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  • miketcool
    Sep 4, 06:55 PM
    Sounds more viable for video then a 3 inch screen on a portable hard drive.

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 30, 11:18 AM (

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  • Di9it8
    Oct 27, 06:17 PM
    They should be welcomed with LOADED arms at Mac Expo.

    Thats the difference between the US and UK, we dont have your gun culture:mad:

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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 9, 11:10 AM
    With the decent graphics and these C2D's they make the iMac a formiddable machine. Alot of PowerMac's are going to be replaced by these new iMac's i feel. Probably Apple's most impressive, solid and reliable machine at the moment

    No one who needs powerful graphics could go for anything except maybe the 24". The x1600 is pretty low-end for a mid-range desktop by now, and the nvidea 7600 is not bad but certainly not a powerhouse. And why would you say that the imacs are more "impressive, solid, and reliable" than the mac pros? Better values, maybe, but more impressive, solid, and reliable? :confused:

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 09:59 AM
    I really think the iMac should use Conroe now. I think the reason they used the Yonah chip is that they had no desktop "Core" architecture chips available. While using Merom is the easy thing to do, I hope they don't do it. The iMac is supposedly a desktop, it should use a desktop chip.Did anyone pay attention to the power and thermal requirements of Conroe?

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  • FloatingBones
    Apr 20, 01:18 PM
    This is a huge concern because of the use by law enforcement ( of the Cellebrite device to download and scrutinize the data in cell phones. Apparently, police departments in Michigan are using this device when pulling drivers on traffic violations. Here ( is another article on the use in Michigan.

    Cellebrite's widget is apparently able to download and scrutinize ( the data from a vast variety of mobile devices, including Blackberry phones and the iPhone.
    Isn't this illegal search and seizure?

    The ACLU is trying to get records from the Michigan State Police are using the devices under the FOIA. The MSP says that complying with the FOIA request would cost them money; they are asking for over $500,000 to provide the information.

    Read the articles I referenced above. I'd also recommend looking on the ACLU site to see what they have to say.

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  • jasper77
    Sep 5, 06:12 PM
    By using the BOX with the HARD DRIVE next to the TV!!


    Lets just agree to disagree and see what happens next Tuesday ok ? :)

    why don't you just buy a Mac Mini and put it next to your tv? that will do everything you need, i guess :)

    black ops prestige symbols xbox. Black Ops Prestige Symbols
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  • Analog Kid
    Sep 16, 02:40 AM
    This is the most credible of the iPhone rumors I've seen so far-- in no small part because it didn't have a picture attached... The feature set sounds right, the move away from doing everything from the ground up sounds right. There's a lot of companies that have put a lot of effort into building technologies for cell phones-- it would be foolhardy for Apple to think they could do everything better. Get into the market with something that innovates in one small area-- even if that's just in its support for iTunes. Once you understand the market a little better, improve on the pieces you think you can.

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  • jaknudsen
    Apr 13, 09:20 AM
    Could the "Airplay vs. Sonos" discussion please continue in a separate thread? As different implementations of the RAOP hack will appear, this thread will continue to be worth a subscription.

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  • rxse7en
    Jul 14, 10:37 AM
    Please! Let the Merom be overclockable in the next MBP or at least make it a CPU-swappable socket! If not, I may consider just getting a new Mac Pro that will be. Would hate to spend $3k on a new 17" with a stagnant (yet potent) CPU when every other Mac system out there will be overclockable or swappable. Any thoughts?


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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 5, 04:40 PM
    Indeed it is. Microsoft is simply DEAD after 12th of September...Apple is finally gonna reach the status of market leader in media and computers...this is gonna be mindblowing.

    How long after September 12th? Certainly not anytime in the forseeable future. I wouldn't even dare to speculate on such a reversal of fortune for a company like Microsoft.

    Personally, I wouldn't want Apple to be that big. It's easier to lose sight of quality when your userbase is pretty much the entire world. That's not to say Apple wouldn't do it better than Microsoft, but since Apple's install base has grown, so has the problems with their products. Of course, that's just simple numbers (of which I really suck :) .) Perhaps the percentage has always been the same, but on the surface, it doesn't seem like that is the case. There are a lot of people complaining about random shut-downs on their macbooks.

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  • MikeDTyke
    Sep 1, 06:50 AM
    Wasn't a silent upgrade. Apple bollocksed up the order.

    You know this for certain????

    Last year Apple did the exact same thing sneaking out faster G4's with more vram in the Mac mini line.

    Everyone and their pet rumor site is expecting upgrades. We weren't expecting across the board superdrives. I now am.

    Personally i'd trade that superdrive for GMA965 with x3000 graphics, but thats about as likely before MWSF07 as a bullet proof string vest.


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  • Swarmlord
    Oct 12, 01:02 PM
    Please CAN IT!

    CAN IT!

    My god we cant talk about anything on this board without the core 2 duo macbook/pro crew coming to mess up a thread THAT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH LAPTOP UPDATES

    CAN IT!

    Thanks. It had to be said.

    black ops prestige symbols xbox. lack ops prestige symbols
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  • wizard
    Apr 4, 12:59 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Rent-a-cops have guns? And shoot people IN THE HEAD? I'm amazed.

    That said, this is pretty ******. Sure, the guy was a criminal lowlife, and he certainly deserved punishment, but I don't think he deserved to get killed. Oh well.

    The only problem I have is that only one of these jerks ended up dead. Seriously, the legal system failed us a long time ago, we don't have much of a choice anymore. Frankly I abandoned all hope of ever seeing crime effectively reduced in this country when the Supreme Court decided it was illegal to execute minors which is one of the Courts most stupid and politically motivated decisions ever. Society is best served by removing the criminal element as early as possible.

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  • Peace
    Aug 31, 04:44 PM
    Well if they do the announcement late on Monday 12 in Cupertino that will be Tuesday in Paris (time zone difference is +9) so will comply with the tradition LOL :rolleyes: :p :D

    Sept. 12th is a Tuesday in Cupertino.

    black ops prestige symbols xbox. lack ops prestige symbols
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  • freeny
    Sep 5, 12:48 PM
    Gonna need a few more shares to make any money, but good effort. ;)
    If the stock goes up $10 he'll have himself a free ipod. not all that bad.

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  • paulrbeers
    Apr 22, 11:56 AM
    then why did apple cripple the 13" macbook pro's with ****** resolution then?

    Because they didn't redesign the MBP. It is the same 13" unibody MBP they have had since the first 13" unibody MBP. Because of that, everything is exactly the same as it was. It has nothing to do with the capabilities of the video chipset. Seriously the 13" MBP can run a 27" ACD.

    black ops prestige symbols xbox. lack ops prestige symbols.
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  • QCassidy352
    Sep 13, 09:02 PM
    arn very rarely posts info from his own sources. When he does, that info is always correct. I'd bet a good deal of my savings that the iphone will look very similar to that pic.

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  • neccoloup
    Mar 23, 04:36 PM
    This is ridiculous. I drive better when I'm drunk.

    You should tell that to my son. Oh wait, you can't, he was murdered someone like you.

    Apr 30, 02:20 PM
    I have had my iMac for about 9 months.. looks like it will be going on Craigslist next week!! ;)


    Apr 25, 01:06 AM
    It's interesting. Every single poster here clearly disagrees with your actions (which are undeniably illegal) and your justification (including your improper blame on the woman driving in front of you). And yet, it's everyone else that must be wrong, not you.

    Like I said, it's interesting.

    Mar 22, 08:44 PM
    Next Mac will be whatever the largest screen they make and fastest chip they have whenever this one dies.

    Since you can only get the fastest processor with the largest screen your choice will be easy.

    Apr 19, 10:45 AM
    as much as others "stole" from apple I bet apple "stole" just as much from other companies. funny how macrumors failed to mention that samsung may be counter suing because apple might have used some samsung tech without asking as well.

    oh well life goes on. None of theses multi BILLION dollar companies have any soul, they are just cold, calculating, heartless businesses. And for all the apple fanatics here, yes that INCLUDES apple. :o

    Sep 26, 04:10 PM
    Why Cingular?
    They do not alow you to unlock their phones - even after their contract has expired. They think there is usa and nothing else. If you travel - you are screwed - roam on our network (or go to hell)! They are useless for anyone who travels beyond canada or hawaii(ok - thats only 15% of americans)

    I have had Five different Cingular phones since Cellular One became Cingular and they switched their network to GSM. I've been given the unlock code for every one of my devices from little more than a phone call to customer service.

    A little kindness goes a long way when dealing with a customer support agent who has spent all day dealing with the retards who are posting in this thread about how hard Cingular has "screwed them over" in the past. I think people just like playing the victim role when it comes to telco conglomerates because it's chic to be in the circle-jerk complainers crew on the blogosphere.

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