american idol paul

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  • hayesk
    Dec 1, 02:46 PM
    I would really like to see how they installed this.

    As far as I know, a web page can't save and install files, so how does the adware get installed in the first place. Does it trick the user into running an app? If so, then I wouldn't consider that a security hole.

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  • underdub
    Apr 25, 09:57 PM
    LOL. love all these posts.

    Can I start a post thats about how Im anxiously awaiting the END of all these "when is the new iMac coming out" threads?......

    .....please lets move on...

    Gosh. I wish I was cool like you. Do you own a Mac? Cool.

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  • zeemeerman2
    Apr 14, 05:14 AM
    Well, it is almost time for a new iMac to be released, isn't it? (Or a Mac Mini, Mac Pro, or MacBook for that sake)

    iX... At first you could think about the Roman Number 9. But as you all know, in the upper part of X, you can also find the Roman number V. So that makes 14 then. (IX + V)

    Now, the iMac shipped in 1998, while now it's 2011. 13 years of difference. Almost fourteen. Coincidence? I think not. Maybe that's a hint from Apple?

    Then you got Mac, with a capital M, and a lowercase a and c. In M you can find I, V, and I, which together make (IV + I) 5. In a you can find c and I, which totals in 11 (C+I). Then you got the c, which of course, just translates in 10.
    5 + 11 + 10 equals 26. As much as all letters in the Roman (aka Latin) alphabet.

    Which leads us to believe that we have not to count the Roman numbers, but just the Roman letters.
    M is the 13th letter of the alphabet.
    A is the first letter of the alphabet.
    C is the 3rd letter of the alphabet.
    TOTAL: 17.

    Now we all know Apple's marketing. And you know that's a hint from the name in the title: MarketingName. Big words mean more to Apple than big numbers. "This computer is fantastic" is more advertised than "This computer has 8 GB of RAM". So that can conclude that we'll have to substract the Roman numbers from the Roman letters.

    26 - 17 = 9. Nine indeed. Got it?

    9 was also the number iX, which we started with. This leads us to believe we have to be on the right track.

    Now what are those dots in between the words?

    Anyone else can further elaborate this? Thanks for your help.

    Edit: I forgot the lower case i in iX. I used it as an uppercase letter. So maybe that only counts as 0.5 instead? So that equals 13.5 with the V included. That only gives Apple 6 months to finish the new unknown thing!

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 28, 10:09 AM
    Now if only Apple would get to T-Mobile, Sprint, and U.S. Cellular.


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  • DJRizzo
    Nov 4, 09:51 AM
    Will it support playing graphic intensive Windows games? That's the only think Parallels doesn't do for me.

    In general you won't want to use any kind of virtualization solution for something processor & video intense like this. You'll want to just use boot camp.

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  • GadgetAddict
    Apr 25, 11:32 AM
    It's that time of the year again... :)


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  • maclaptop
    Apr 22, 10:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    1) This is a new low for Samsung. Apple had a specific complaint about a specific device. Now Samsung replies with this patent nonsense? Really it makes Samsung look desperate and weak.

    2) I bet one day in the near future Samsung will regret this move. Apple will source other fabs for their business. Micron, AMD's spun-off foundry, heck even Intel would probably work something out just for Intel. These American companies wouldn't steal Apple's IP.

    1) No it's not.

    The world does not revolve around Apple.
    In fact Jobs has made plenty of enemies that are laughing right now.

    2) Not a chance in the world.

    How quickly you forget that Apples the aggressor, Samsung is merely defending themselves. Anyone whos paying attention knows Apples iPhone success is massive. There's no basis for Apples petty plotting.

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  • TechEnthu
    Apr 22, 08:15 PM
    Meh. It's an Apple. Really getting bored of the Apple look and iOS. To me they just look really cheap now. Already made my decision to get the Galaxy S2. Sorry but if Apple sticks with the 3.7inch screen, they're only gonna fall further back. Let's be honest, the iPhone isn't that great as a phone. It never was. Transmission, reception, and voice quality are poor to average. There's a reason why the iPhone 5 is being delayed. Apple took one look at the current competition and went back to the drawing bored. And that's fine. Any good company should do just that. I've never been a full on blind fanboy, hence my move to the GS2. At the same time, I don't want Apple turning into the next RIM. :o

    I love tech that's on the bleeding edge. Right now for me, that's hardware. The tangible undisputed specs. And Samsung's high end GS2 oozes bleeding edge tech. The camera and 1080P video is ridiculously amazing. I'm not the emotional type that gets all caught up with the brainless "it just works" crowd. You know what?, they all "just work." If you don't know how to adapt to any OS, then maybe you just shouldn't even use any device at all. Seriously, they're all easy to use and get used to. Don't get me wrong, Apple to me is still a great brand, but for me the honeymoon is over so to speak.

    Meh. It's an Android. The hardware works. The software, on the other hand, doesn't really. (Yet? Keep on waiting.)

    And just for the argument's sake, you said you're sick of Apple and iOS look: At the first glance, the SSGSII hardware design don't look that different from the iPhone... :eek:

    If u fancy tech then fine, it's your choice. I'm just saying. Cuz as far as my personal experiences with the Android OS go, I'm not happy with it.


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  • macjizz
    Aug 19, 10:07 PM
    Latest Skype beta works quite well. I use a blue-tooth headset with my macbook and the results are really incredible.

    Whats happening with iChat, are they getting it to work with MSN Messenger networks like with AOL?

    I have just switched to Mac, and it's annoying I cant Video Conference with any MSN Messenger users (MSN Messenger on Mac doesnt support it). iChat is awesome but I have no contacts, lol. Anyone know of any other way, I have tried AdiumX and looked into Jabber.

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  • daneoni
    May 1, 10:13 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

    Anyone with a clue knows these.

    Still a significant blow to have the 'figure head' taken out regardless.


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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 28, 11:14 AM
    How do you "win" a platform war?

    Does Google win because they have so many devices running their Android OS? *Marketshare*

    Or does Apple win because you have to buy their hardware in order to get iOS? *Profit*

    Or can we just agree that both platforms are doing insanely well in their respective ways?

    Agreeing on that would be too logical. :D

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  • lironl
    Apr 24, 03:32 AM
    It surely can't be that hard to add support for T-Mobile's network to the iPhone. All you need are three thing:

    a) Support for the 1700/2100MHz AWS frequency bands
    b) Support for 3G
    c) Putting it all together and adding it in.

    The frequencies are already there. One part of the AWS frequency band is within the European 2100 MHz 3G band, which the iPhone already supports. The other part is within the 1800 MHz European GSM band, which the iPhone also already supports.

    The support for 3G is already there, that goes without saying.

    All you have to do is put them together (and that's already half done, see above) and make sure that it all works from an engineering point of view, then add a bit of software to support the extra capabilities, and you're there.



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  • MattInOz
    Apr 25, 04:48 AM
    This sucks. The iPhone will come out later than expected, and no LTE. What are they doing?

    Same thing apple always does function not features.

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  • Stotka
    Jan 29, 05:59 PM
    KLM tickets: Amsterdam - Los Angeles on April 29 --- San Francisco - Amsterdam on May 8.
    Making the Highway 1 route from LA to SF with my father. It's for my 16th birthday. :cool:

    How much did you pay for the tickets?


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  • nyfliiboy
    Apr 12, 09:01 AM
    Looks like ill be going to Android.

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  • Glideslope
    Apr 22, 05:58 PM
    I can't see them making the iPhone look like the iPod Touch.

    Agreed. Therefore, it is fake. :apple:


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  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 18, 04:06 AM
    Why are you guys expecting Apple to drop a USB port for the Thunderbolt?

    If Apple includes Thunderbolt it will be shared with the Mini DisplayPort. Just like on the MBP's. Which was already present on the MBA so I don't see the need to drop a USB port.

    I'm not sure if it will get one though due to the footprint of the new chip on the motherboard.

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  • Unorthodox
    Oct 24, 07:48 AM
    What's taking santa rose so long?

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    Apr 23, 08:47 PM
    9 To 5 Mac's discovery is quite interesting as it shows that this is a recent and updated iPhone with an A5, rather then an old iPhone 4. Maybe the new iPhone 5 will bring some more carriers for the Americans, help slow the loss to Android?

    That is my thinking as well. There has to be increasing pressure on Apple from Android, the stats show it.

    Jul 24, 03:39 PM
    I own two mice, a Logitech MX 1000 and the Mighty Mouse that came with my iMac. I only use the Mighty Mouse when my MX 1000 is charging.

    Needless to say, I'm thinking about buying a third mouse. That Mighty Mouse is so bad I can't even put it into words. I just don't have midget hands. I hate that thing.

    May 3, 08:51 AM
    Does anyone have any idea if Apple is going to start the free iPod Touch again for students buying a computer this summer?

    Apr 16, 02:05 PM
    MacBook Air from late 2010 now boots standard with 64-bit Kernel and Extensions enabled!

    Oct 24, 09:27 AM is Tuesday isn't it? :)

    Cool my long wait is over. Nice with the bump in ram and FW800 (yes!). :)

    Bummer that theres no 7200rpm HD on 15" and gosh darn it getting hit again with the lame video cards.:mad:

    Oh, well you never get everything...I'll be ordering a 15" soon. Hopefully it wont be a lap burner.

    Am very happy with the RAM but OMG, is it expensive (590� in Belgium) :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Bought it anyways. Would like to find out if I swap that second dimm out for a 2GB, would it run at 4GB of RAM? Any takers?

    Apr 28, 06:33 PM
    Dumbest news all day. By all common sense, logic, physics of light, whatchamacallit.

    Black will ALWAYS make things look slimmer. I betcha even Paris Hilton knows that.

    Unless someone has the right mind to at least use a vernier caliper to prove the difference in thickness, this "rumour" is an absolute fail.

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