play it like a piano keyboard ... :)

    Mar 8, 07:40 PM
    I feel like I'm "that guy."

    Posting a 1920x1280 picture inline of a dirty chair... you are definitely that guy. :p

    Apr 12, 04:32 PM
    Manufacturing build wealth, generate revenue and helps a nation defend itself in time of war, we have shipped most of that overseas. So what happens when we have to go to war on a world scale? The U.S has been protecting Taiwan for several years and what have the done for the U.S? Nothing!

    If we go to war on a global scale, I wouldn't really worry about the economics. We have been protecting Taiwan-Quemoy-Matsu since 1949 for our own political, military and espionage purposes. They're not required to provide cheap labor in return.

    Sep 14, 03:17 PM
    Most branches of John Lewis are scheduled to have them by the weekend. They actually state Saturday, but knowing our supply chain, more likely Monday.

    Never say never.

    Ooh, fab, thanks, I'll check it out next week. Scotsys said it would be a week or so, but I couldn't find anyone to ask in John Lewis.

    Nov 12, 02:48 PM
    How is Apple's application approval process any different from what Microsoft, Nintendo, or Sony do with their game consoles? Why doesn't anyone seem to care about open development for those platforms? :confused:

    Nov 27, 12:08 PM
    Ain't that the truth! Anyone actually seen someone using one of these yet?

    Obviously not...nobody sane would buy that piece of crap...not to mention that, if this exclusive deal with the Beatles comes to fruition, the Zune will be DEAD much sooner than we thought...:rolleyes:

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