brendan fraser george of the jungle

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  • iMikeT
    Jul 28, 03:04 PM
    Three to five years to pay off? In that time frame Apple will be miles ahead of Microsoft, as usual. Actually, Apple is currently miles ahead of Microsoft, go figure.

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  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 13, 07:25 PM
    Anyone feel confident buying a white one given the problems they've had getting one made?

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  • Abstract
    Feb 28, 05:45 PM
    No, I read that the show actually generates around $160m per year for ABC through advertisers.

    You may not like him, but I suppose he is underpaid for the money he can generate...

    Oh, and Youtube clip of the Tiger blood/Sinatra/"Dying is for Amateurs"/"I'm bi-winning" ( interview. :eek: :p

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  • IJ Reilly
    Jan 31, 12:27 AM
    Apple stock is tanking because Apple stopped making tools (which people need) and started making fashion objects (which are the first to go in a recession.)

    Maybe if Apple would make some real computers at fair prices... instead of these toys...

    Where do you come up with this stuff? We demand less!


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  • pudrums
    Sep 17, 09:41 AM
    @iqwertyi: Have a look at Fanatec's Porsche wheels. They are available in different price ranges and their 911 Turbo model currently is the best model on the market!

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  • lmalave
    Jul 11, 02:57 PM
    I hope so, but I won't say it's a given.

    Supposedly, Bill Gates and other Microsoft top brass were obsessed with the decline of the big great corporations (IBM being one of the best examples). Yet Microsoft has been (arguably) slowly heading in that direction as it tends to stumble in markets where they can't exercise their monopolisitc power (as in anything not OS or Office related).

    And Apple's quite familiar with monumental success and decline from past experience. So we'll see. But for once, the roles are reversed.

    I dunno, the XBox seems to be doing pretty well, and I don't see how one could say that Microsoft had a monopolistic advantage there. All they really had was a brand name and mucho $$$ for marketing, and they managed to establish a foothold in the game industry.

    Microsoft is very smart to leverage its successful XBox brand rather than its floundering (in terms of reputation, not profits) Windows brand.

    I for one, am glad to see Microsoft push Apple. My biggest hope is that Apple introduces an iTunes subscription-to-go service. I tried the Microsoft-compatible ones (especially Rhapsody), and they were awesome.


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  • Les Kern
    Apr 24, 11:04 AM
    Apple will eventually support every network, and with that lock up the cell market for a generation. Excellent plan: Start with ATT, prefect the phone, roll out perfected versions slowly, get their data center up offering some free cloud-based system, streamlining the app stores, thereby slowly but surely eating the market share of other vendors.
    Prediction: In 5 years only a few will have a fleeting memory of what Android was. Like the Palm Pilot.

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  • DeaconGraves
    May 3, 07:47 AM
    Throwing in an SSD drive bumps the ship time to 4-6 weeks!!!! :eek:

    Not cool, Apple. Not cool.


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  • dXTC
    Feb 25, 11:32 AM
    They show will be on as long as the ratings are up. Maybe Sheen gets killed off when he crashes his car next season and then their long lost brother enters.

    That'll be a jump-the-shark moment for sure.

    And the train wreck continues....

    Holy crap. I do believe we're witnessing the next Mel Gibson, people.

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  • simX
    Oct 18, 06:22 PM
    Yes, thank you. At least someone else out there is emotionally distanced enough from the iPod and the Apple entertainment sector to be a bit objective.

    Innovation: just what happened to Apple's innovative spirit when it comes to computers? The latest Mac Pro was fitted into the existing (and way oversized) G5 case. The MacBook was disappointing in that - proportionally - Apple did not shrink it at all or make it lighter than its predecessor (a design which had been in existence for about four years). There are more things, but I really don't want to sound like a troll here...

    Apple needs to come out with new computer models that are unlike anything else out there. What about a tiny, thin ultraportable? What about a smaller tower, so those of us that want a pro computer don't have to invest in an oversized monster (which is larger than any PCs in the market that I am aware of). Aren't computers supposed to get SMALLER as the technology advances? Why is Apple obsessed with making the iPod smaller and smaller, but does not care as much about its laptops and desktops?

    The answer: profit, or course. The iPod is Apple's cash cow. And this, my friends, is what I mean when I say that Apple needs to be partitioning off a little of its innovative energy that it is putting into its entertainment sector and bring it back to the computer line.

    Understood now?

    OK, now fire away :)

    *sigh* How many times do we have to refute your assertions with facts before you stop repeating them?

    To wit, the iPod is not Apple's "cash cow". By definition, if there is something that gains more revenue/profit than the iPod, then the iPod cannot be the cash cow. 58% of Apple's revenue still came from sales of Macs. Gross margins for both Macs and iPods has always been similar (hovering a bit below 30%), so the Mac also generates the majority of the profit for Apple.

    As for Apple's innovative spirit lacking when it comes to the Macs, let's just point out that it Apple updated the iPod in October 2005 to the 5th generation, and we JUST got the 5.5th generation last month. Apple took a year to add slightly brighter screens, better battery life (only for video), and games. The nano just gained the anodized aluminum exterior -- wow, Apple's reaching back to the past for it's innovation now! And the shuffle got slimmed down and consolidated into one product. All this doesn't sound exactly like innovation to me. (Of course, Apple doesn't really need to innovate, since they're already selling iPods by the boatload.)

    In contrast, Apple brought all of its Macs over to the Intel processor. The Mac Pro was dramatically higher value, what with double-wide graphics card slot, dual optical drives, 4 internal hard drive bays, etc., etc. All Macs (except for the Mac Pro) now have Front Row and a remote, which is a great feature. Built-in iSights have also migrated across the entire product line. The MacBook and MacBook Pro now have MagSafe -- a great innovation. Boot Camp is now supported on all new Macs. The Xserve has new features like lights-out management, redundant power supplies, etc. And we've seen some great things coming for Leopard, what with Time Machine and Spaces and iChat Theater and Core Animation and iCal Server, etc., etc., etc.

    It seems to me that Apple is innovating more on the Macintosh side of things than they are with the iPod. What are they going to add next on the iPod -- wireless? *gasp*, so innovative!

    Seriously, can we stop with this myth already? It's the same thing with all of Apple's "woes" with quality control (which was busted by the recent consumer reports articles where Apple has actually brought DOWN the number of new computers needing repair in their first year). It's something that's repeated ad nauseum by a few vocal people, when it's really not a problem at all. Same here: everybody gawks and writes about the iPod precisely because more people can afford it and more people can use it with whatever computer they have. So, obviously, you will hear more about the iPod.

    Let's see if repeating myself again has any effect: the iPod is not Apple's cash cow!

    Understood now?

    OK, now fire away :rolleyes:


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  • jeevesofRKdia
    Apr 12, 02:54 AM (

    Today's shot is a castle made out of stuff a friend of mine found on the beach.

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  • derpasaurus
    Apr 28, 04:49 PM
    "A colleague of mine just picked up a 16 GB iPhone 4 in white. I was a bit surprised when I picked it up off his desk (I had my black 32 GB in my other hand at the same time) – it immediately felt thicker."

    LOL, that's absolutely ridiculous.

    Also, why is everyone feeling so sorry for the case Apple is screwing them over? It's not their responsibility to cater to the case makers.

    I completely agree. No one can pick something up and "immediately" tell that it's 0.25 mm thicker than another object. I call BS.



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  • Tysonfausett
    Nov 22, 07:48 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Iphone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    How good is the flash player is it even worth it? I heard it doesn't covert a lot of flash websites.

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  • jctevere
    Apr 28, 05:08 PM
    I have looked at my new white iPhones and it appears that there is a ridge that goes around the front side of the iPhone. It appears to be a type of "buffer" so that when the iPhone is placed face-down on a surface, the glass surface doesn't actually touch the surface and it stands solely on this outside ridge. Pretty cool if you ask me, and it still fits in my old credit card iPhone 4 case.


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  • leekohler
    Feb 28, 05:53 PM
    No, I read that the show actually generates around $160m per year for ABC through advertisers.

    You may not like him, but I suppose he is underpaid for the money he can generate...

    Oh, and Youtube clip of the Tiger blood/Sinatra/"Dying is for Amateurs"/"I'm bi-winning" ( interview. :eek: :p

    Between him and Cryer, that's still half of what the show brings in. And you're still not factoring in production costs.

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  • Krevnik
    Apr 22, 11:13 AM
    Bash is under the GPL license - not GNU. Never has been GNU see source link ->

    BTW - No part of MacOSX i distributed under GNU licensing...

    Couple notes:

    GNU is an organization that amongst other things, controls the GPL (GNU Public License).

    Linux has it's background in Minix, using a GNU userland, hence the common term GNU/Linux to denote the two pieces. The Linux kernel is not controlled by GNU projects.


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  • rmwebs
    Apr 26, 12:37 PM
    I guess they could build it into iTunes in some fairly fluid way, but still.

    Yay....more itunes bloat! They really need to ditch iTunes all together. It's turned into a piece of crap.

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  • dicklacara
    Jul 24, 08:48 PM

    I have a mental image of "flipping off" your iPod :)

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  • satcomer
    May 2, 02:10 AM
    This is not for the faint of heart.

    first released of Osama bin Laden dead (

    Apr 29, 02:20 AM
    Dude, you're thinking too much... There should be very little difference between two white iphones as well as two black iphones since they're made exactly the same.

    There is very little difference between the two masses. 2.4mg difference. That is less than 2% of 140g.

    It is not a matter of "thinking too much" about it but a matter of simply "thinking" about it.

    Dec 29, 05:03 PM
    I hear a chair screaming for help.

    They don't make chairs like that anymore.

    I wonder if it has wheels on it??

    Probably ruts in the floor tile, to and from the fridge.

    Oct 24, 09:11 AM
    I was disappointed that the resolution was not updated to 1920x1200...I would assume this would have added siginificant costs? or maybe they think the current resolution is good enough and that there is little noticable difference between the current vs 1920x1200 ? Anyone else feel this is a big deal? Reasons why the higher resolution is not necessary? Thanks

    Why do people keep acting as though HD res on a laptop is somehow a self-evidently good idea? The correct question is, "Reasons why the higher resolution is necessary?" It seems utterly absurd to me. I don't think you guys realize the implications of extreme hi res + relatively small screen + lack of resolution independence.

    Nov 4, 01:21 PM
    Parallels just sucks. Weird on my MacBook Pro and Mac Pro Parallels works great running WinXP Pro. I use it to do heavy development work and testing... it actually runs noticeably faster then my Dell desktop (P4 3GHz).

    Apr 22, 02:42 PM
    Make up your mind. Either they are using the chips now, or they aren't. People were clamoring for mobile quad cores and now they have them. What CPU are they not using now that users want in mobile computers?

    Now they are. The problem is it took them a couple of years. They waited until Intel produced mobile chips that "suit" them instead of producing a Mac that could use available quad core mobile chips. And we are not even talking about minor details like Apple never using the most powerful versions of CPUs (for example, there is no MBPs with SandyBridge/2920XM).

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