call of duty black ops cheats for xbox 360

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  • RedTomato
    Aug 11, 09:31 PM
    Apple won't put GPS in unless they can create a whole new 'Apple' interface for it.

    I'm no GPS expert, but I'm not sure how they could do that with a simple candybar phone. It would need to be some sort of smartphone / pocketPC thing.

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  • hcuar
    Sep 19, 11:58 AM

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  • epitaphic
    Sep 13, 02:00 PM
    I think you've misunderstood. Merom/Conroe/Woodcrest are one microarch now. That's Intel's point -- the core is essentially the same.

    Conroe and its derivatives are a step away from Intel's former flagship NetBurst, but even these processors are a bit of a dying breed: during Intel's shift to 45nm, the company will no longer focus on derived microprocessor cores in favor of refined unified core architectures.
    So what do you think they meant with M/C/W being a derived arch and Penryn,etc being unified archs?

    From what I understood, they'll stop having different characteristics (FSB,RAM,Cache) and instead just differentiate them with MHz and core count. Hence all the stories that future Intel chips (starting with Penryn I presume) won't use FSB.

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  • cult hero
    Mar 26, 12:13 PM
    For example SAMBA has been removed and completely replaced with a ground up clean room implementation of SMB2 which will translate into better support for Windows Vista and 7 clients as well as the latest versions of Windows. Why hasn't that been mentioned by the nay sayers here?

    Do we know this? I know Samba is being replaced but does anyone have any details?

    I presume it's going to have better support for Vista and 7 clients purely because if Apple didn't care about that there would be no reason to ditch the older version of Samba that's GPL2. However, does anyone have any actual details on what Apple's Samba replacement is?

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  • OutThere
    Apr 27, 01:29 PM
    Don't jack up America for those of us who love it for what it was founded on.

    (insert here where some smart-A responds with "slavery?" or something equally inapplicable)

    I don't know about you, but I love America because it was founded on stolen native land. Just makes me so proud of my forefathers, makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

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  • BBC B 32k
    Jul 27, 10:13 AM
    I am just waiting to pull the trigger and get myself a 20"er. Hurry up with those chips Mr Jobs. Ah and where has the wireless mouse/kbd option gone in the store? Maybe they will be free with the upgraded iMacs. :p

    What a world away from the G5 iMacs these beasts will be. Still when (not if) they are out I will prob. start waiting for the chinless 23" wonder - my ideal requirement.

    Must hold out...

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  • nbaker756
    Aug 25, 09:20 PM
    my dad bought a new 17in MBP and got it a week after it came out-couple days later, the battery would stop working and wouldnt be recognized by the computer-i called apple and by the end of the day i had a box sent to send in the computer-3 days later it was back with a new battery and everything. great service. also i had an airport problem-i brought it into the apple store, they looked at the airport, and in 20 minutes replaced it with a new one for no cost because i had applecare. i feel they have great service next to others, such as dell who i have called before and had a crap load of trouble...

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  • Funkymonk
    Apr 19, 03:03 PM
    Lol if apple was a religion it would have more extremists than Islam, Judaism, and Christianity combined! :eek:

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  • Yanwoo
    Aug 6, 02:00 PM
    Was just trying to price out an IMac on the Apple store and the option of upgrade the keyboard/mouse to a wireless version was gone??

    Something new in the offing to be announced tomorrow perhaps??

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  • ZLurker
    Aug 12, 02:05 AM
    Mac OS Kitten.
    Good one!

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 13, 01:21 PM
    A bit pointless given that no software utilises the extra cores yet. But nice to know, I guess.No software such as, Cinema 4D, Motion, Aperture, Final Cut Pro etcNo software such as Toast 7.1, Handbrake UB. More to the point is not how many cores an application can use but rather how many things you can get done at once. :rolleyes:From my usage of FCP, Compressor, Aperture and DVDSP, they work very well with the MacPro but I haven't seen them approach usage of even 3 full cores.

    Ability to multistask is great but I would not say that any one of the above is using all cores the way we want them to. I would contend that this is coming and pointed out in another thread that some of the FCP benchmarks on Apple's MacPro performance page are footnoted that the figures given were using Beta version of FCP.I think in the next few months the full FCS and Logic will get an update to address this.

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  • spritelyjim
    Mar 26, 12:06 PM
    I really don't see the point of a display anywhere near 300DPI for a desktop or laptop.

    I'm a motion graphics designer, and I am constantly working in 1280x720 and 1920x1080. Which means if I want to look at what I do full-size, I no longer have any space on my screen. For editors and I, extra screens help, but what would also help, especially for those working on laptops, would be screens that can show full-size video without taking up all the screen real-estate.

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  • triceretops
    Apr 6, 08:36 PM
    I would have bought one of the current generation if I could have gotten a 512 GB SSD.

    4GB MBP i7 500GB 7200RPM
    G4 400
    G4 867

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  • Reach
    Apr 12, 03:01 PM
    Would not excluding capture from tape be quite dumb?

    Maybe I'm the stone age man using XH A1...

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 6, 07:51 AM

    Apple's no longer supposed to care about their Pro software.

    This will never happen.

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  • BruinJohn
    Sep 19, 02:40 AM
    So, the shipping says 5-7 days for all the MacBooks, and 24 hours for the MBP. I think that means the MacBooks are getting refreshed next week. Either that, or the MacBooks are selling like crazy so its hard for Apple to keep up with demand. But the MBP have been out longer, and need a refresh. Just change them all Apple, and put the current models on sale. I'd love to get a white MB for around $900!

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  • shamino
    Jul 20, 09:32 AM
    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.
    Actually, this is well documented.

    There are serious electrical and physical problems with jacking up clock speeds much further than they are now. Intel managed to push their chips to 3.4GHz, but the power consumed was tremendous.

    When you can't ramp up the clock speed, your next best alternative is to go for as much parallelism as you can - increase the number of instructions you can execute in a single clock.

    Chip makers achieve this in a wide variety of ways, including multiple CPU packages on a motherboard, multiple cores per CPU package, multiple threads per core, and multiple functional units per thread.

    And yes, a single CPU at 3GHz can easily consume more power than two CPUs (or two cores) at 1.5GHz.

    As for your theoretical 24GHz processor, such a thing is simply not possible with today's technology. (Well, there were some university experiments that hit insanely fast speeds, but don't expect commercial products any time soon.) Given the heat/power curves of today's chips, I wouldn't want to think about the cooling requirements of a 24GHz chip if you could somehow manage to build one.

    Of course, breakthroughs do happen, and higher clock speeds might become practical in the future. But multi-core tech isn't going away - we'll simply end up with multiple cores at higher clock speeds.

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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:37 PM
    To charge $1800 for a system that only has 512MB is a real disappoitment. 1GB RAM oughta be standard, especially with Leopard being on the horizon.

    Agreed. I can make an argument for the consumer machines, where perhaps 512 MB is sufficient for basic users. Specifically, why force them to pay more for 1 GB if they don't need it. But when it comes to the Pro machines, as if anyone buying one of these beasts is not going to require at least 2 GB of RAM, let alone 1 GB. No one buys a quad Xeon Powermac to just surf the Internet and check their e-mail. :cool:

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops

  • dba7dba
    Mar 22, 04:30 PM
    i believe samsung manufactures a lot of their own hardware.. from the display panels to the chips. don't they provide apple with parts for the ipad too? i think this is how samsung is able to price match apple here

    samsung designs and builds stuff in factories they OWN. Not all of their manufacturing is outsourced, unlike apple. Yes samsung provides ram, LCD (?), and A5 for apple's ipad. It was rumored that TSMC would also make A5 for apple so that apple is not so dependent on samsung but from what I saw in teardowns, samsung is still making some, if not all, of A5.

    Sep 14, 01:17 PM
    True (today anyway; in the NT era they were indeed separate platforms though. Which brings me to my next point..)

    Point of total (and obnoxious) pedantry here -- XP and W2K3 Server aren't strictly the same codebase; The latter was a huge rewrite job with some fairly significant internal changes.

    XP 64bit is based on W2K3, and Vista originally started out on the XP code base and then was scrapped, and was started over using the W2K3 codebase.

    It doesn't invalidate your point in any way and the latter is most definitely descended from the former, but unlike previous products they weren't released in parallel. I mention it purely because I find it interesting, and it's also an example of how Windows is "evolving", so to speak.

    I think people who say stuff like that are exhibiting a syndrome common to Mac folk who've never spent any time in the PC world -- they take negative comments they remember regarding versions of Windows or the PC experience from about 5 years back and assume they apply to today. XP, for example, really was for the most part a window-dressing of Windows 2000, but that is not the case for Vista. You see similar statements regarding "blue screens of death", overall system stability, etc, which suggest they haven't seen or used a PC since the late 90s/early 00's.

    This is very common on both sides of the divide. Many Mac-only people seem to think Windows is still stuck in the Win9x days, and many of the Windows-only types seem to think MacOS is still in the 8.x days.

    I guess it's a little like when your friend has kids and you don't see them for a few years, and you're surprised that instead of still being little kids they're teenagers... :)

    Jul 27, 01:53 PM
    Apple has been silent for a while in the hardware release area. It's time for them to update their whole line for the back-to-school and Christmas seasons. I can't wait for Aug 7. I want to see Leopard so bad. Also, let's all remember that Apple can make product announcements at any time. I can see the PowerMac being updated at WWDC because it's a product that deals with the developer market; however, consumer products could very well be reserved for a separate, stand-alone announcement day.

    Nov 29, 10:40 AM
    most of the new stuff out sucks.

    I agree. I am SICK AND TIRED of the music industry blaming lack of sales on piracy! Piracy is actually down from what it was a couple years ago but they still claim profits are worse now than ever.

    Maybe if they didnt put out the same cookie-cutter bands year after year, album after album, put out albums with 9 good tracks instead on 1 good one with 15 filler pieces of crap sales might improve!

    my $0.02

    Nov 25, 09:49 PM
    I hated Shift, it seemed to me to pretend to be a sim, at the same time acknowledging it was an arcade game. I can't stand AI that will try to get revenge anyway, as that should be black flagged. Race clean or gtfo IMO. If one happens to drive dirty accidentally online, do your own stop and go but let the offended gain your place. If you CAN'T pass cleanly due to skill, always get out of the way like you are being lapped, DO NOT try to defend.

    Apr 7, 11:35 PM
    You might want to look at Best Buy's pricing again.

    All iPads, iPods and Macs are sold $.99 (at minimum) above Apple.

    Time Capsule 1TB $334.99 at Best Buy, $299.00 at Apple
    2TB $499.99, $499.00 at Apple

    Airport Extreme - $189.99 at Best Buy $179.00 at Apple
    Express, $109.99 at Best Buy, $99.00 at Apple

    The small accessories are just as bad. And Apple isn't the only brand they mark over MSRP too. I wouldn't be surprised is Bose products were too.

    I went to buy a Time Capsule 1TB from these goons one day and noticed the pricing. I pulled up's pricing of the TC and asked the "mac specialist" WHY they are charging a $34.99 premium over Apple themselves. He instantly said "no problem, we'll price match." I told him I'd buy it now for instant gratification, and then order from Amazon for $285 w/no tax and free Prime shipping.

    Then I'd return the overpriced "pricematched" one back to best buy. He said I can't do that.

    I did it 48 hrs later.

    I hate that place. If they just had the MSRP Apple price on the shelf without me having to catch them trying to make an extra few bucks, I would have bought it and walked out happy.

    That stunt pissed me off and I hope they had to resell it as an open box.

    I hate Best Buy.

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