april and may 2011 calendar printable

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  • ryanhaver
    May 4, 02:50 PM
    Removable GPU!? Pretty impressive!

    I have one of the first Core i7 iMacs from 2009 and they have always had a removable GPU. The 2010 Models have removable GPUs as well. You can purchase used upgrade (5670 or 5750's online, these (http://eshop.macsales.com/search/imac+replacement+video+card) are the 2010 iMac video cards that you can put into the 2009 model iMacs) I had a technician come to my house and replace only the GPU on my iMac i7 (2009), then on a separate occasion they replaced only my logic board.

    Perhaps they are talking about the 21" models having removable GPUs? Is that it? It appears that everyone thought all the old models didn't have removable GPUs.

    By the way, guys, the iMacs have had separate mobile graphics boards since the first aluminium models from August 2007. The fact that you can replace these boards without replacing the logic board is OLD NEWS. These boards are the same that you'd find in super-thick, high-end gaming PC laptops. It also explains why you're not seeing any higher than a 6750M in a MacBook Pro.

    I'm glad someone else knows what they are talking about! :)

    It's a standard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MXM

    Exactly! They are in fact the Mobile versions of Each GPU, NOT Desktop versions. That why when in Windows (under bootcamp) I prefer to use AMD's drivers for the corresponding Mobile version of each card because it works better than Apple's Bootcamp drivers, which they never update. I've had huge performance improvements using AMD's drivers off their website rather than the BootCamp Drivers themselves.

    I've found it kind of maddening that Apple markets these GPUs as full desktop GPUs, because they aren't.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Calendar+for+2011+april+
  • Calendar+for+2011+april+

  • calsci
    May 1, 01:58 PM
    This is going to get interesting.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april 2011 calendar printable
  • april 2011 calendar printable

  • dukebound85
    Jul 15, 08:49 PM
    Steve still doesn't get it does he?

    I would rather he own up to a mistake rather than insult people's intelligence

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. may 2011 calendar pictures.
  • may 2011 calendar pictures.

  • cherrypop
    Oct 17, 11:08 AM
    Meanwhile, according to IDC, Apple's U.S. marketshare was 4.8% in the second quarter, up from 4.4% a year ago, while its worldwide marketshare remains at 2.5%.

    Everything seems lined up to finally make significant progress (read double market share, from 4%-8%) in the next five years, but I believe Apple still needs to address the general public's price objection issue. Vista will push a huge number of PC users to the Mac platform, but it's not going to happen overnight.

    I also think Mac users get the Mac value proposition, but I still have a lot of acquaintances that would rather pay less for a PC because they've never given Apple the chance to prove exactly why there's a premium to own an entry-level Mac.

    Apple has done a lot to quell this argument, with high end Macs spec'ing out dollar-for-dollar either equal to or lower than the competition, but Apple still doesn't have a highly desirable and successful Switch machine (or campaign). For whatever reason(s) the Mac mini isn't that machine.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. 2011 calendar april printable.
  • 2011 calendar april printable.

  • 2IS
    Apr 30, 02:53 PM
    The bezel is what kept the weight and cost low and the battery life decent, while still allowing a full size keyboard with 2 USB connectors next to it. That's a trade-off I like.

    A smaller bezel would have meant a thicker heavier or more fragile display, and more power suction from a bigger backlight, or a goofy-sized shrunken keyboard. No.

    Are you just making this up as you go along? The lid on the 13" MBA is no thicker than the 11" AND it has thinner bezels. I also fail to see how thinner bezels would have any effect on the keyboard size or the number of USB ports.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. printable april 2011 calendar
  • printable april 2011 calendar

  • Halebopp
    Mar 24, 12:09 PM
    Ha ha ha! Way to prove you arent a Samsung rep..."3 iPad's down", give me a break, nobody could go through 3 iPad 2's with how tight supply has been. Take a hike.

    ignorant much? iPad #1 arrives with bleed, make genius bar appt and they put one aside for me (from stock reserved for these issues) - go in and identify identical issue in store with iPad #2. I hold on to iPad #1 and they order a replacement (iPad #3) - I receive call from Genius bar that it's arrived and they have checked it over for me (thank you, saving the drive) and identify identical issue on iPad #3 - count em 1,2,3 - waiting of 4

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Printable April 2011 Calendar
  • Printable April 2011 Calendar

  • devilot
    Dec 1, 05:26 PM
    I sort of doubt it. I think they realize that the Keynote pulls in a lot of higher priced admission tickets. ;) Looking briefly at the different tickets here (http://macworldexpo.com/live/20/register), it seems like the cheapest ticket to see the Keynote runs ~$215 ("Users Conference").

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. March 2011 Calendar April 2011
  • March 2011 Calendar April 2011

  • WildCowboy
    Jan 3, 10:58 PM
    Nothing's been set in stone yet. I like the idea of meeting up in one of the lounges and having everybody with the business card/piece of paper sticking out of their badge holder with "MR" on it so that we can identify each other.

    Since I only have the Exhibit Hall pass, I likely won't be spending all that much time there, but I'll schedule things so that I can be there for any meet-ups. I'll likely not be there during or immediately after the keynote, as I'd rather follow it from the comforts of my home on MRLive than with my ear pressed up against the auditorium wall.

    I'm up for just about anything anytime, so maybe someone with more constraints on their schedule can suggest a day and time for the meet-up.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. May 2011 Monthly Calendar
  • May 2011 Monthly Calendar

  • Kebabselector
    Jul 30, 05:19 PM
    I do try to avoid bottles of bud, only as a last resort if that's all the event has. As for number 1 import, It probably is as most 'import' beers are brewed in the UK under licence anyway (probably by Interbrew).

    As for me I do like my Guinness, in fact a couple of nice pints the other night. After that went to old hooky. Not had that for years, quite an enjoyable pint.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april 2011 calendar printable
  • april 2011 calendar printable

  • BigPrince
    Jan 16, 01:24 AM
    mine :)

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Perfect 2011 calendar April
  • Perfect 2011 calendar April

  • drummingcraig
    Apr 12, 04:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Why do people think apple should buy Netflix? This would be the dumbest acquisition EVER. Apple can build a competing service with better instant selection for a little more money.

    Netflix sucks. I'm this close to cancelling my service.

    Apple will preload a media app on every I-device and advertise on television. Netflix will Lose half it's value overnight. Also, apple will possibly allow you to demo games on your tv..

    Building a better instant selection isn't solely up to Apple. Apple would need to negotiate rights & prices from the studios for streaming content. A big reason why Netflix's instant movie library is a little gimpy surely has to do with keeping the subscription rates competitive. Apple is not just going to be able to immediately offer the "coolest & best" new content in a streaming format without charging a premium for it (as demanded by the studios).

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. 2011 calendar march april may.
  • 2011 calendar march april may.

  • ChocoMan
    Apr 11, 07:43 PM
    real nice. :-)

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april may calendar 2011 printable. calendar 2011 april and may. calendar 2011 april and may. mcgillmaine. Jun 23, 01:48 PM
  • april may calendar 2011 printable. calendar 2011 april and may. calendar 2011 april and may. mcgillmaine. Jun 23, 01:48 PM

  • JAT
    Apr 28, 01:18 PM
    This is why every article turns into a fight. Why fling mud for no reason.

    Just trying to get it off me. Watch out where it lands!

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. 2011 calendar printable april.
  • 2011 calendar printable april.

  • briansolomon
    Oct 15, 08:12 PM
    I'd like to see the 'shortcuts' from the iOS implemented in OS X. ie: not having to open UPS and copy and paste the tracking number. Just click on the tracking number and go- so brilliant. Let's see it on the desktop.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april and may calendar 2011.
  • april and may calendar 2011.

  • TallManNY
    Apr 12, 07:37 AM
    And in other news, Apple decides not to set piles of money on fire.

    Seriously, it is going to take until the end of the Summer just for Apple to get the iPad 2 fully released worldwide and not still have long lines and delays. Then Apple will settle down, optimize the production, drive costs down a little bit, and get ready to rake in the profit as iPad 2 continues to sell briskly through Christmas. Releasing another iPad would just mean continued bottlenecks of supply, more research costs and higher production costs. Why do that when it still looks like Apple can sell every iPad 2 it can make?

    I think the next iPad gets retina or something close to it. But that will require technical improvements in battery, power consumption and cost decreases for the display. I'm not sure when that will be economically feasible.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april may calendar 2011
  • april may calendar 2011

  • Westside guy
    Apr 12, 11:39 AM
    Competition is good - but I can't see myself giving up my Netflix subscription just to purchase the same services from Apple. They'd have to blow me away with features (or title availability) to get me to switch.

    I'm paying $8.99 a month right now for unlimited streaming and one DVD a month (which generally just sits by the TV for weeks at a time - but that's another subject). Even if Apple somehow managed to undercut Netflix on price - it's already low enough that a chance to drop it further isn't a significant factor for me.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april may calendar 2011
  • april may calendar 2011

  • samcraig
    Jul 16, 07:05 AM
    The antenna issue is a smaller problem when compared to emails and open letters coming from Apple which insult the intelligence of its customers while providing no facts to back up their claims.

    What formula were they using originally a few years ago? Why after an update a few years back did reception magically appear better? What formula are they using now. And does the formula at all dictate whether or not the radio gets more power or not to keep its signal.

    Non Issue
    You don't have the fact.

    Comments like this are fueling a small fire which turned into one that's raging.

    Acknowledge that some or perhaps all iPhones have an inherent flaw and fix it. It's not that hard of a concept. Personally, I'd respect Apple a lot more if they admitted SOME problem and that they were fixing it.

    Instead we get a worthless open letter and these emails implying that Apple is 100 percent right and that our data is wrong.

    Really? How are dropped calls bad data. If I'm getting a dropped call, I'm getting a dropped call. That's like telling me I'm not bleeding when I have an open wound I'm looking at.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. april may calendar 2011
  • april may calendar 2011

  • Transporteur
    Mar 20, 12:08 PM
    I mean, how much slower is the dual core 2.3 versus the Quad?

    Less than 50% the performance, not that hard to figure out. :p :D

    Single threaded performance is almost the same (2.3 vs. 2.5), the Quad shows its performance in multithreaded apps, though.
    However, even though you might not necessarily run applications that can fully utilise all 4 available cores, I believe that the Quad will do better even in everyday tasks.

    The jump from 2 to 4 cores is definitely noticeable as most people run a lot of apps simultaneously and the 2 additional cores distribute the load.
    A single G5 core gets loaded pretty quick (web browses can easily max out a core, which doesn't leave much room for additional tasks).

    I see your point, though. The LCS is kind of a deal breaker if you're not too tech savvy and can't replace the pumps/hoses.

    april and may 2011 calendar printable. Printable calendar with
  • Printable calendar with

  • iMikeT
    Dec 2, 03:02 AM
    This finding just goes to prove that there are people with way too much time on their hand.:rolleyes:

    Really now, the person using the Nike+iPod has to be within 60 feet from the person who's doing the tracking? At that range, the person doing the tracking is better off following the Nike+iPod user home!

    Kaptajn Haddock
    May 4, 02:03 PM
    How about fixing tethering? Has not been working since iOS 4.3.1

    Henry Spencer
    Apr 28, 04:59 PM
    Let's back up for a moment. Why are screens in landscape mode to begin with? Because the CRTs, which were meant for video were. [see: RF modulator (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RF_modulator)] Mainstream computer screens should have mimicked books, newspapers, and documents rather than televisions, but that's not how it played out. So, unconsciously we adjusted to text in landscape. Kind of stupid, really.

    Then came the laptop. Well, a landscape display continued to seem logical 'cause the keyboard was wide. Awesome!

    And now we have tablets. Finally, a device in the proper book/newspaper/document orientation. But look! You can rotate it to view multi-media! Perfect! My twenty year wait is over! Wait, what? It's gonna run iOS instead of Mac OS X? Genius!

    Laptops have always been a compromise, and thus the choice has always come down to personal preference. Please stop arguing that one is better than the other, because as some of us have been trying to tell you, you'd be wrong.

    Wow, I think this is really interesting but i don't agree with you. I think the wider screen is the best option, I don't know why... You say you read from your iPad while it's in the same orientation of a page... I NEVER do that, I much prefer the wide orientation... So I guess it's comes down to some kind of unconscious preference... And maybe it's the same thing that make me comfortable on a 11" macbook air...

    Apr 28, 03:21 PM
    As much as you may like to think so, two wrongs don't make a right.

    2 Wrights made a airplane though..:) :D:D:D

    Apr 19, 01:16 PM
    I'd like to know if it will run on my last-gen 24 inch iMac (The cheaper 24 inch), before I commit. Portal 1 runs fine (without any fancy stuff).

    Anyway, the whole idea of a FPS where you don't quite 'shoot', is brilliant IMO. Best game ever :)

    I think it means "Fast Portal Selection".

    Apr 12, 02:24 PM
    Only question. Why?

    Some say Apple need to buy Netflix. Have those of you even considered what Netflix charges for monthly streaming?


    Apple will never let customers eat that much for so little. The day Apple buys Netflix, DVDs would stop, and streaming would go up to $30 a month.


    Apple could if they had the massive volume and pricing Netflix has negotiated to get it that low. Netflix in my opinion is already a monopoly, pretty much the only reasonably priced and silly easy to access source (through all five of my devices) for streaming video.

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